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Satellite Move for The Fighting Sioux Sports Network


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directly from the source, it looks like a subtle move for FSSN this year. Same bird, different freq:

Intelsat Americas 8 at 89 deg W

K17 slot B - 9MHz

Ku band download frequency 12044.5 V

L band download frequency 1294.5V

symbol rate 4.88

FEC 3/4

PMT 480

Video 481

Audio 484 (primary L &R)

Iceberg, what does the k17 part mean?

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directly from the source, it looks like a subtle move for FSSN this year. Same bird, different freq:

Intelsat Americas 8 at 89 deg W

K17 slot B - 9MHz

Ku band download frequency 12044.5 V

L band download frequency 1294.5V

symbol rate 4.88

FEC 3/4

PMT 480

Video 481

Audio 484 (primary L &R)

Iceberg, what does the k17 part mean?

K means KU band (which is what we use)

17 means the transponder in the sky

its just a bunch of techno stuff. As Baron Von raschke would say "This is all you need to know" :silly:




same satellite (whew)

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Thanks Marff for posting! VERY VERY much appreciated

the ralph site doesn't have it posted and PSB has mentioned to me he has Sioux fans getting anxious wondering if the satellite was changing. Others wanted to get a system but were waiting to see if they moved.

This confirms they haven't :silly:

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directly from the source, it looks like a subtle move for FSSN this year. Same bird, different freq:

Intelsat Americas 8 at 89 deg W

K17 slot B - 9MHz

Ku band download frequency 12044.5 V

L band download frequency 1294.5V

symbol rate 4.88

FEC 3/4

PMT 480

Video 481

Audio 484 (primary L &R)

Iceberg, what does the k17 part mean?

Iceberg, what does ANY of this mean?

Oh, screw it. I'll just stick with my MidCo classic cable package and refuse to ever move out of the GF area!!! ;)

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Iceberg, what does ANY of this mean?

Oh, screw it. I'll just stick with my MidCo classic cable package and refuse to ever move out of the GF area!!! ;)

read the posts above :)

K means KU band (which is what we use)

17 means the transponder in the sky

its just a bunch of techno stuff. As Baron Von raschke would say "This is all you need to know" ;)

12044 freq

V polarity

4880 symbol rate

same satellite (whew)

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directly from the source, it looks like a subtle move for FSSN this year. Same bird, different freq:

Intelsat Americas 8 at 89 deg W

K17 slot B - 9MHz

Ku band download frequency 12044.5 V

L band download frequency 1294.5V

symbol rate 4.88

FEC 3/4

PMT 480

Video 481

Audio 484 (primary L &R)

Iceberg, what does the k17 part mean?

THANKS Marff, this will put a few folks out of their misery ;)

Go Sioux!

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all you would need is a free to air receiver (Pansat, Fortec, Coolsat), a minimum 76cm dish (I'd recommend at least a 90cm for Canada) and a KU Band LNB

check out places like www.kusat.com or www.gosatellite.ca (both Canadian companies so you probably would save on shipping/customs)

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same satellite (whew)


I was finally able to order the motorized FTA system I wanted from Sadoun. Amazingly FedEx got it delivered to my house in-between tornado warnings last Thursday... 1/2 hour after signing for it with FedEx we were heading back to the basement as the tornado warning sirens were sounding again! My wife said it was a good thing I didn't have it installed yet, or the winds might have destroyed the dish!

Anyhow, this weekend I got my dish mounted (went with the 36" dish). I tried at first to just have the motor and dish mounted, and was hoping to be able to swing the dish and hone in on my true south bird. Couldn't get a signal. I rechecked the pole, it was perfectly level. But when I checked the motor, it was not sitting level. I figured I could work on leveling it with the motor later, I just wanted to see it work. So I resorted to pulling the motor off and reset the angle of the dish to what it would be without the motor, and shazam, I hit 87 W (so I was a little off from true south). So I was hoping to swing 6 degrees west to hit 93 W, and went a bit far and hit 97 W. How I knew what satellites I was hitting is because of the channel list found here:


The receiver I got is a Fortec Star Lifetime Classic NA. Can it figure out what satellite I hit, or do I have to guess at it by comparing the channels it finds with the channels from the list? Or is this a learned art?

