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It seems that the only label of "underdog" that could be attributed to either team would be to tOSU, which recieved markedly less press attention and, therefore, less hype than Florida coming into the game.

You must not have been watching or reading the same coverage I was watching or reading leading up to the game.

OSU received less hype than Florida?

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The hype I saw about FL was how they WERE the underdog.

Nobody talked about Florida until the day before and day of the game when they tried to figure out how in the world Florida could possibly win. The media didn't even want Florida in the game! The only media person that was heralding for Florida was Tim Brando.

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Nobody talked about Florida until the day before and day of the game when they tried to figure out how in the world Florida could possibly win. The media didn't even want Florida in the game! The only media person that was heralding for Florida was Tim Brando.

Hey Smoggy that's true & I think we can all agree on that one. As for these so called "BIG TEN" fans supports ete ete. I would like for any of those schools to have our scheledue (please forgive me for my lousy spelling.) I will say this they would be lucky if they have a 500 season if that. GO GATORS BCS NATIONAL CHAMPIONS OF 2006.

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You're entitled to your opinion. I, on the other hand, believe that if any of the SEC schools had to play a Big 10 schedule they would be the ones who are lucky to break .500. In one game anything can happen, but playing those smashmouth teams week in and week out would wear you down by the end of the year.

So now you're blaming Ohio St. loss on the "smashmouth teams" they play week in and week out? That is so far from the truth. Florida crushed Ohio St. on both sides of the ball, and their schedule was far from a cakewalk. Defenses like Auburn and LSU's are just as fast as Florida's, and there isn't a defense in the Big 10 that compares to any of those 3 teams.

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Dave the season is over. Florida won. Give it a rest. :ohmy:

BTW, it wouldn't suprise me to see Florida back there again next year. Good coach. Good Kids. SPEED.

Did you know that Florida is now the Divison I champ in both basketball and football. It has never happened before.

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How is the Big 10 a smashmouth league and the SEC is a finesse league? Just when I think your arguement can't get any weaker you say this and give me even more to tear your argument apart. You really cannot say, now that Florida crushed Ohio St. that the Big 10 is better. Both top teams in the conference get blown out, and the top teams in the SEC crushed their opponents. Big 10 was 2-4, SEC was 6-3. SEC had 6 top 25 teams to finish the year, Big 10 had 4. What evidence do you need to show you that you are wrong? The Brett Farve analogy could work if the SEC wasn't the best conference, but since it is, they deserve the attention they're getting. Your view on athletics in general is so warped it is absolutely astounding. Try to defend your Big 10 now, I'd love to see your comeback.

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The SEC is a finesse league, the Big 10 is a smashmouth league.

This might have been true at one point, but come on. The Gators next year will be running the ball a ton and Tebow runs right over guys. Did you watch the championship game? All Tebow did was run up the middle and Ohio St. couldn't stop it. Auburn and Alabama are other big bruising run the ball teams. Plus, the defenses in the SEC have speed and will crush people. There are now teams in the Big Ten that are starting to put an emphasis on speed and passing the ball. Ohio St. is a prime example. But they couldn't keep up.

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The Big 10 teams play a smashmouth style of football and the SEC teams play a finesse style of football. Sheesh, I didn't think I'd have to spell that one out. Figured it was pretty blatantly obvious to anybody who watches those teams and recognizes the difference in the style of play. The Big 10 was 2-1 vs. the SEC. The SEC was 1-2 vs. the Big 10. The Big 10 had 3 teams in the top 8, the SEC had 2. The Brett Favre analogy does work because the SEC is not the best conference. They do not deserve the attention they're getting. Florida deserves it, and maybe LSU, but not the whole conference. Brett Favre, on the other hand, does deserve all the attention he gets and then some.

So they all have "finesse" defenses? The same "finesse" defense that stuffed Ohio St. on 3rd and 4th and 1? The same "finesse" defense that disrupted Ohio St.'s offensive rythym all night long? If they had a "finesse" defense, Ohio St. could've run all over them. Hey by the way, speaking of smashmouth, how bout Wisconsin "smashmouthing" themselves to -5 rushing yards against Arkansas, and Arkansas "finessing" themselves to 230 on the ground. You are probably the only person who would continue to argue this. Florida BLEW OUT the team that had been dominating the Big 10 all year, and you have the guts to say that the Big 10 is the better conference? Does that make sense to anyone? Florida played tough games all year long against SEC teams and then have the BCS game over by halftime, while Ohio St. plays 2 good teams all year long. You have no arguement. Oh, and the SEC had 2 of the top 3 teams, so the 3 in the top 8 argument doesn't work, seeing as the SEC had 3 in the top 9 in one poll, 3 in the top 8 in the other.

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Ha ha, you know that we have been right all along. There is no way that anyone can possible argue that the Big 10 is better than the SEC. I'll leave it at this - why would Florida get into the BCS game playing such a weak SEC schedule, and Michigan doesn't get in playing the "smashmouth" Big 10. Tool.

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Not to continue arguing because I said I was done, but to answer your question... Florida finished 1st in their conference and Michigan finished 2nd in their conference. That, and the fact that OSU had already played Michigan, is how Florida got into the BCS title game. They also got help from UCLA beating USC.

