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Could Only Come from the Star & Sickle


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Do you actually have the audacity to imply that you're not on a high horse yourself? :D

Back to the point... either both sides of that debate are going to be heard or neither one. The choice is yours.

Dave give it a rest no one wants to listen to me take you apart piece by piece and shoot holes in your strawman's arguments...


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You're avoiding the point. You seem to think that it's perfectly acceptable for yourself to post that you think fighting is good for the game, but then at the same time you turn around and react as if I have done something horribly wrong when I post that I think fighting is bad for the game. You can't have it both ways. Either it's okay for both of us or else it's wrong for both of us. It can't be okay for you and wrong for me, that would be a double standard. Surely you aren't advocating a double standard, are you?

Run along Skippy I am done with you and will no longer engage you so.... I really don't care what you have to say... Back to ignore.

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speak for yourself, i was just about ready to go get popcorn! This is getting better than watching the soaps!

Dont' even joke.

I finally broke down and figured out/applied the Ignore command and was worried I was going to have to expand it beyond one user if Goon hadn't pulled back from the brink of insanity a moment ago.

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sioux sports subjective idealism philosophy... if a davek put on ignore posts in a thread but noone sees it, is he still posting? :D

i actually get quite a kick out his posts sometimes (although they can get repetitive and tiresome), keep on rolling for the little man davek ;)

I had to draw the line after too many years of the same old. Whenever someone makes a comment in any way supportive about fighting, remember that DaveK disagrees with it, and you'll be just fine. I don't think its disrespectful to him ... he made his point ... I just don't want to read it 16 times per thread. Now I'm going to stop posting because I'm getting sucked into the abyss.

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There really isn't a need for this sort of personal squabble to go on and on. There is more than one party at fault, and probably more than 2.

This thread is locked. Let's not have to take it farther than that in the future, ok?

If 2 people need to have a pissing match take it off-line.

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