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I see the pre-sale is going on now and I was wondering what kind of tickets people have been getting. I am curious what kind of tickets will be still available on Saturday.


As an FYI, my understanding is that the "presale" is only for those who have been given a presale password by REA.

Tickets go on sale to the general public on Saturday, June 07, 10:00am.

  MinnesotaNorthStar said:
anyone know the password? :glare:


i wrote to them asking who was eligible for the password and they

let me know the password, but I

don't know who is supposed to have it. I don't know if it is only

for season ticket holders or what.

all i know is i don't want to get into trouble for spreading it, so I'm

not going to directly tell anyone, but it isn't my fault if you figure it out.


When I went on line for tickets the ends seemed to be pretty open (row A and up) -- we took lower bowl corner seats and best available gave us row D -- that was mid-afternoon today. ** And thanks Fedorov for the reminder -- I totally forgot they went on pre-sale.


I want to get tickets a few rows higher than were they are selling them now, but nobody seems to be buying tickets today. I would think there are some people on here that like lower seats. :glare:

  Fedorov said:
I want to get tickets a few rows higher than were they are selling them now, but nobody seems to be buying tickets today. I would think there are some people on here that like lower seats. :angry:

like me...but I need to get clearance first. :glare:

  MinnesotaNorthStar said:
like me...but I need to get clearance first. :angry:

Airmail figured it out. You are a baseball fan, so you must know how to go down the batting order. :glare:

  MinnesotaNorthStar said:
I wasn't talking about the password...i figured that one out...it's a matter of paying for it. :angry:

I did my best, but I can't help you out with that. With how few tickets appear to have been sold, it seems like people are having problems getting the password. :glare:

  MinnesotaNorthStar said:
I got Section 109 Row D...anyone else nearby?

I know where I like to sit in section 108, so I tried to get the same seats in 109, which is the same with the home team shooting twice if it is the same as last year. I watched the seats get up to row G, but I wanted row I (although I'm not sure if that is the row or not). I manipulated the Ticketmaster system so that I could get the exact seats I wanted. It was kind of a pain, but it will be worth it if I guessed the correct row.


I also hope that everyone on this board figured out the password so that they could get good seats. They may still have good ones, but I wanted to help out. I know people argue and disagree about different things, but I like when Fighting Sioux fans stick together. It is great when you are at away games because Sioux fans are always sticking together and really nice. It is too bad it isn't like that at home games. Oh well, I hope everyone has a good weekend. :glare:

  dunker2001 said:
I got tickets in section 109 row D as well. Seats 20 and 21.

I'm in seat 5, two away from that little runway part (I think) behind the Sioux penalty box (I don't know who's it will be during this game). One row behind the box

  Fedorov said:
I manipulated the Ticketmaster system so that I could get the exact seats I wanted. It was kind of a pain, but it will be worth it if I guessed the correct row.

Way off topic... I've wondered for a while why Ticketmaster doesn't allow you to pick any open seat from their system (like the airlines' airplane seat maps).

I guess their current transaction system works well for multiple simultaneous users (you request X seats of type 'C', it reserves them for 5 mins and returns their location to you). However, a system that let you pick seats could work by reserving the most similar remaining seats if you try to grab seats that have been taken since the screen had been rendered. It would be the standard 5-minute lock, allowing you to choose whether to accept those or try choosing again.

The other stumbling block is the need for standard format electronic seating charts for all the venues, but Ticketmaster could demand that the venues supply those.


FWIW: if you did the pre-sale your tickets should arrive soon -- just received mine in today's mail.

Diggler -- we are right behind you! We'll try to maintain the proper hockey decorum.... :glare:

  kr said:
FWIW: if you did the pre-sale your tickets should arrive soon -- just received mine in today's mail.

Diggler -- we are right behind you! We'll try to maintain the proper hockey decorum.... :glare:

what delivery method did you choose?


standard mail -- with delivery guarantee 48 hours prior to event -- I figure it is delivery roughly 2,808 hours prior to event -- so we should be o.k. :glare: I was shocked with how fast they arrived. (There was no charge for standard mail --- just an order processing charge of $3.10, a total convenience charge of $20.00, total building facility charge of $4.00 and then the price of the tickets.)

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