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The Denver game


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My wife and I were at the game on Saturday and had great seats. It is always great to come back and watch the Sioux play. What gets me is that it is the best place to play hockey in the WCHA and I did not believe the play was up to that while watching. When I saw Denver passing the way they did in front of our net and no one there to block out a shooter front and center I knew we were in trouble. It is not like the days of past when you saw Tony H. and Bob J. on offense doing there thing, but they also played great D. They did not sit around and watch while on the ice, their legs kept pumping. I believe in the SIOUX and always will I just want to see us play better! Thanks!

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A guess that leading the WCHA is GAA isn't good enough for you? The problem this year is on the other side of the ice. I heard the quality scoring chances on Friday were 22-6 in UND's favor. Saturday's had to be pretty close.

I completely understand being very upset at the results, but I don't understand saying this team is getting outplayed. And to say that defense is the problem makes no sense. I'm not a big fan of a few of the D-men, but number-wise they have done a great job giving this team a chance to win.

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Saturday's game was a game where not all the guys on the ice showed up. I saw it and Hak saw it too. Hak even mentioned that in his post game comments that there were a number of "passangers" on the ice Sat. But to the team's credit, it's the first time I've seen that this year...not all the guys giving a solid effort. Why do you think the bench was shortened and lines were juggled mid way thru the 2nd period?

I'll bet anything you won't see that effort, or lack of, from anyone on this team again this year. If there is one thing about Hak's teams, effort and work ethic is a must.

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Last night before I went to bed Hak was on Sioux Sports Extra and he looked pissed and not in a joking mood, this has gotten to the point where there now may be some urgency. I do think there will be a few practices this week where they might get bagged/gassed hard. I would love to be a fly on the wall or sitting in the stands during practice. I only wish coach Hakstol would have shown this concern earier in the month. UND went 4-4-2 in December and that isn't good enough.

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Just got home from GF and throwing my 2 cents in about the Denver series, I haven't read all the posts and gamethreads so most of this was probably covered already...

Friday when Dell was announced in goal a collective gasp went up in our section, and I guess they were right, although both our goalies played well after the 2 early ones. REA was deathly quiet after the 2nd goal.

Cheverie was definitely the player of the game, made a lot of good stops although we fell in love with wristers and didn't really crank a lot of them up.

Disallowed goal I have no clue, it was right in front of me and I couldn't see the interference unless it was against a defenseman, they don't show replays of that I guess. If we get that goal I think we would have been able to send it to OT, we were starting to show life and the disallowed goal drained it out.

Saturday boys came out flying, VV knocks 2 home and things are looking good. Then the second period blues hit and we look like our legs are gone, DU scores 2 goals on very nice passing and again our life is drained out. The one that sticks in my mind is when Denver had the puck behind the net and centered in front and the DU guy puts it away, Kristo just stood there and had the best seat in the house. He knew it too because when he turned to go to the bench he looked right at Hak and looked like a little boy who got caught doing something naughty. That's pretty much was how the whole period went.

Had some good chances in the third but Denver put it away with their 4th of the night.

I think it's obvious that the way our offense is playing the only games we can win are 2-1 or 3-2 games, we can't outscore anybody at this time. Our PP is horrible, what's the tally up to now...0-35 or 40? Unreal. Did we even get a shot on the 5 on 3? Our SOG count always looks good, but how many of those shots are within 10 feet of the goal as a result of a good centering pass? Not many. Lots of wristers from the perimeter. After watching Denver zip the puck from man to man to man in the attack zone you realize what we're missing.

Defense played very well except for part of the second period Saturday, it's been keeping us in games lately. BE played pretty well, gave us a chance after being down 2-0 quickly Friday and didn't really play that bad Saturday either, the goals that Denver scored in the second were really things of beauty.

All we can do is keep plugging away and hope we find some offense, coaching staff has got to be physically ill about the PP (or lack of PP), hopefully they can come up with something to get it untracked.

Looking more and more like we're going to be road warriors for the playoffs. :D

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