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now thats your textbook trolling right there... and it looks like he even snagged a few. not even the most idiotic of bison fans would truly think a high school team could take the #1 college hockey team in the nation to the brink in a 3 game series, or even one game. best advice to all, sioux fan or not, just don't go to bisonville, you will become dumber by association :lol:

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You do realize that a majority of Bison fans in football and basketball are also crossover Sioux hockey fans, right?

Would you really consider that a majority of Bison fans are Sioux hockey fans? Seems a lot of them are either agnostic to hockey, or if they like college hockey, are move partial to the Gophers or any team playing the Sioux. Just wondering, as I don't live in ND.

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