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USA vs. Canada


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Following the tournament, it appears to me that several players may be over hyped; Kessel, Toews, and Ryan, to name just a few. I don't believe any are over rated based on their abilities.

Canada and the USA are teams consisting of all very, very good players. This is the elite of the elite. No one stood out for either team last night despite great players on both teams. I don't think we can read much into anyone's play last night- pro or con. The game consisted of tight checking, good goal tending, good intensity, well played by both teams.

Neither Kessel or Toews scored a goal last night and they are projected to be the top 2 draft choices next year. SO WHAT - - they probably will still be the two top picks regardless of how they play in this tournament. Reason - Kessel incredible speed, great shot, always a threat to score (ask other teams who worries them with the puck). Toews is a super two way player, solid at every aspect of the game, huge upside potential. If Kessel doesn't lead USA to gold by scoring meaningful goals and being the tournaments leading overall scorer and/or Toews scores very few goals and has very few total points - it won't matter.

Anyways, this is a team game. They win and lose as teams. There are 5 guys on the ice most of the time so no one player can or should shoulder the blame. If we wanted, we could pick apart every player on every team for their deficiencies. It may make for good psychobabble but thats about it. All I want is that the US play as hard as they can. IF THEY DO, you won't see me blaming anyone for our fate.

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People who know me personally, and who know my hockey preferences when it comes to players...well, they know that I hate Christy Bourque. A lot. The boys from the U.S. should win this tournament, they have the deepest team, and the most talent. But putting Bourque on a line with Kessel is just a bad, bad, bad move on Walt's part. Two players who don't like to pass very much...and who aren't particularly good at it...should not be on a line together...Kessel needs to realize that everyone is starting to learn his move, and he's not going to be able to go around everyone all the time anymore. He needs to be more content with setting up in the zone, rather than trying to score all the time. In my opinion, Kessel is far more dangerous when people are setting him up to shoot, rather than him doing everything by himself. Bourque needs to leave the powerplay, immediately. He shoots too often when he is back on the blueline on the PP. I personally prefer that type of powerplay (shots from the point, collapse on the net), but Christy will shoot at the worst times when he doesn't have a shooting lane. With the U.S. squad, I would like to see Lee and Kessel on the blueline on the PP, with Porter, Ryan, and Mueller up front, with those guys crashing the net, and Lee and Phil sneaking in for shots. The U.S.A. is on the verge of throwing this tournament away if they keep relying on Phil Kessel to win games for them. He is probably the most dangerous player in the tournament, but he can't do it along. I would like to see Walt put Fritsche on that top line, as he seems to be a very creative player with a deft passing sense that would benifit Kessel and Porter. Fritsche has earned that spot, i believe, with his great play in the Canada game. As far as the rest of the team goes...I'd like to see Erik Johnson tone it down a little bit...too much end-to-end...not enough breakout passing. Get Bobby in front of the net as much as possible, because that's where he can do the most damage, and he's not the greatest skater...I also found myself wondering during the Canada game, why Erik Johnson was chosen over A.J. Thelen. Johnson is an underager, who is still a bit raw defensively. To me it would seem like Thelen would be able to play a stronger defensive game that Johnson, while still providing the offensive spark they seem do like from Erik. They could be trying to do a similar thing with Johnson like they did with Lee last year, giving him experience for next year...but in a year when you are the favorite, I don't believe you have time to plan for the next year. Aaaaaanyways, I still think the U.S. is the best team this year, and that they can win it all...they just need to pull it together, and Walt needs to improve his tactics a bit and this team will be just fine :lol:

thank you for your time...you're a beautiful crowd.

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I'm glad to see there are others out there, (Sioux Hab-it, Siouxdonyms, BinaIsGod), that share the same feelings about certain players and ice times which I alluded to last week. The proof is in the pudding, and everyone saw it Sat. night. There was lot's of firepower on the bench for a big part of the game, ie Wheeler, and others are some that I noticed. I guess it leaves me wondering, why not try something different, maybe some different faces on the ice, anything. With all due respect to the Canadian fans on this board, I don't think Canada is unbeatable this year. The US definitley has a deep and talented team, why not use it ?

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I agree that our lines need to be mixed up differently and agree Borque doesn't work on the power play. Replace Borque with either Oshie, Shremp, or Mueller on the #1 power play unit.

As for Oshie, I'd like to see him play with Kessel and Porter/Mueller on the first line. Go ahead and move Kessel to forward. Oshie has been playing well but his current line is not finishing for all his hard work. So far the "high NRG" line of Oshie/Skille/Gerbe have only 2 goals and 2 total points through 4 games. I expected more out of this line and maybe it's time to try some different combinations. The lack of scoring is not for a lack of effort of any of these 3 guys. I just see Oshie's hard work paying off much more by having the likes of Kessel and Mueller taking the shots.

Also, how about throwing a big guy like Wheeler in on the power play to camp out in front of the net ?

If we're going to try different line combinations, tonight is the night to do it. I hope Kyle has the wisdom to do so.

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i agree, i think wheeler should have a chance out there as a bigger body and oshie maybe as well the way he keeps moving. i noticed last game on a few powerplays that the #1 unit stayed out there for the majority of the pp. i understand if the plays down in the opponents zone that you can't switch but i dont think that was the case. hopefully they switch a few things up. less 1 on 1 play pleaseeeee and set it up in the zone...

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The main thing here is, are we doing all that we can to win this thing ? The most important thing is the US brings home the hardware. I don't know what it is going to take to do that at this point. I do think by playing those top two lines like they have, and only having limited defensive pairings is going to hurt us in the latter stages of this tourney. We played back to back Fri. and Sat., we had yesterday off. Then we hit the ice tonight, and tomorrow if we win, that gets to be an awful lot of playing time without alot of rest. I really hope the boys can pull it together and finish this thing off on a positive note.

