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Perhaps everyone should stop by the Student Government meeting tonight in the Union... they are generally in the River Valley Room (I believe) second floor... not sure of the time, anyone know?

6pm, River Valley Room, Memorial Union. Public is Welcome to attend. the room is right next to the Lecture Bowl on the second floor.

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Here is why I do not want lottery

Everyone has computers, meaning a lot more people have signed up for this than past year. Majority of people use there U-mail account so the majority of people got the email and were like what the hell i'll sign up. The highers numbers mean more people are going to be placed into the lottery, causing the odds to go down drastically as in last year, when the lottery was kinda quiet. I think we camp out in the wellness center parking lot, and sale goes on wednesday or something. Not next weekend cause I can't make it, lol.

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Here is why I do not want lottery

Everyone has computers, meaning a lot more people have signed up for this than past year. Majority of people use there U-mail account so the majority of people got the email and were like what the hell i'll sign up. The highers numbers mean more people are going to be placed into the lottery, causing the odds to go down drastically as in last year, when the lottery was kinda quiet. I think we camp out in the wellness center parking lot, and sale goes on wednesday or something. Not next weekend cause I can't make it, lol.

Well, someone mentioned an open forum for how to distribute tickets... here's one. Let's come up with some ideas for what to do this year, and perhaps we can all go to the Student Government meeting tonight at 6:00 pm in the Union...

I've gotta be at the Union at 6 anyway, what's another hour?

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I say allow camping in the Wellness center parking lot, its not being used right now. We then have an orderly walk over the the Ralph on the day it goes on sale. It can be done. We can act like humans, and act orderly in a simple 500 foot walk

ummm i dunno if thats possible lol

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Due to technical difficulties the Students Men's Hockey on sale has been rescheduled to next Sunday September 24th at 1:00PM CDT. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your continued patience! Schedule of sales is as follows:

- 1:00pm Seniors

- 1:30pm Juniors

- 2:00pm Sophomores

- 2:30pm Freshman

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the vikes won....but i still feel like it was a waste of the afternoon only to find out that season tickets are going to be pushed back one week.... (I had a feeling this was going to happen) Didn't anybody try out this system before the tickets were supposed to go on sale?:lol:??

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they've just been trying to avoid that, something with the Ralph not letting us line up on their property or something like that.

Oh, and I tried their little test thing before 1pm and it wouldn't let me do it.

That's a damn shame. It sounded like a fun new tradition that was starting up.

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What was wrong with letting you guys camp out?

I can understand the liability, but that can also be dealt with. We can all act like humans. I think camping is really fair, it gives the people who want the tickets the tickets. Not some random who has a computer and a umail account, or some guy who puts his name in a lottery gets tickets. I have also pushed for the test, to give it to the fans who are most knowledable about sioux hockey. Anything to make it more of a sports event rather than a social event, like it has become since we went to the lottery, and probably this

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Anyone want to demand a recall election vote or even a demand for a resignation of student leaders

On paper it was an alright plan... just not totally thought out. Many people were predicting that we'd overload the server and crash the site... I'm not sure why no one did anything about it

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This was UND's IT department's fault I think. The student leaders made this plan and got it approved. To me it was UND's job to implement it. The IT department obviously failed to do this as the servers crashed. And why did they fail? Because UND didn't hire me when they had the chance. I hope they learned their lesson. :lol:

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On paper it was an alright plan... just not totally thought out. Many people were predicting that we'd overload the server and crash the site... I'm not sure why no one did anything about it

From what I was told, when I said something like that to someone in the Athletic Office, they said that it should be fine since the classes were going to be seperated. I think they may have just underestimated how many people were in that first group.

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This was UND's IT department's fault I think. The student leaders made this plan and got it approved. To me it was UND's job to implement it. The IT department obviously failed to do this as the servers crashed. And why did they fail? Because UND didn't hire me when they had the chance. I hope they learned their lesson. :lol:

Sounds like UND could use some consulting help. :angry:

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Just got done with the Student Government meeting... Nate Martindale addressed hockey tickets in his executive report. Said that it was a long day for him. They had previously tested the system last week and it was working correctly. However, when he logged on today he got error messages. He learned that there was a communications breakdown/failure between the Ticketmaster main server and the UND server. 74 students were able to get through and purchase tickets, they will get a full credit card refund and the entire process will start over at step one next Sunday. He was unaware of a $3 surcharge from Ticketmaster (1100 seats at $3 is a lot of money for Ticketmaster) but he said he would have more info on that tomorrow. They are bringing in Ticketmaster officials to work out all the kinks this week, but they made some progress today. He was optimistic and gave us his word, and Ticketmaster's word that the system would work on Sunday. When our "group" (four people) got up to leave, he followed us out and let us know that he would be in his office most of the day tomorrow if we had any further questions.

It seemed like he didn't think that this would happen and he was very apologetic that it was inconvient and that everything should be worked out by Sunday.

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