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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. Fun to watch play. Sad to hear he is gone.
  2. Trying to enjoy Omaha game. Need to switch to another game. The audio with modulation is, as always terrible. Any ideas why the announcers sound so bad.
  3. I would love to see Matteo with a three point night.
  4. Diversity is good for starting 2nd half of the season. Welcome back Ryan.
  5. Down here in Tucson a good sweet bread might be a good substitute. Maybe even a jalapeno sweetbread.
  6. Got to love the Starman. So good at his job. And nice of him to mention team support staff.
  7. Thank you for the good analysis.
  8. I thought of that, but even day old bread breaks the romance of the experience.
  9. A lot of hockey can give experience but also warn of the grind of a NHL career.
  10. First went to Red Pepper 50 years ago. Awesome. Now Red Pepper needs to open a Red Pepper on the Eastside of Tucson Arizona. Miss Red Pepper menu items!
  11. Now that it is the day after Christmas, just a few more days before we can watch UND skates on the ice in a game.
  12. It has been 50 years. I still crave Red Pepper.
  13. I could get behind men’s soccer. I believe coaching that would be fun as a new program.
  14. Never thought if oats. Interesting…
  15. I wonder how half and half would work? Thank you.
  16. Great move Toews, that is leadership.
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