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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. 11 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    I just read the Chiliwack statement on the run of Hedquist.

    Teleguine's season should be done.
    Their HC/GM Brian Maloney should be suspended for a game for this:


    Do not tell me he's a "great leader" and a "good kid" after that video. 

    The statement should've been the first paragraph and the last sentence. Nothing more. 

    Well they gave the kid 5 games…in the playoffs. That’s a fairly stiff penalty from what I’ve seen historically.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, AJS said:

    Was listening to Ottawa 1200 TSN this morning and their discussion on Kleven. They had NHL analyst Mike Johnson on and he was talking about how Ottawa's defensive situation (especially on the left side) was not ideal for Kleven. Doing some minor digging, this doesn't appear to be a one-off type of opinion. It might make sense for him to either get traded or go back for his Senior year and then pick where he plays the following year. 

    Not predicting he will, but it's worth following.  

    His play picked up tremendously the last handful of games or so. Coming back is not a negative. I’ve said it all along, he has things he needs to work on and the A is a much tougher league than NCAA. Coming back he could continue to develop and he’s really not old at all.

  3. 1 minute ago, 90siouxfan said:

    Is the portal just a tmp thing due to covid?  Will it revert back to sit a year transfer system?  Pandoras box?

    Nope, transfer portal is here to stay. Covid was just a “gas on the fire” type activity to the portal as certain players have that one extra year to play with.

  4. Just now, petey23 said:

    Ryan St. Louis is an interesting name in the portal. Played a year at Northeastern and currently is playing in the USHL(55 points in 41 games). Only 19 years old and has 3 years of eligibility left. If i had to guess he will probably join his younger brother who is committed to Harvard.

    He already committed to brown a week ago or so 

  5. 1 hour ago, jk said:

    Not to put you on the spot, but curious, since the numbers are pretty squared away otherwise, would you send Caulfield on to bring in the savage? 

    Yeah, savage has more than a year of eligibility and has been in a really bad spot. If anyone here has watched the WJCs you’ve seen Red’s value.

  6. 43 minutes ago, SIOUXELEVENS said:

    Shout out to 4,6,18,20 and 21 forget about the portal and work hard in the off season and show everybody what your made of. 

    Reading the schloss article this morning makes me hate the portal even more. Talking about picking up 1-2 D and potentially a F…are we trying to hide the fact we’re pushing out good young players?

    Develop the players we have. Open spot on the top pp for a transfer? We’re bringing in multiple skilled Dmen…we have Moore who should get that opp. Not sure what’s going on anymore. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, brianvf said:

    I agree with Schloss that our forward group has the chance to be elite next season.  It will be a deep and talented group.
    My only HOPE is that Berry lets them play in a more wide-open system.  We'll have the ability to play and BEAT teams next season playing a more run-n-gun style.
    Will it mean that we'll also allow more goals...of course, but we probably will anyway with a new goalie and almost entirely new and young d-corps.

    I was never a "hater" of Senden and Hain like some on this group, but I do agree that they gobbled up valuable minutes and had a slower, more grinding style of play.
    I think we're a stronger team next year, especially on the front end.

    We'll have the depth to have almost 3 scoring lines and one grinding/shut-down line.
    Berry just needs to utilize them effectively rather than give the shut-down line the majority of the minutes.

    Berry has to adapt to the newer style of play. Plain and simple. He has to let the skill players play and deal with some of the D breakdowns/learning curve. He has a couple skill guys coming in, they both have to play. If we stick with this chip and chase style of play I’m afraid he won’t make it another year or two.

    • Upvote 4
  8. 1 hour ago, SIOUXELEVENS said:

    Berry is the easy fix guy , instead of coaching the guys you recruited let’s plug our portal or fifth year guys in instead of coaching. We do you think   6-18-21-20 are thinking right now. Instead of coaching them and helping them improve just go with the portal/5th year guys. How may teams would have 19-10-27 as top six players. Berry needs to do his job and recruit and develop players not come up with easier (for him) solutions in his line up. If he loses players to the portal don’t think that won’t be a black eye for recruiting. The goalie situation is just laughable. 

    27 in between 17 and 9 was a serious head scratcher. Basically punted any chance of an even strength goal. Just helped 9 and 17 defensively. 

    If that’s not playing not to lose I don’t know what is. The entire lineup construction was so we didn’t lose. Crushed offensive though.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Here are my categories ...

    Gone: 2 3 7 10 19 34
    Stunned if back: 6 25 
    Don't know what they're thinking (portal potential): 4 5 11 18 24 32 
    Pray they're back: 15 28*
    Wouldn't be sad if they left: 17** 
    It depends: 13*** 
    Back (pretty sure): other 

    *If I get 14 minutes a night of that monster that was a one man PK, the other 4 can be +/- even. 
    **There, I said it. If the skills are: Skating, Pass, Stickhandle, Shoot, Positioning, 17 is above average is two. 
    ***If we hang onto in-house skill I'd keep him around as a PK and bottom six; that assumes we put skill back into the top six

    The only overage F I’d bring back is Judd. If we keep 13 Bubs will play him over a younger player. Let’s start developing our own. It’s already hurting our recruiting.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, jk said:

    I don't understand the disaffection for 13 by some.  He's an ideal fourth liner.  Can skate and is one of the few forwards on the team who actually hits.  Because he's not big, a hit is not an automatic penalty.  I'd personally like to see him back.

    28 is a difficult one for me.  He had moments as a junior where he was a force of nature.  Then I didn't see much of that this year until last night.  Give me that 28 and I'm all in. 

    28s a solid 2nd third line compliment. After 4 years, that what you’re getting. TBH, I’d welcome him back with open arms. 

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  11. Overall tough season (obviously). We have a couple decent players coming in next year plus we relied on our freshman group heavily.

    our D core will be very young next year and I have no clue on the goalie position. I’m guessing we may have more of the same next year. Without the expectations we had going into the year, it’ll hurt less :)

  12. 1 minute ago, SiouxFanSince1990 said:

    Respectfully, as a defenseman you’re responsible for staying between the puck and the man. He’s been too aggressive all year. James didn’t help, but more can’t step up like that. I digress. Moving on.

    Just watched the replay…James lost his man. Maybe he was gassed….but he did lose his man. That guy scored.

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