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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Bellow is such a waste of space out there...maybe that's who FSFL was talking about.
  2. I mean there has to be a bit. Mismash was never put in a top 9 role and Dooghe (5"3" 135 lbs) made the cut. Mishmash was tied for the point lead on the U18 team last year and the rest of those boys seemed to make the first cut. Berry needs to put Mismash with Pogo and Rhett and get him some points. If we don't have any of our boys on the U20 team this year that'll be a buzzkill. This current team is littered with Big10 and HE players.
  3. I know you're joking but who were you referring too? If it's Tkuchuk he's actually very good.
  4. He had a few big hits but didnt put up points. Motzko had him on the 4th line the whole time.
  5. Mismash was cut from the World Junior Showcase this morning. I found that kind of odd given some of the names remaining.
  6. I didn't know where to put this, but I'm somewhat shocked Collin Adams didn't get an invite to the World Junior Summer Showcase.
  7. Interesting. Well he's one of the top 02's in the country....there must be a reason.
  8. I believe only 01's are at that camp. He's an '02
  9. Im shocked. For how good Marto has been in the ECHL...he has only received a couple sniffs in the A. He is 30 though. He should go the KHL and make some money.
  10. I think his skating hurt him. He'll do well in the K. Similar to Bochenski
  11. I guess Wolanin is shining at the Sens development camp. From what I read it sounds as though he'll only be back for one more year.
  12. Adam Johnson just left UMD to sign with the Pens. Ouch.
  13. Kyle Haskins is a kid berry should be looking at.
  14. It's by 8/15, but you're right. He played juniors the year after he was drafted. One thing no one realize is that the GM of the Caps is a relative to him....so the only way he doesnt end up there is if both sides mutually agree it would be better for him to go somewhere else.
  15. Wasnt Hoff - Olson and Bowen together at the end of last year? Against BU? Olson was putting up a decent amount of points at the end of the year with Hoff. Can't remember who was on the other side.
  16. Neither do I.....but who does he play over? Maybe Jones or Smith. From what I've seen Jones is a more talented hockey player and Smith brings that bottom 6 grinding (and is big). The only way Simo play is because he's a C.
  17. This was tough. Mismash - Rhett - Pogo Gersich - Kawaguchi - JJ Bowen - Hoff - Olson Adams - Jones - Smith Yon, Simo, and Gornall all played decent in stretches last year. our bottom 6 is very tough to predict. There could be a ton of shifting around. I don't see a guy like Adams sitting at all though. Even Jones is a workhorse although he has struggled with the college game in his past so who knows. Deep forward group. Wolanin - Peski Poolman - Shaw Johnson - Bast Cam
  18. So far....Cam J. (TB), Peski (OTT), Wolanin (OTT), Hoff (NYI), THome (CBJ), Gersich (WASH), Mismash (Nash), Smith (TB) all are at NHL development camps.
  19. Click on the Recruiting link and BU goes to #1.
  20. I believe he didnt have enough credit to graduate from high school. Sounds like he's going to the CHL. If I was the coaching staff, I would be looking at that situation hard....given he has the right team first attitude.
  21. I'm not overly sure. UND has always went a few high enders mixed with solid over agers (Denver employs this strategy as well, more so with the over agers). What I believe is changing is that more players are starting to be produced outside of the typical hockey markets (CA, ILL, St. Louis, etc). These types of kids (and their parents) are simply not as familiar with UND. Don't get my wrong, I love the Caggulia's and Stechers out there. And many posters have responded that they would rather have those types of guys....me too. However those two were diamonds in the rough. If their draft year's were re done they would be 1-2 rd draft picks. However, there is some luck involved in pulling in those types of undrafted kids. Believe me, if Berry had some magic potion where he knew which undrafted kids were going to bloom into NHL regulars, he would definitely not be in Grand Forks, ND.
  22. Yeah you're right. My original post was never meant to bash the incoming group. I like them. They are just a bit older and more unheralded. Some question marks. I still think this year's team will be very solid. This is how most other college teams have had to recruit because high end kids (excluding over agers) were always going to MN, UND, BC, Mich, and BU. Times are changing. What I kind of worry about us after this coming year. If we lose some guys (gersich, Rhett, wolanin mismash, etc) we're going to be thin. Next year's incoming class is not supposed to be too good. Guys like mattson, senden, and keane have struggled mightily in juniors. More so Jackson and senden. Maybe they'll be decent role players but we're going to need top 6 players. I'm sure Berry and co have something up their sleeves.
  23. Yeah, but both ladue and poolman were drafted. And both those boys shined in the toughest junior A league in NA.
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