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I was just wondering if anyone else does this at the end of the national anthem. I know at Englestad Arena everyone does it. But what about at other arenas? Other sports? I have found myself, my friends, and my family doing this anywhere the anthem is sung. At the end where it is normally "...the land of the free, and the home of the brave." To, "...the land of the free, and the home of the Sioux." Ever since I left UND I have found myself doing this everywhere. Other hockey games (NHL and college), baseball games (pro and minor), soccer games. And anywhere else it is sung. It's not like I say it loud, but loud enough for people around me to hear it. People look at me like I'm some dumb idiot ;) It's not like I have lost respect for it, its just the way I (we) said it in college and it has stuck with me. Just wondering if anyone else has done this or am I really dumb? :D???;)


I haven't seen anybody else do it with the gusto of UND fans at REA. However, I have seen some SCCC fans and a few Minnesota fans do it in their venues, but they tend to be in the minority. That said, I have used "home of the Sioux" at HS, MJ and pro games ... regardless of who's playing and have the same reactions. Screw them. The other fans should take notice that you actually know the words to the National Anthem, and have the good grace to substitute the last few words.

BTW: I have it on good authority that Francis Scott Key was really a Sioux fan anyway. :D;)


Ok good, I knew other people do it because I hear them. But for instance I went to an Iowa Cubs Minor League baseball game last week and said it. I got the dirtiest looks, and you know what F-them. I didn't even like the baseball game anyways. Long live hockey :D

Originally posted by dagies

Gopher fans are beginning to yell it quite vociferously.

Yeah, what else is new with that team? How about the end of the game ice-slap around the circle they stole from UND? ;)gr_guns.gif Gophers

Yeah, what else is new with that team? How about the end of the game ice-slap around the circle they stole from UND? ;)gr_guns.gif Gophers

Why do I have a feeling the Sioux didnt invent the "Center Ice Salute"?

(note: You might have, I am not old enough to know like some of you but it does seem rather unlikely)


"traditions" inception at all schools are somewhat hazy, I doubt ANYONE can really "claim" to have invented such thigns without seeing some REAL proof of the inventing of some tradition. UND inventing the end of game salute? Adding to the national anthem? Maybe, but I see no more proof of these being invented at UND than some UND fans' opinion on a UND board. About the only thing I know FOR SURE that was invented was the chant that my moniker comes from for the Gopher games. Otherwise whinning about someone "stealing" a tradition...not buying it...



It is probably a Bison/UND thing. I know the Bison were shouting "home of the Bison" back in the late 1970's. Being a Bison fan I never paid attention to what the UND fans were saying, but I am sure they claim they were saying it too, back then.

dagies Posted on Jul 16 2003, 08:32 AM


I have no idea where it started but it makes the most sense when it is "home of the Sioux" don't you think?

It sounds great in Grand Forks!

I think Bison makes the most sense in Fargo!


It sounds great in Grand Forks!

I think Bison makes the most sense in Fargo!

What I mean is that being the Sioux Indians were here prior to the white man....naturally the Bison were too but they were just food for the Sioux. :)

About the only thing I know FOR SURE that was invented was the chant that my moniker comes from for the Gopher games.  Otherwise whinning about someone "stealing" a tradition...not buying it...

I'm still ticked about Notre Dame stealing OUR logo and our state's initials. :)

dagies Posted on Jul 16 2003, 11:50 AM


What I mean is that being the Sioux Indians were here prior to the white man....naturally the Bison were too but they were just food for the Sioux. 

I get what you mean, they needed the Bison to Survive.

The Bison provided food, skins for a roof, clothes, tools etc.

I wonder if the Bison could have survived without the Sioux.

dagies Posted on Jul 16 2003, 01:58 PM

No. They would have overpopulated themselves and died of disease and starvation. 

I guess the Bison and Sioux are stuck with each other.


Sioux, Bison, Gophers, all sound fine regarless of sylables, as long as I don't hear that stupid Michigan chant ever again!

As for Notre Dame, well we had some yutz over on POI trying to lord over us how much better their program was...he got a few riled, but eventually crawled back into his troll hut. Notre Dame just plain sucks, not matter how you look at it...


Stuck with each other.....but one of us will be D1....:-)

And one of us already is, D1A, that is, not that lowly D1AA nonsense! We even have SEVEN championships to prove it!!!

Remember, this board is about hockey. How is your hockey program down in Fargo?

Stuck with each other.....but one of us will be D1....:-)

Go away troll. This is a hockey board, something that you have shown time and time again that you know nothing about. We could care less about the high school with ashtrays known as NDSU, Bison football program and its attempt to go Div 1AA, which is the equivalent of "B". I can understand why the Bison are moving to D1AA after it blew it by failing to get a D1 hockey program, but based upon the Bison football team's success at D2 recently, we thought that they might go D3.

dagies Posted on Jul 16 2003, 11:50 AM


What I mean is that being the Sioux Indians were here prior to the white man....naturally the Bison were too but they were just food for the Sioux. 

Actually one-third of North Dakota was Home of the Sioux. I am from the home area of the Chippewa, Grand Forks area and north. The rest was home to the Arikara, Mandan, Hidatsa, Assiniboine. The Bison made the whole state of North Dakota home.


What I mean is that being the Sioux Indians were here prior to the white man....naturally the Bison were too but they were just food for the Sioux. :)

Actually that's unknown. There's archaeological evidence that the white man inhabited North America thousands of years before the American Indians did.

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