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Interview with Hak:

Both teams rusty coming back after break, gotta get back in the flow...

Power play needs to be executed a little better on both sides...

Not used to having a 4 game losing streak or record the way it is... Need to get back on track

TJ - is a great guy, "tenacious competitor"... says lots of nice stuff, good person, lots of energy, guys feed off him...

Sorry that was really vague, I wasn't paying that much attention :D

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Anybody elses internet feed cutting in and out?

If one feed is giving you problems you could try using the feed from another CN8 region, it's all the same except for different commercials.

I have the Philadelphia zone open and it's just fine

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Interview with one of the players before they talked to Hak (sorry didn't catch who it was):

He said that the Sioux are a really good team to play against and some other random nice stuff... something about SLU being the only place that recruited him?? And something else that I don't remember lol

Man I really wasn't paying attention to that one!! :D

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