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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. Well - if the gophs don't make it - there will of course be lots of tickets available .
  2. http://www.cpstpaul.com/directions.html
  3. In 2013 or 14 you can when the new line will travel from dwtn Mpls to dwtn St. Paul.
  4. Metro Transit buses work well - but then again I'm alittle biased as I work there. I know some folks from GF that stay in one of the hotels by the MOA and catch the route 54 to the X. Seems to work OK for them.
  5. well - I for one will be dissapointed as it is always enjoyable to see them beat in front of all their fans on their hometown ice
  6. wonder when the last time that has happened
  7. the minny fans will be there even if the NY Yankees of NCAA hockey aren't as they are the best fans in the world - just ask them - they simply enjoy "good hockey" ya right
  8. Final 5 tickets arrived today - regionals came a few days ago I love tournament time
  9. now I remember - thanks
  10. where was sconny ranked last year?
  11. they will be in it as they are a host team - count on it
  12. If I may - I imagine that many teams have the university of minny mystery as their #1 rival as well though - everybody loves to hate the "New York Yankees of NCAA hockey" due to all the advantages they have but refuse to acknowledge of course.
  13. I hope so even though most of the folks in metropolitan minny don't think that this is a #1 rivalry - at least that is what they say in an attempt to ridicule North Dakota folks who believe it is.
  14. what was funny is that this was "kangas" weekend on the frankie and woog show. Both nights they ran game and interview clips of him before the game and between periods - and both nights he got lit up so bad he was pulled - ironic eh.
  15. bedwet'ers - along with most of their fanbase
  16. perhaps not I've always been partial to Patrick Ruesse's label of the gophs being the "New York Yankees of NCAA Hockey" as they have all the advantages and because of that - they are the team that everybody outside of metropolitan minny loves to hate.
  17. got it - thanks ice
  18. ok - first night this year not at work and can't find it G-11 still?
  19. $20 million each was spent - if I had $20,000,000 - I could be senator. Dayton bought the seat for only $9 million 6 years ago by scaring seniors. Seems cheap this year. oh well - lets see what the hollywood elite does this time if the pundents are wrong again - but they probably are right this time I'm afraid soon we will all be working for the government, our guns confiscated and buying groceries with eurodollars.
  20. thanks for getting that corrected - I apprecitae it. Also, I see that the Friday night game is on a Comcast NHL channel in metropolitan minnesota.
  21. Is this Saturday's game not going to be aired? I am going to the minny showcase and was hoping to record the real game to watch upon returning from the X.
  22. See - I told you his stock would go up in this goofy society known as metropolitan minnesota
  23. who is getting what he deserves. BTW - the cops pulled him over because his plates came back to the owner (him) having a suspended license
  24. well, perhaps in most areas of the country - but here in metropolitan minnesota (not unlike the elite northeast and the left coast) his stock will rise amongst these socialists.
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