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signs for the X


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Here's what I'm working on:

1) a "License to Kill Gophers" issued by the U.N. to the Sioux hockey team, authorizing the use of superior intelligence and firepower in the hunting of "Varmint" and with no further restrictions, thus "free to kill at will"

2) a sign with a picture of E.T., the extra-terrestrial, on it with the cartoon bubble saying: "El..li..ott Sieve! Sieve! Sieve!"

3) a sign that looks like red/white dive flag icon just in case Robbie Earl delights the crowd with his patented backward 1 1/2 pike in the tuck position (degree of difficulty 1.0)

4) [Heart] 2H8 Go4s

I'm open to suggestions if someone has a brilliant, unsportmanlike idea.

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How about utilizing the infamous > sign. You could expand on the 7>5 by saying something like:

The Ralph > The Xcel

(Where's the leather and granite???)

How about using the good old standby that is my signature line:

UND: 7 NCAA Titles


You could insert each of the teams logos on the sign.

Expanding on that, how about using something like this:

The State of Hockey???

University of North Dakota, More NCAA titles than all 5 MN schools combined!

How about dressing up with a swimcap on and a sign saying, "The Robbie Earl UW Dive club" I may have read that on this board a few months ago, if so, great idea from that person!

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No offense, but I've always hated the comparison between the X and REA. REA's compacted seats and no room for feet make me long for the Final Five. Cherry wood be damned.

The swimcap idea is absolutely hilarious. I just may bust one of those out on Saturday.

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MM--do that! Let's have a whole section of Sioux fans scoring Robbie's inward 2 1/2 layout with a twist.

I should have said print up copies on a color printer...will that still work? That way people won't have to lug around gigantic cardboard signs or flags.

Sioux-cia printed up copies of the milk carton design done by someone on siouxsports.com last year and displayed the "Have you seen me? CCHA, Hockey East, CHA" sign at the Frozen Four last year. I heard many chuckles and laughs in my section.

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I know the presidents have become a tradition at the Final Five. If someone were to provide me with a helmet and a pair of goggles, I'd gladly dress up as Ted Ferguson, Bud Light Dare Devil and try to attempt my latest stunt:

Sitting thru a Gopher hockey game.

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I will be bringing my "Dive Earl Dive" flag so that angle is covered. I have a Dive flag with "Dive Earl Dive" written through the white diagonal part of the flag, it turned out pretty good, it's a 3' x 5' flag so it's pretty visible. Now if you guys wanted to bring another thats cool too, the more the merrier.

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I'd love to see people holding up scoring placards every time a UW player dives.

Like this:


With the numbers changeable for scoring purposes. It can have the top read:

"UW Swimming and Diving Grade:"

With the numbers hanging underneath... or if someone can think of something better to write on the sign.

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Maybe a sign with a picture of Curious George and a circle with a line through it.

I think that's brilliant, but do you think people would get it? Unless you are talking about the person, not the cartoon character.

heres one we have used here for the ASU, U of A rivalry thats been around but might not be allowed ???

Pat, can i buy a vowel please. I will buy a U


? of M

I wouldn't, I've already seen some Gopher fans with the same idea, except about UND.

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