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Everything posted by Sioux>Bison

  1. As a ND liberal you would think Joel H would have a little common sense but I guess not. Wake up ND democrats you don’t have to walk the line with the radical left agenda. Until the ND democrats become more moderate they will have no chance at taking meaningful republican seats. This comes from someone who voted for the last 3 moderate democrats until they decided to go awol against the wishes of ND. They should be modeling what Heidi did during her first senate race..... fiscally conservative and socially liberal
  2. The speeches last night were pretty good and not a snooze fest like last week. If you thought the Republicans were spreading fear and the Democrats weren’t you obviously have not been watching the convention speeches. I was honestly pretty inspired by the speeches last night as they laid out the direction this country needs to go. I will not let the mainstream media skew the narrative but then again I’m just a member of the sewing circle cult so what do I know!
  3. All it takes is a couple positive test results in the wrong player groups and the fall season could be a bust. It’s not like the players are in a bubble they will be out interacting with who knows who
  4. The tide us to turn sometime! Well at least I’ve been waiting ten years for it..... honestly they should just jump to the FBS now as luck is always on their side what could go wrong! We all know they think they are too good for the FCS mid major basketball schools anyways.....
  5. Obama’s brother has endorsed Trump so what’s your point?
  6. Boycotts are stupid, not a supporter of anyone doing it.
  7. That meme is Damn right! You have freedom of speech but along with that is the repercussions of such speech! We have a right to be offended by certain speech and to not support those who we do agree with!
  8. The CFL convinced the Canadian Government to extend the border closure so they didn’t have to face embarrassment when the Bison roll the entire league..... same thing happens with Oregon, they knew they would lose
  9. Why would any of those teams want to schedule the Bison? Lose, Lose, Lose situation. 1. If they win who cares about an FCS win, 2. if they lose how embarrassing, and 3. Why pay a FCS team when there is no money coming in from ticket revenue, the Bison have fans but is it enough to boost the TV payout? Bison fans need to get off their high horse and get another hobby because unfortunately Fargo is a one trick pony.
  10. Family friend in her mid 20’s just got hospitalized with pneumonia from corona virus. Not good for a healthy person.
  11. I thought the whole country wants to play the Bison and have them at the top of their wish lists every year! Everyone knows who the Bison are.......well except for my coworkers in OK and TX who have never heard of the Bison or Trey Lance......
  12. The cop is fricken black!!! !@#$ these white people lecturing a black man! These people should be locked up for violating his freedom and presumption of innocence!
  13. Who the hell visits their grandmother in person during a pandemic! Masks or no masks thats too big of a risk. I have seen my grandma once since this all started and still didn’t want to go. No one should have contact with any old people. The old and the unhealthy should be mandated to stay home and isolated that is best for their own protection!
  14. Pussy antifa is only a threat if you let them be a threat. Democratic politicians and letting them destroy their cities and the people are fed up with it! Trump Rising 2020!
  15. Love these videos! Go back to your mommies basements!
  16. He would be dumb not to declare for the draft if he’s really that good. Too much risk for injury that could cost him millions! Other than Mel Kiper any other big names saying he will go first round? I didn’t think I was watching the next P Mahomes last year should have paid more attention!
  17. I normally am not the fighting type but those guys look like they could easily get their ass kicked with one hand. Would I think I could kick a nazis ass just by looking at them I figure not....
  18. Hey now I like fries and couldn’t eat them without hayduke cooking them! but honestly he’s probably a teacher responsible for molding young minds......
  19. Is he really as good as Wentz, asking seriously?
  20. Enough to pay for the trip and all added covid cost to practice and travel this fall?
  21. Bison supposedly tried to schedule FBS games and they are not paying much but why would they payout a lot if they are not making money off attendance?
  22. I don’t think he would transfer for this year but if it’s a wasted season why not take it off and transfer or I guess get ready for draft, but outside of the Bison lap dogs is there anyone who thinks he is a first round pick?
  23. Meltdown central down south on I29! There really isn’t a thing special outside of their one team. It will be a nice fall not having to listen to the bandwagoners! Hopefully they don’t lose too much sleep wondering if Trey decides to Transfer.......
  24. I chose to not go to any bar or restaurant for the last 4 months. I also choose to pick up my groceries instead of going into the store. You don’t need to go into any of those places to get the supplies you need. i chose to play it safe and anyone who hasn’t is rolling the dice on their safety.
  25. People who are immuno compromised should be staying home and out of public interaction. They have a choice whether to risk it and go into public. If they do they should wear a mask. But again I don’t feel sorry for people who get infected when they decide to go into crowded places with or without a mask. They made that personal choice and they will have to live with it.
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