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Everything posted by FightingSioux87

  1. What an awesome game last night! Such dominance once the boys finally decided to show up. Quite disappointed in seeing so called "Sioux Hockey Fans" on here being so negative so early on in the game. Sounded a lot like my girlfriend during the game last night when we were down 3-1 in the 2nd, whining about how the game was already over. I told her we were gonna win 7-4 and sure as !@#$ that was the outcome! Hope they show up in the 1st tonight and can coast to a 5-1 win. I think Cam should start again to get him more intense playing time at the start of the game after seeing how we were able to out play them and come back last night. If Cam gets in trouble Zane will be able to come in a shut them down. We are way better than them and will dominate again!
  2. 5-0 Sioux! McIntyre gets his first shutout of the season!
  3. Большинство из них даже не
  4. Ok stated was the wrong word there...Mentioned through the grapevine...that's more like it
  5. Very true. You'd hope they'd do the upgrades first in order to woo players to come here such as hockey with their new upgrades.
  6. To remind everyone here...the BESC is owned and operated by the REA and its staff. UND Athletics rent space and time from them. For those of you criticizing UND Athletics by not upgrading facilities, a new sound system, or a new center scoreboard it's not on the Athletics department as it is on the REA to fund such upgrades as they did with the new $3 million locker room for men's hockey (which is far superior of a revenue stream than any sport playing in the BESC) That being said, the Athletic department does not want to fork over the money for those upgrades either as the REA has stated if upgrades were to be done. A standstill until someone gives or the MBB, WBB, and VB teams start making consistent runs at BSC championships and making it to the Big Dance.
  7. The past 2 years have been much underachieved in my eyes from the stands for the MBB teams. Yes they have been plagued with injuries, but with the talent the team has had with huff, webb, anderson, schuler, brekke, adding in nash and a couple not so talented bigs, they should have made the dance over a 3 man team weber st had last year. Jones's overall inability to get his team to play a whole intense, team game has been something he lacks. He lacks motivating his players and whines from the sidelines. Yes maybe they don't run plays like he wants them too, but he's the coach. He needs to be the one making those changes and getting the most out of his team, and get them to play a better caliber of basketball. I for one am tired of the selfish ME game his players have been displaying the past few years. Maybe that's his style of play, but it will not last at the D1 level for long. D1 basketball is a full team effort to win games. Especially road games which we have been horrible at grinding out wins. I will say that Jones has done a fairly good job at recruiting talented players to come up here to play, but he has not gotten the most out of said players during their time here. His players have lacked progress from their freshman years to their senior years. Hooker and Crandall may have the best possibility to prove me wrong if Jones ends up sticking it out. On a side note our facilities are far from horrible in comparison to some other BSC facilities including our foe to the south until they got their new renovation.
  8. Win it every year!
  9. This team is far from young. 5 seniors, 5 juniors, 2 sophomores and 5 freshman...
  10. Friday - Pats Saturday - Parks
  11. I would elect to come up with a different logo than the one GFAFB has displayed on the link. Warriors, if displayed properly and non-controversial, would be a very neutral nickname and could be tied militarily to service men and women. I vote Warriors!
  12. The GF Air Base has the phrase "Warriors of the North" across their entrance with a warrior like drawing. Maybe we could use the warriors in some other form tying to the Air Base or some form of battle warrior
  13. New nickname = "Warriors" and keep the logo!
  14. So now you're saying we SHOULD be called the "Flickertails" or the "Peace Gardeners", or the "Roughriders" - which is Red Rivers nickname and mascot then? Seesm that way to me with the links you added...
  15. You guys are missing the point. All of your examples are of existing team nicknames and mascots in our geographical region, apart from darells Oilers reference, whereas the North Stars is not being used and has not for some time now. All i'm saying is it's an option and a good one compared to many others stated
  16. What's the difference? Please fill me in. Neither nickname is used anymore. They are both retired and are both free to be used if desired. Heck, any nickname is free to be used if desired. Just because another team, extinct team, or nearby state has a tie to a nickname, but does not use it themselves, means we can't use it? That's ridiculous
  17. All I'm saying is good luck to him if he so chooses to treat the decision in the manner you stated, "the final decision is his", and that he may possibly choose whatever nickname he wants versus what invested community members, alumni, and stakeholders choose/want
  18. No it does not. Does it to you?
  19. Oh come on! Most of the names stated in this forum and others are already used by other institutions and sports teams.
  20. Haha not sure who picked that name, but it happened over 5 years ago already
  21. Kelly will not be the one and only one choosing the new nickname! There is no possible way the community or the state would allow that to happen. How long has he been here? Around 10 years? How would he have the right to choose the new nickname over people in the community, state, alumni, stakeholders who have much more invested than him?
  22. You're beating a dead horse here Sicatoka. By UND being called the North Stars has nothing to do with Minnesota or their old hockey team
  23. NoDak Nation is the name of the student group in place of the old Sioux Crew name.
  24. North Stars!
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