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Who Do You Like Better?

Guest #1SiouxHockeyFan11

What Team Do You Like Better?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What Team Do You Like Better?

    • NDSU

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Guest #1SiouxHockeyFan11


Im sorry if i got some of you bored with this. I just wanted to see how many people on here were actually Sioux Fans. Ok

So im sorry. I wont make any other polls for you people.

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So, on a board on a site called "SiouxSports.com", that features primarily Sioux Hockey and Sioux Football, you wanted to know if there were primarily Sioux fans.

As Bill Engvall would say: "Here's your sign."

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actually, there are a huge number of Gopher fans who have infiltrated the board and are posing as UND fans...then, just when the moment is right, they'll show their true colors by "becoming" Gopher fans and ruining UND's team for the year....


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Carl Spackler, "license to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations, man, free to kill gophers at will," driving the Mariucci Zamboni. Brilliant!

Frank: "The period's not over. Why is the Zamboni coming on the ice."

Doug: "That's Carl Spangler the new ice man. Why is he headed for the Gopher bench at high speed?"

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Carl Spackler, "license to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations, man, free to kill gophers at will," driving the Mariucci Zamboni. Brilliant!

Frank: "The period's not over. Why is the Zamboni coming on the ice."

Doug: "That's Carl Spangler the new ice man. Why is he headed for the Gopher bench at high speed?"

Carl: Excuse me sir. But if I kill all the Gophers they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key.

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