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California's "Dream Act"


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I don't know if any of you have seen this new act approved by California called the "dream act", but if you haven't you might want to read this article on yahoo.


Basically, the California government, which already doesn't have money, has passed this act that takes Californian's tax dollars and allocates those dollars to pay for illegal immigrants to get scholarships to go to college! Yes you read that correctly. California is making their citizens pay for illegal immigrants to go to college. So I guess if you are an illegal California will give you all the benefits that real Americans can't. Hmmmm and they wonder why they have money problems. How do the citizens there accept what is happening? Thank god I live where people use common sense.

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I don't know if any of you have seen this new act approved by California called the "dream act", but if you haven't you might want to read this article on yahoo.


Basically, the California government, which already doesn't have money, has passed this act that takes Californian's tax dollars and allocates those dollars to pay for illegal immigrants to get scholarships to go to college! Yes you read that correctly. California is making their citizens pay for illegal immigrants to go to college. So I guess if you are an illegal California will give you all the benefits that real Americans can't. Hmmmm and they wonder why they have money problems. How do the citizens there accept what is happening? Thank god I live where people use common sense.

You must live in Canada.

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I don't know if any of you have seen this new act approved by California called the "dream act", but if you haven't you might want to read this article on yahoo.


Basically, the California government, which already doesn't have money, has passed this act that takes Californian's tax dollars and allocates those dollars to pay for illegal immigrants to get scholarships to go to college! Yes you read that correctly.

Did you read the article?

This is wrong.

No tax dollars to educate illegals.

And now I see why misinformation in todays political climate can spread so fast.

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Did you read the article?

This is wrong.

No tax dollars to educate illegals.

And now I see why misinformation in todays political climate can spread so fast.

Sorry to tell you but this is only the first part of a two part bill. The media has a bias and doesn't tell the whole story. This just opened the door for getting CalGrants which is taxpayer money. It also reduces the amount in the fund available for students whose parents obeyed the law and paid their taxes. I don't want to punish the kids but why are we giving everything away? But on the bright side California is broke and will have to close everything anyway once it can no longer borrow and everyone is unemployed and cannot pay higher taxes.

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Yes it is one part of a two part bill. The issues I have are: #1- California's governor calling illegal immigrants "our people." They are not our people, they are illegals and shouldn't be in the U.S. #2- It says some of the criteria is that the students have to have good attendance in high school. Well if they are illegals, then why do we allow them into our high schools? #3- We have our own kids in this country that can't afford to go to college or have to take out huge loans that will take forever to pay off, and the illegals get to go for free? #4- After they graduate they can't use the education we gave them here because they are illegal and can't get a job that you would need a college education to get.

California is turning into a leech on the back of America. Their leaders have no concept of money in any way, shape, or form. I just don't understand the concept of allowing illegals to stay in the country much less have them be able to collect welfare, medical treatment, and now free education.

In California alone, illegal immigrants cost the state between 10 and 20 billion dollars a year in medical cost, education, and jails. source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/politics/Illegal-Immigrant-Costs-Benefits-Disputed--92549134.html

That is absolutely unacceptable. California is just one of those states that tries to spend its way out the recession and borrow its way out of debt. Not exactly a winning recipe.

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Yes it is one part of a two part bill. The issues I have are: #1- California's governor calling illegal immigrants "our people." They are not our people, they are illegals and shouldn't be in the U.S. #2- It says some of the criteria is that the students have to have good attendance in high school. Well if they are illegals, then why do we allow them into our high schools? #3- We have our own kids in this country that can't afford to go to college or have to take out huge loans that will take forever to pay off, and the illegals get to go for free? #4- After they graduate they can't use the education we gave them here because they are illegal and can't get a job that you would need a college education to get.

California is turning into a leech on the back of America. Their leaders have no concept of money in any way, shape, or form. I just don't understand the concept of allowing illegals to stay in the country much less have them be able to collect welfare, medical treatment, and now free education.

In California alone, illegal immigrants cost the state between 10 and 20 billion dollars a year in medical cost, education, and jails. source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/politics/Illegal-Immigrant-Costs-Benefits-Disputed--92549134.html

That is absolutely unacceptable. California is just one of those states that tries to spend its way out the recession and borrow its way out of debt. Not exactly a winning recipe.

Supreme court says we have to provide an education to any student that is in our borders.

Having lived and taught in Cali I can tell you it is a horrible burden on the schools. I'm not saying they shouldn't be taught, but it causes overcrowding and test scores to plummet. Many don't come with much education or finish their education. So the schools get punished due to No Child Left Behind (hindering true education). And the language barrier can be more than troublesome, because the tests are all in English and you can't read them to the kids. Lets also not forget that many illegal immigrants don't pay taxes and so we really are paying for their education. Of course a better education means less crime and tax dollars going to that cause.

Where I lived I couldn't go to the nearest hospital if needed because they always had to shut down the ER because of too many illegals showing up. So if you were in an ambulance you had to go 20 miles away.

Short side bar story. One time the border patrol rounded up a couple dozen illegals in a few houses. They were going to transport them back to Mexico, but the citizens protested so much they let them go. Why the border patrol just didn't go to Home Depot is beyond me.

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