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Question for Fighting Sioux fans.....

Golden Child

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How is the crowd supposed to raise the roof when you have Ushers telling fans to sit down and be quiet?

EXACTLY!! You'd think some of these officials want the fans to act like they are at an opera or something. It's a friggin hockey game where the fans are supposed to give their team that extra boost to get them over the top. I am as much of a home Sioux fan as anyone and have been to most of the arenas in the WCHA. The new Ralph is hands down the best facility, but the atmosphere leaves something to be desired. I do think it was a good move to put the band in the lower level. Maybe in the offseason something can be done to promote more atmosphere to the arena. I also don't think the new PA announcer is very good. He seems to try and imitate Hennen and does not do a very good job of it in my opinion.

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How is the crowd supposed to raise the roof when you have Ushers telling fans to sit down and be quiet?

Not just the ushers.... When the Sioux crashed the net in the 3rd on Saturday... Most of the student section was standing as the play ended. A Sioux fan about 8 seats down from me, but one section over from the student section, stood up. Then a REALLY Cranky old guy just started to scream at the guy to sit down. Calling him an A-hole and a few other things. He even made his way down his own row and reached down two levels to crab the guy on the shoulder to yell at him even more.

So a 70 year old Sioux fan is screaming at a 20 year old to sit down when it's an exciting part of the game.... And the play was over so it's not like it really mattered anyway. The rest of the Sioux fans around us seemed very embarrased.

I can see you guys yelling at us Gopher fans, just because we are who we are..... But for a fellow Sioux fan to go off on this kid was way over the top.

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These threads do get old after a while but I do think there is more that could be done to help the atmosphere. Moving the band down was a great idea. It also makes them much easier to hear and I think they sound better.

I also believe that moving the student section to the south end of the rink would do alot too. I know some are against it just because they want to keep their seats in the corner but again, there are still 3 other corners. I would think this would be much more intimidating to the opposing goalie. It would also help keep the students from blocking the view of others. In the past they have roped off the last row to help the suite holders view. This would all help the students to stay more annimated while opening up more prime seating for others.

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My jaw drops every time I drive up to the Ralph and it totally dislocates when I walk in the front door, it's just an amazing building. But, and please don't take this the wrong way as I am not trying to start a flame war here, it just seems like way too nice of a place for college hockey. It really has the corporate atmosphere there I think. I can't believe they put the student section at center ice, that is a prime piece of real estate for some big-time paying ticket holders. I really don't see much of a difference between Mariucci and The Ralph though as far as loudness of fans though. Like it or not most arena's seem to be turning into a corporate atmosphere.


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These threads do get old after a while but I do think there is more that could be done to help the atmosphere. Moving the band down was a great idea. It also makes them much easier to hear and I think they sound better.

I also believe that moving the student section to the south end of the rink would do alot too. I know some are against it just because they want to keep their seats in the corner but again, there are still 3 other corners. I would think this would be much more intimidating to the opposing goalie. It would also help keep the students from blocking the view of others. In the past they have roped off the last row to help the suite holders view. This would all help the students to stay more annimated while opening up more prime seating for others.

Sorry, dd. Those three other corners also belong to folk who aren't likely to give them up without a squawk. For many, being a 30 plus years season ticket holder does count for something, so far.

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