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Good season Gophers


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Just thought I'd return the favor LVS...

Hell of a season for the Gophers. After a bad start they battled back to win the Final Five and earn a #1 seed to the NCAA's. They deserve a ton of credit for what they accomplished this year. As both of us know...it sucks to end an incredible season like this. The Gophers will lose a lot this year with a great senior class, but I expect them to be in the mix again as well. Good luck and we'll see ya at The Ralph next year...

Is it October yet?


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Thanks for the decency. As you know only too well, today's game was a bitter blow. I credit UMD for playing a fantastic defensive game, holding the Gophers to less than 25 shots. Reichmuth really stepped up big. It's strange to see UMD and Denver still in it with Minnesota and UND watching from the sidelines. For me, UND losing and Denver advancing is the biggest shock of the tournament...but that's the NCAA for you...the best team doesn't always win. I'll be pulling for UMD to win their first-ever NCAA championship.

As for next year, I don't see the Gophers finishing much better than this year. UND, UMD, Wisconsin and Denver will all be good next year.

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The gophers are a hell of a team. After the Final Five I was shaking my head at how they can sleep walk through the regular season and then just turn it up during the postseason. They have great talent, great character and a great coach. Always hurts to leave the season early.

I think this year, however, the Gophs didn't quite have their "edge". They could show flashes of having the mentality of champions but couldn't sustain it. Just when they finally convinced me they were back on that edge at the Final Five, they stumble today.

Congratulations to a Gopher senior class had outstanding achievements. I guess it is a decent enough honor to hear your adversary say "I'm not sorry to see you go".

For Greyeagle, Sagard, WPoS, LVS and a few others, my sympathies.

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Oh puhlease, dagies, your "sympathies" for a team losing? Gimme a break. They didn't lose a relative in a car accident, a team they cheer for lost a hockey game. Am I disappointed the Sioux lost last nite? You bet. Does someone need to send me a condolence card in the mail? Nope. People who act like the sun won't shine tomorrow because the (insert team name here) lost the (insert sporting event here) need to have a reality check.

That being said, I was cringing showing up at work tomorrow with all the heckling I was going to take for the Sioux losing Saturday. Now, maybe WPoS, Greyeagle, and a few others and I can at least meet for a beer after work and wonder what might have been together. Misery loves company and it's ironic that UND and Minny are in the same boat today.

Long live rivalry! For the first time since 1979, Minny fans had a national title, then they followed it up with another one. Despite the sad ending for them today, they can hold their heads high.

Good luck next year everyone. Go Bulldogs!


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Thanks for the good show of sportsmanship (from a Gopher fan). UMD played a hell of a game. Hard to believe that's the same team that we just scored 7 goals on a week ago!

Sorry Denver, but i'm gonna have to join the growing sentiment among WCHA fans and say, go UMD! At least we can keep the trophy here in the state of hockey. In fact, this could be a total switch from the last few years, we win the women's title and UMD wins the men's!


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That save Isaac made in the third - snapping it out of midair - was "the sign" - just like Berkhoel flailing around and just happening to pop the puck away from the net. Sometimes it's destiny man! I thought UND/UM in the Frozen 4 semi was destiny (we would have won btw:-) but fate has her own ideas....AM I GETTING TOO DEEP FOR THE GOPHER FANS??

ps - I will say UM had a good season - as did we....there's always 2004-05

ps2 - Where did Lucia find a BLACK neck collar?:0? I'm head of a medical supply company and we only get them in white....Ebay???

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Watched Rosen's Sports Sunday where they interviewed the 5 Gopher seniors. They looked numb and disappointed but showed class in congratulating the Dogs and complimenting them for their play.

I agree that Minny was not a hungry team this year on a consistent basis and it was their undoing. After the successes of the last two years I can understand the human tendency to grow complacent. Perhaps todays loss will re-kindle that fire in the underclassmen.

Regardless, when the Don was hired I hoped that he would restore the program to where it once was and could be. Under his leadership this Senior class hung 4 banners, two that really count. Considering where they started from that's quite an accomplishment. :0

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thanks MNS, class act all the way, you also dags....

Mafiaman, I'd have a beer with you anyday, even if the SIOUX were still in ti! It is all about the beer! :0

Congrats to UMD, now take it all the way....and show the HE teams what the WCHA can do!

Crap! If I owe anyone crow here it is....hmmm...crow..... ;)


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ps2 - Where did Lucia find a BLACK neck collar?:0? I'm head of a medical supply company and we only get them in white....Ebay???

The Star Tribune, ever in search of hard-hitting news, reported in one of their blurbs on the Gopher-Notre Dame game that Lucia put a black sock on the neck brace. I guess he thought it looked better or something.

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