Tool? Nice display of class there buddy. Just because we don't like the same conference you resort to name calling. I won't drag myself down to your level by calling you a name in retaliation. I'll take the high road.

The reason I called you a tool is because you, in fact, are a tool. I have given you endless statistics proving why the SEC is better and you refuse to believe them, only say that the conferences play different styles of football. You give the SEC credit for having stronger top teams than the Big 10, yet still think that conference is better, even though only 6 Big 10 teams had winning records. No worry, I'm sure Illinois and Miss. St. would have a good game, and maybe thats where the Big 10 has the advantage. Just look past the clear location bias that you have and try to realize what everyone else has been saying. You think it is just a coincidence that no one is backing you up on this topic? Nope, you're just wrong.

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Hey soohockey you have to excuse Davek he has about much smarts as a milkbuckett under a bull. Also Smoogy I think I spell that right if not please forgive me for my lousy spelling. You're right of course. I also would like to say to any big ten school any one of them to have an SEC scheldule for one season. I will say this if they finish that schellule with one loss then they have done something then again i kind of doubt it. GO GATORS 2006 BCS NATIONAL CHAMPIONS.

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The reason you called me a tool is because you apparently have a problem with people voicing an opinion that isn't the same as yours. I have given you endless facts proving why the Big 10 is better and you refuse to believe them. You seem to have this illusion that the facts you stated are somehow more relevant than the facts that I stated. I made all of the points I need to make, and I stand by my argument. I will not continue to argue any more at this point because we both have said about all we can say. To go on from here we'd have to start repeating things that have already been stated. I never took any personal cheapshots against you because I do not take it personal that you don't like the same conference as I do. I'm more mature than to resort to name-calling. I'm sorry that I can't say the same for you. Again, it is a very classless move on your part to resort to name-calling. Actually, one might say that resorting to name-calling in a message board debate is the first sign that you're losing the argument.

2-1 > 1-2

I don't have problems with people's opinions. Usually. I have a problem when that opinion is wrong, however. The thing with me is that I don't hate either conference. The reason you think the Big 10 is better is because of your hatred of the SEC. I can still hate a team but admit they're good. You, however, can't. Your only argument is record against each other in bowl games. Ok Penn St. is better than Tennessee and Wisco is better than Arkansas. I'll give you that. But when the #1 team in the league gets absolutely trashed by the #1 team in the SEC your arguement is basically void, as the Big 10 is not nearly as deep as the SEC (9 bowl teams to 6). Why, Dave, do you think no one has come to your side of the argument? It is because you are wrong. You will not find one person who will logically argue this point on your side. Give me your reasoning on how you still think the 10 is better when the SEC has 2 teams ranked higher than the highest ranked 10 team. It just makes no sense.

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At the top of the conference, yes, the Big 10 was stronger in those years. I have not looked (nor cared to) at the middle, but I'm thinking that the SEC teams beat up on each other as usual. Our argument was about this year, not the past. As far as the comparison about San Fran goes, it would hold true if the SEC had no other good teams, but that is completely false. SEC was 2-0 in the 2 BCS games they played. That signifies a strong top of the conference. 7 other teams went to bowl games, which signifies a good "rest of the conference." The argument that the 10 had a better head to head record doens't hold water. It would if Ohio St. would've beaten Florida. But since Florida crushed Ohio St., a team that had been absolutely pounding Big 10 teams all year long, that point doesn't work.

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In one game anything can happen, as the Soviets learned back in 1980. You're reading way too much into Florida's victory over Ohio State. All it means is that the Gators played a better game than the Buckeyes on that night, nothing more and nothing less. I would like to think that by now hopefully you're ready to come down from your high horse and simply agree to disagree. Valid arguments can be made on both sides of this debate.

You make the worst comparisons ever. The US and the Soviets played a hard fought game, all the way to the end. It could've gone either way. Florida completely dominated after the opening kickoff, and the game was over by halftime. If it was a 27-24 game I could see where you're coming from, but this was an absolute blowout.

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Wow, that flew way over your head. I wasn't saying the two games unfolded in similar fashion, I was just saying that in one game anything can happen and threw that out as the most obvious example. The point is that one game between two teams does not make a convincing statement that one entire conference is better than another. It is what it is, one game. To judge the conferences you must look at every team within each conference from the very beginning of the season until the very end. If you do this you'll find facts to support both sides of the argument. Can we please just agree to disagree now and drop this once and for all?

By the first point I bolded in your statement, why do you talk about the Big 10 winning the majority of bowl games over the SEC(2-1) when in your statement you say that it's not fair to compare conferences like that? But, in all honesty, you hit the nail right on the head with the second point I bolded. You have to look at the entire conferences body of work. Not just the top teams. Not just the bottom teams. All of the teams.

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Since you haven't stopped, Dave, I will throw this in.

Massey Ratings

SEC is the number 1 conference.

Big 10 is the number 4 conference

Hmm, thats all I needed to see. Yes Dave, I know what you were trying to say. It was one game and anything could happen. But wasn't Florida convincingly the better team? I mean you can't honestly say that if those teams played 10 times the Gators would win any less than 7.

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