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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. All ok by Doctors and all wore N95 mask
  2. I don't agree with the language but the reason you see this is because of the media bias and corruption of the political elites. For instance the obama/Biden administration spying on Trump with Hillary and Comey. Hunter making deal worth billions and selling out America. Dems have lost the election and don't realize it. You sure don't
  3. Trump leaves hospital to greet supporters. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2020/10/04/donald-trump-briefly-leaves-hospital-drive-greeting-supporters/3619269001/
  4. Michael Linden is a senior advisor to Patty Murray. You can throw that prediction in file 13.
  5. I don't know if hayduke is a candidate for High Blood Pressure. But he will have an explosion come Nov 3th.
  6. This pollster was correct in 2016 a d also britex. also a poll not over sampling Dems.
  7. I think Lance made enough plays so he probably played his last game in a Bizzzzzon uni.
  8. Conclusion: Wearing masks (other than N95) will not be effective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, whether worn as source control or as PPE. N95s protect health care workers, but are not recommended for source control transmission. Surgical masks are better than cloth but not very efficient at preventing emissions from infected patients. Cloth masks must be 3 layers, plus adding static electricity by rubbing with rubber glove. The cloth that serves as the filtration for the mask is meant to trap particles being breathed in and out. But it also serves as a barrier to air movement because it forces the air to take the path of least resistance, resulting in the aerosols going in and out at the sides of the mask. An August 2020 UCSF study suggested that the mask would decrease the absolute volume of the inoculum. (The concentrations of bacteria upstream and downstream of the test devices were measured with an aerodynamic size spectrometer) https://ucsf.app.box.com/s/blvolkp5z0mydzd82rjks4wyleagt036 https://aapsonline.org/mask-facts/
  9. The one that has to be concerned is Biden. He better stay in his nursing home basement.
  10. So Biden had 30 people show up on his first on his whistle tour. Trump in Duluth. GF Heraldo said 3k showed up. Inaccurate count for sure.
  11. from the article. As of Tuesday, the dashboard listed 348 available inpatient beds and 152 ICU beds, which are figures for licensed beds, not necessarily staffed beds. question, Do you actually staff beds that are not in use. Just a hit piece from the Heraldo.
  12. Tell me that on Nov 4th. After Trump carries FL, AZ and NM because of the Latino vote
  13. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/spanish-speaking-telemundo-viewers-favor-trumps-debate-performance-margin
  14. Dems schorted earth treatment of Rep appointments. Goes back to Bork. ACB will be the best justice.
  15. This. Bush would have pulled Kavanaugh in a NY minute.
  16. No the establishment Rep would not have picked Judges like he has. Too many of the Establishment are spineless.
  17. He was elected primarily to pick judges and justices, and get the gov't regulations off the backs of small businesses so this country could prosper. He accomplished that. 3 justices on SC. awesome. unleashing energy to create jobs. I would say Biden is the conman. Hunter's money and the rest of the Biden family gaining riches off Daddy's name.
  18. It's a casedemic at this point. Get on with life. Check out the graphs in the link below. This analysis would suggest a scenario that is in almost diametric opposition to that which we're hearing on the mainstream media and from many governments, such as the UK's. Let's also not forget that while there's been a view portrayed that the pandemic has hit most of the world, especially countries in northern temperate latitudes, hard. let's not forget that the pandemic had little or no impact on all-cause mortality in Norway, Finland, Denmark, Austria and all the Eastern European countries. Based on concerns of a second wave in Britain, Boris Johnson's government yesterday banned public gatherings of more than 6 people, making protests a bit harder to organise - or at least expensive if you don't mind maying the £100 fine for the first offence (fines rise to £3200 for successive offences). For those planning to get married - that's still OK. But only if you observe the new guidance. Be warned, though. You'll need to wear a mask, you can't kiss your new spouse, you can have a disco but you're not allowed to dance - and everyone must stay 2 metres apart. Sounds like a heap of fun (not!). And maybe completely unnecessary. If we could follow the Swedes - and be given the right to exercise our freedoms to meet, dance or marry as we choose, we might be a whole lot better off - and out the other side of the pandemic a whole lot quicker. Just maybe. Let's keep a sharp eye on those data in the coming days and weeks and we'll see ◉_◉. https://www.anhinternational.org/news/is-there-a-waning-pandemic-behind-the-casedemic/
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