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Let's talk LBs


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Looks like it's gonna be a wide open battle for playing time. Dayo Idowu would be the only guy on the roster who's done anything to warrant some guaranteed playing time but everything else should be determined in spring ball, summer workouts, and fall camp. Gonna be an exciting battle to watch, especially considering the vital role they play in Bubba's philosophy.

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I agree with all, that this will be a competitive environment that will hopefully give everyone an opportunity to earn a spot on the field or d-chart. It appears that we have a stable of physically capable LBs. My question would be who has the acumen and natural instincts to adapt the quickest? If we are staying with some form of the 3-4 D, then the whole core needs to play smart (reads/keys) and aggressive. That's what I love about great LBs, smart and nasty!! Wharton, like others on the roster, was a top 20 graduate with a 4.0 GPA in HS. You gotta be in the right place at the right time!!

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