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Back to the topic of WJC fatigue, I would seriously consider bringing other players, Miller or Alexander or someone, to Alaska and giving the WJC guys the weekend off. I know it would put the crucial UAA points at risk, but maybe they'd be at risk anyway with the rubber-legged kids out there. Seven games in two weeks is already a lot, and playing in Alaska would make it nine games. I'm not sure what the right answer is.

Anyway, good hockey to watch to send out 2005. Here's to a good 2006.

I don't think that is an option, UND needs points and doesn't want to be sitting in 6th place because some kid was tired from playing in a tourney they didn't need to play in. Personally I wish we didn't have to be put out by the WJC but thats the breaks for recruiting the younger stars as opposed to some 21 year old canadian. But seriously being tired is self inflicted, so I don't feel bad for them and they are kids, that are in great shape. The NHL plays two games in a row. Its a character builder.

Because of lack luster play by UND, The Sioux can't afford to not play players or let players have time off just because they are tired. They are young men and UND needs to have the best line up possible to beat UAA, with the luck we have had with UAA the past few years I see no alternaive but for the best players to play. Losing one point to UAA in my opinion is unexceptable if they want to finish in the top four in the WCHA.

IMHO I think Miller should play over Kaip anyways, but I am not the coach. Besides I would rather had a tired Oshie in the line up than a rested Kaip or Foyt. Last season Coach let some of the players take time off during the week.

Edited by Goon
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We follow Steve Downie closely on the Flyers message boards since he was our first overall pick in 05. No doubt he is one of the chippier/dirtier players in major junior hockey but it does not seem as if Johnson's elbow was justified after having exchanged a couple of little slashes. Hard to believe he wasn't suspended.

Downie is no stranger to cheap shots. Before he was traded he cross checked a teammate in practice for, he claimed, not properly running a drill, although there is some speculation the incident was related to some off ice hazing. Dude lost some teeth over that one.

Frankly, Johnson's move was gutless. If you don't like the slash then drop the gloves. Settle it like men. In sum, Downie is no stranger to cheap shots, but he probably didn't deserve that one. He claims he is ok and has been hit harder. lol!

Maybe the refs knew this based on his reputation, I also thought the Canadian player embelished quite a bit too.

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Maybe the refs knew this based on his reputation, I also thought the Canadian player embelished quite a bit too.

That was my first reaction when I saw the replay too, because he did appear to whiff (although the only and only replay angle we got was not very good). However, speaking from past experience, even the most glancing blow to the head can knock you goofy if it hits the right spot. Plus. the fact that neither Johnson nor anybody associated with Team USA has stated or even implied publicly that Downie took a dive, that speaks volumes.

So who knows.

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That was my first reaction when I saw the replay too, because he did appear to whiff (although the only and only replay angle we got was not very good). However, speaking from past experience, even the most glancing blow to the head can knock you goofy if it hits the right spot. Plus. the fact that neither Johnson nor anybody associated with Team USA has stated or even implied publicly that Downie took a dive, that speaks volumes.

So who knows.

My question is why would any opposing team want to accuse the other of diving publically? If they did, wouldn't they be looked upon as whiners? Wouldn't they be looked upon as poor sportsmen? Maybe they didn't accuse Downie of diving because they'd rather not say it than say it?

I don't know. If Downie did dive, then that makes him a loser and a diver, but even so, he doesn't deserve to be cheap shot. He just deserves to be razzed by the fans.

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I don't think that is an option, UND needs points and doesn't want to be sitting in 6th place because some kid was tired from playing in a tourney they didn't need to play in. Personally I wish we didn't have to be put out by the WJC but thats the breaks for recruiting the younger stars as opposed to some 21 year old canadian. But seriously being tired is self inflicted, so I don't feel bad for them and they are kids, that are in great shape. The NHL plays two games in a row. Its a character builder.

Because of lack luster play by UND, The Sioux can't afford to not play players or let players have time off just because they are tired. They are young men and UND needs to have the best line up possible to beat UAA, with the luck we have had with UAA the past few years I see no alternaive but for the best players to play. Losing one point to UAA in my opinion is unexceptable if they want to finish in the top four in the WCHA.

IMHO I think Miller should play over Kaip anyways, but I am not the coach. Besides I would rather had a tired Oshie in the line up than a rested Kaip or Foyt. Last season Coach let some of the players take time off during the week.

no way in heck do these wjt players not play vs alaska. its not that bad of a plane ride and they are young and will be ready to go vs the seawolves...

ps...its not like these are 25 year old canadians :lol:

also no player should ever be kept from representing their country in a event as big as this...its part of having great players as goon mentioned but oh well, we knew it was going to happen and they will be just fine.

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ps...its not like these are 25 year old canadians :lol:

also no player should ever be kept from representing their country in a event as big as this...its part of having great players as goon mentioned but oh well, we knew it was going to happen and they will be just fine.

I was thinking about going there but, I didn't want to give happy something to chime in about. ;)

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That was my first reaction when I saw the replay too, because he did appear to whiff (although the only and only replay angle we got was not very good). However, speaking from past experience, even the most glancing blow to the head can knock you goofy if it hits the right spot. Plus. the fact that neither Johnson nor anybody associated with Team USA has stated or even implied publicly that Downie took a dive, that speaks volumes.

So who knows.

Its a dicey play, I didn't like either player swinging their sticks on the way down the ice. I mean we just lost do we need to give the Canadians any more inspiration if we do in fact get to play them again. I am not convinced we will make it that far, because I was not impressed with their play against the Canadians.

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