Ultimately I want to know when I have hit 89 W (so I know for sure I can get FSSN, the main reason I got the dish to watch Sioux hockey games). The channels shown currently for 89 W in that list are as follows:

V-11952 1202 3/4 03.979 0033 0038 ABC NEWS ONE LIVE

V-11956 1206 3/4 03.979 3601 3604 ABC NEWS NOW

Now I know some channels are not broadcast all the time right? So if there are no channels currently broadcasting from the satellite (maybe unlikely?), I am not goinng to find the satellite either right? I guess I am wondering if I can expect to find these channels when I hit 89 W, and are these the only channels there currently?

Also, I appreciate all you contribute to helping us hockey nuts be able to feed the need for more hockey! I am looking forward to tuning in to whatever games I can pickup this hockey season, and thanks for your posts here to help find hockey feeds!!!!

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Welcome to the forum ;)

The receiver I got is a Fortec Star Lifetime Classic NA. Can it figure out what satellite I hit, or do I have to guess at it by comparing the channels it finds with the channels from the list? Or is this a learned art?
The machine doesn
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Are there any "machines" which know what satellite they hit, or is this how they all are? Sounds like the technique I am doing is exactly what you recommend!
No boxes really tell you exactly where you are

I am in Rochester MN, zipcode 55901. I was following installation instructions from here:


According to that, I got:

Location: 44.049572 N, 92.48962 W

From the directions, I set the motor to the same as the latitude (44). Then it said to set the angle of the dish to 30 minus declination. I used another tool which indicated my declination was like .6 if I remember right, my notes are at home, but anyhow it seemed so small I just set the angle of the dish to 30, and figured I had room to play (move slightly up and down to peek the signal). Also, since I am at 92.48962, I am shooting for 93W as my true south (and I figure again a little bit of play left to right and I should be able to find 93W fairly easily, especially now that I have a better idea of where it is that I have hit 87W and 97W without the motor).

I figured the reason I was having trouble is the motor wasn't sitting level, although I also learned that until I do the power scan I may not be seeing a signal even though there is one (something to do with the receiver knowing what transponder it should be looking at). I figure I am going to have to have the motor level though for me to be able to "scan the arc".

Yes the latitude is 44. Now on the motor there may be a latitude side and an elevation side.

Latitude side-44

Elevation side-46

Dish elevation gets set to 23. (I

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I would find that transponder in the list and wait for signal quality. The dish should pretty much be aimed dead south

Thanks Iceberg! You are right on! I am now able to scan the arc and am finding all the channels on the satellites (some even have more channels than listed on the Kohl website). One concern I had is I could not find 89W in the list of satellites to choose from. I thought I had it in the list before, but now I could not find it. All the other satellites listed on the Kohl website seem to be on there. Any ideas? I did figure out how to add it manually though (named it IA-8 Sioux), so not a big deal.

Thanks again for the help!!!!! Now just have to wait for the hockey games to start!!!!!!!

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Thanks Iceberg! You are right on! I am now able to scan the arc and am finding all the channels on the satellites (some even have more channels than listed on the Kohl website). One concern I had is I could not find 89W in the list of satellites to choose from. I thought I had it in the list before, but now I could not find it. All the other satellites listed on the Kohl website seem to be on there. Any ideas? I did figure out how to add it manually though (named it IA-8 Sioux), so not a big deal.

Thanks again for the help!!!!! Now just have to wait for the hockey games to start!!!!!!!

Just take a satellite that you will never use in your list and change the location to 89W under the USALS menu and edit the name to IA8 or NORTH DAKOTA (whatever). If you use USALS it should give you the amount the motor has to turn from true south. Make sure it seems to make sense and you are good to go. That is what I did.

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forgot to mention that...lots of boxes don't have IA8 in them.

IA8 is a new satellite (last year it was new). Its a replacement for Telstar 4 (T4) which blew up a few years ago.

I had to add it on most of my boxes

glad its working out ;)

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