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Sioux v. U-18


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Would someone please wake me, i'm still sleeping since last night at 7:30.

That game was quite the yawner.

I think this was an extraordinary exhibition game. You see, I bet Blais put the emphasis on winning the game, yet I don't think he really wanted to run up the score like he was unafraid of doing versus any of the college opponents he's played so far. This team is a bunch of high schoolers. Though most have been taken, some have not committed to any college teams. They also chat with the U-17 team. Good words about the Sioux help in recruiting. Beating them 8-0 may not exactly help them look favorably on this college.

That is one perspective. THe other things to bear in mind is that no one wanted to get injured because of the dire consequences that it would have when Parise, Stafford, and Murray leave for WJC. That's why Massen probably wasn't playing hard and neither was really anyone other than Fabian, Porter, Fylling, Canady, and Foyt.

Yes, this game was a yawner, but it wasn't exactly in front of a great crowd either. Was this 6900 and change the lowest regular season attendence for any game ever played at the new Ralph? I know they put attendence numbers on the roster papers they handed out but the Denver game that had just under 5000 people attend was IN Denver.

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What his head can't hold, his ego and his gut will support ;)

Taunt me at the game about Mapletoft, will you? :p:):silly:

Gut?.... :(

I think the guy who stole forecheck's puck is a friend of hers.

Not our best game. I think Blais was right on when he said it's hard to get up for a game like that. I used to be on the fence about Bina and Foyt...but after last night, Bina gets my vote. Foyt played well, but Bina was all over the place. The only mistake he made was on the US goal.

Most entertaining fans of the game...Section 108 behind the box :p

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Nothing was more dumb than the plar bear with GF AFB on its backside. That was disrespectful though I am not sure if that bear is a Ralph mascot. It could be the base's which means that someone overlooked that when it was made.

As for that show that Santa came on, I don't watch that show anyways. It's fluff. When was the good times when they would show TV over the jumbo tron before the games? That would have been nice to see.

And what was with the speakers last night? Were only half of them on? It was an off night for everyone at the Ralph pretty much.

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I agree with forecheck getting screwed out of the puck.  You and Northstar should've beat him.  forecheck just didn't have a good week.  First that weird and fruity Winona mascot hits on her, then this dink steals her puck.    :(

That mascot was just wrong. Him and that purple cheerleader who kept telling my friends and me "looking good ladies." I've been trying to drown that memory in beer this week...

Diggler, you saw me get screwed out of a puck? You don't even sit by me.

The jerk didn't even give the puck to me after I punched him and called him a few choice words. :silly: Schmidt pointed right at me and said the puck was for me. I hope the guilt keeps him up at night.

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Well I do see other things besides what is on the ice you know. :silly: I was watching the refs go off the ice so I saw it. You shoulda kicked him in the junk. That is the great equalizer. Then when the security guard came, not only would you have got the puck, he would've gotten laughed at and kicked out. It's a win, win, win situation!

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