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I love some of the things in Wikipedia under mascot:

Gee, listed as two separate and distinct entities ...

Where's the NCAA regarding a "Saxon" moniker? Oh, yeah, same place as "Irish" and "Vandal".

If you use Wikipedia, then I get to, too.

From wikipedia:"Stanford University's mascot is a color (cardinal)"

Based on some arguments posted earlier, a mascot is a guy in a felt jumpsuit, with a large head. Or a real, live animal. How, then, can a mascot be a color? And I'm not talking about the Stanford Tree (wikipedia says the stanford band's mascot is a tree [which looks god awful, btw]).

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You're the one attempting to substitute your own skewed definition. The dictionary definition of a mascot that you quoted and the one I quoted are easily understandable.

Unfortunately, even kindergartners can understand that your teachings are nonsense.

Are you being peer pressured?

Maybe this will help:

The Fighting Sioux 'Logo' is a picture of our mascot.

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Are you being peer pressured?

So you're making personal attacks now? Nice.

Maybe this will help:

The Fighting Sioux 'Logo' is a picture of our mascot.

No it isn't. It's an artwork depicting an fictional Sioux warrior.

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"AccountingStu". :D Is that "hostile and abusive" to accountants? :D

If so, what about the Rensselaer "Engineers" or worse, the Purdue "Boilermakers" (a derogatory term for mechanical engineers).

Don't tick off those two groups.

They'll mess with your financial records and your anti-lock brakes.

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"AccountingStu". :D Is that "hostile and abusive" to accountants? :D

If so, what about the Rensselaer "Engineers" or worse, the Purdue "Boilermakers" (a derogatory term for mechanical engineers).

I'll put the food on hold for a bit:

"Accounting Stu" actually glorifies the 'Great Bloody Accounting Rebellion of 1888 that Hurt Lots of People's Feelings'. If anything, it's hostile and abusive to the Accountants' clients, who lost millions of dollars in the uprising. Sad, yes, but put it on a basketball jersey and it looks sweet! Totally worth it!

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The picture has already been drawn and reproduced by the millions.


Not good enough.

I don't need some Picasso-wannabe-modernistic-neo-interpretist thing.

And I don't need someone with a theme like Van Gogh in his "dark phase.

And I really don't like water colors unless they're for nature or landscape scenes.

I want the real deal:

I need to know where to be with my camera to get a photo of this (alleged) UND "mascot".

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"Accounting Stu" actually glorifies the 'Great Bloody Accounting Rebellion of 1888 that Hurt Lots of People's Feelings'. If anything, it's hostile and abusive to the Accountants' clients, who lost millions of dollars in the uprising. Sad, yes, but put it on a basketball jersey and it looks sweet! Totally worth it!


If that's how it works,

"Go Cavalry"

because that glorifies the bloody ignorance and arrogance of Custer at Little Big Horn.

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If that's how it works,

"Go Cavalry"

because that glorifies the bloody ignorance and arrogance of Custer at Little Big Horn.

Nice try. Riverbend is closed for the season.

Stu doesn't like to bend the rules, so I guess we're gonna have to wait 'til spring (which won't be until late june, I think). Until then, stay warm!

What about, "Go Up-For-Interpretation!"?

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I shouldn't have to draw you a picture, but I will. Notice the mascots of college sports teams below. There are two people. There's an animal. There's a person dressed as an animal.

Chief Illiniwek, University of Illinois

These are mascots, the type traditionally used by college sports teams.

Question: What does UND have that's even remotely similar?

Answer: Nothing.

Here's a quibble that some will say is playing with semantics, but I'll offer it anyways. The University of Illinois has never referred to Chief as a mascot, but rather as a symbol of school spirit and pride-and that's going back over 20 years that I know of personally. Others have said it goes back to the 1960's, but in any case it definitely predates the current debate as well as the PC era. Some opponents used the word mascot in order to demonize Chief by conjuring up images of paper-mache, furry costumed-cheerleaders in the minds of the uninformed. Our Chief doesn't (or DIDN'T) run around during the game trying to hex opponents trying to shoot free throws, or hold his head when the other team scored or things like that. Some people believe that Chief behaved that way, and the anti-Chief group used "mascot" and threw in pictures of Purdue Pete and Herky Hawkeye to make it seem that we were using Chief as a glorified cheerleader.

I know people will go to Websters and quote the definition and that's fine. But its not the way that our University used the term.

Osceola is marginally different: he's on the field when the opponent is also on the field, and he hands off that flaming spear once a year. Illiniwek only appears at halftime when the teams are in the locker room; and nobody who hasn't been Chief is ever cast in the role of Chief or assists in any way.

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This Chief Illiniwek dude is just a white guy dressed up in a costume doing crazy stuff on the field.


He's a mascot.

Absolutely the polar opposite of what happens at UND. We don't use a mascot. Thank God they got rid of Sammy Sioux. That was ridiculous.

Sorry, but I don't blame the U of Illinois for putting this out of its misery.

Let's focus on keeping the Fighting Sioux nickname. Florida State and Illinois can go fly a kite.

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OK, a logo can be a mascot....but isn't necessarily a mascot. A logo can be letters, symbols, objects, etc....

A Mascot, however, is more defined. It is a person, animal, object, etc that defines a group of people or persons. It is something that represents these people. Therefore, the Sioux image, IS a mascot, and can be a logo at the same time. The Sioux qualities that represent UND are the past history of the Sioux people, the proud people that lived in this area long before. We don't need some white guy with an indian costume jumping around like Illinois or FSU... Yeah, it's a "mascot" but that's not what defines a mascot.

The Sioux image and idea that we are proud to know is our Mascot.

Don't limit the idea of a mascot as something that runs around a stadium or building cheering people up, cuz that's not what a mascot is.

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