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Everything posted by Fetch

  1. That was sweet - wisco really is good
  2. Is anyone listening to the sound feed with the video - I'm listening to Hennesey & it is about 2 or 3 secs ahead
  3. I wish him Millions after two more yrs
  4. I can't believe Spirko is not drafted for pros - He is one of the best I have seen & I saw Hrkacs - Blake - & who were those guys that left ? ? ?
  5. looks olympic (ice) & alot of empty seats
  6. 28 shots in one period
  7. wisco 1 zip over goof's
  8. The value of Spirko to this team is......... Priceless
  9. NEW TURKEY RECIPE Here is a new way to prepare your turkey. 1. Cut out aluminum foil in desired shapes. 2. Arrange the turkey in the roasting pan, position the foil carefully (see attached) 3. Roast according to your own recipe and serve. 4. Watch your guests' faces... (scroll down) . . . http://www.refugepics.com/members/Fetch/...301BHSKarla.jpg
  10. Maybe...... Confidence - Leadership - Motivator - Trust ? ? ?...........Luck
  11. Yeah I'd hate to have a bunch of Smurfs mad at us http://www.blueimps.com/ Chimps could be kinda Fun http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&q=chimps
  12. "Imps" is that some Heritage or group or culture or secret society you belong to ? OH MAN !!! http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&q=Imps
  13. Here is a good read on Native Americans http://groups.google.com/group/sci.archaeo...1db045c088b300f? Plus I still want Betty or Chris to Email me about the suggestion on Imperials Do they read this forum ? Fetch Posted on: Aug 31 2005, 10:42 AM Group: Members Posts: 248 Joined: 11-December 03 From: Grand Forker Member No.: 932 How about Imperials ? im
  14. Not really
  15. Fetch

    Spirko ?

    I hope he is 100% we miss him HEY I need Gopher in the toilet Pic again ....anyone ? ? ?
  16. Wake me up when ducktober ends Goon could get that big parasail kite I saw south of the Ida May Entraprenuer Center today ? ? ?
  17. were not cheap were hostile & abusive
  18. I hope mike at least gets him with the water bottle Hey Mike your getting so famous over that ...I hope you make sure the Goalie takes a drink 1st You could get set up - But we Love it !!!
  19. I have not overly noticed our 3 big D men over using their bodies yet ? Other than reach
  20. Fetch

    Tyler Hirsch

    There sure are many here who jump to conclusions & dislike sarcasm, or any sensitive topic. I'd like to know more about stories like this So many seem to have all this inside info & expect the rest of us to have it too ? Political Correctness sure is ruining Free Speech & Joking & Teasing, Speculative questions in topics - some topics that is It's like someone is always waiting for someone to screw up This sure can inhibit some conversations Lighten Up a little
  21. who was cheering that someone got hurt ?
  22. http://www.gopherpucklive.com/ Irmens out for 4 to 6 weeks http://www.gopherpucklive.com/MsgBrd/viewtopic.php?t=2893 I hope he & Sparky are back by the time we meet - I want to trounce em with their rest of the best
  23. It bugs me all the little things starting to not work right at the Ralph (Lights in the signs & scoreboard & some of the laser lights not working - ran out of programs Friday night - etc.) It's not Real Bad Yet - But If your going to have a World Class Facility I hope Maintenance & Services are high priority - as well as sound & top notch between period events & good timing on everything--- at $6.50 a beer they should be able to afford doing things 1st class ? ? ?
  24. Miller played alot & I was impressed But we want Sparky Back ASAP!!! & Healthy Did the radio announcers talk about the injury ? I will have to remember to bring my radio - It bothered me why he warmed up but was not playing - did the team know who did it ?
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