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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. To me its getting annoying to sit there and wait for the guy to shoot, challenge him and try to block the shot and get guys in front of the goalie, how many teams have done this and we can't get any through on a "hot" goalie.

    Lines for the next game, HAKSTOL, for once put Rocco on that top line and see what happenes!!!!!!!

    Knight-Rocco, Kristo

    Mark- Parks, Drake

    Rowney- Mitch, St. Clair

    Pattyn- Rodwell, Gaarder or Seinbal


    Knight- Mark, Kristo

    Rocco- Parks, Drake I want to see that line if Hak doesn't want to put Rocco on the first line, Parks can match Roccos speed

    Rowney- Mitch, St. Clair, this could be a 75% checking 25% scoring line, I like how St. Clair plays, it looks like he's always working, he just needs to make better passes sometimes.

    Pattyn- Rodwell, Gaarder or Seinkbal. Pattyn and Rocco Do Not belong on the same line. I want to know what Hak was thinking

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  2. Went to the game tonight with a friend who unfortunately is a Gopher fan...but he had an extra ticket so how could I say no? Great seats and great action by both teams...the Sioux probably should have had the W but have had trouble closing teams out this year...(BU?) One thing both of us noticed was the number of odd man rushes the Gofers gave up tonite...I don't know if the Gofs were going super aggressive on the forecheck but they were getting burned repeatedly and Guentzel was visibly upset on their bench...either that or he just found out what a loser he is...:) jk Kristo was the man out there tonite but I gotta say everytime Rocco touched the puck, there was a definite buzz in the air...he was everywhere and made all the little plays that don't show up in the box score and one play that did...Rocco, Kristo, Knight seems like a no-brainer to me; what say we feed a little of that to St Clown?

    Not trying to sound negative but when it comes to odd man rushes and I'm the other team the only guy I would worry about is Rocco cuz he seems to know how to handle them all the oppising team has to do for the rest of the sioux team is obsteuct their view of the goalie and keep their stick down to block the sioux guys pass, how many times have we seen that happen this year and Danny either has to get faster to skate around the d man or make sure he can make the pass, same goes for all the other sioux players. And the only thing I've noticed with the sioux d men is not as physical and Forbort shots more and they wait to long to take a shot cuz so many of their shots have been blocked by the other team! Frustrating to watch

  3. I think we will see a few lineup changes tonight and would guess the lineup will look something like this. I thought Schmaltz showed some good glimpses last night but also had a few bad lapses and wonder if Hak won't try to send him a message tonight.


    Mark Mac.-Rowney-Parks


    Mitch Mac.-Pattyn-Rodwell






    Those line combos are to good to happen, I don't know why he wont put rocco on the first line.

  4. You know what I think is funny is when a sioux player cleanly checks a guy so hard he doesn't get up and the sioux player gets a penalty for it. What's going to happen when these guys get to the pros and get hit and just lay there?? I honestly can't remember a time when a sioux play got hit and didn't get right back up unless he was legitimately hurt.

  5. Too bad their hockey team wont.

    No it wont be a surprise because everyone already knows the Sioux are going to kick the goofers ass!!! On the scoreboard that is other wise you'll find them hinding behind the refs, coaches, each other and possibly the fans lol

  6. Does it matter how often multiple goals are scored on a major or that it is a possibility? The momentum that it can create is huge.

    This game happened 5 days ago. I brought it up because it was relevant to a comment about checking from behind. Please let me know the statute of limitations for talking about a past game as I wasn't aware of it.

    Does anyone remember a certain holy cross game??? Lmao

  7. ask bjugstad, hasn't he drawn like three cfb's penalties this season. if I'm a UNDplayer I don't touch him if he is anywhere near a wall.

    The game I saw bjugstad was standing face towards the boards and I don't think he was hunched and the guy hit him and got a 5, I think Goon had a clip of it. It seemed like a really weak call considering bjugstads size, I think its the weakest 5 iv ever seen, should've been a 2 min boarding if that, I wouldnt even expect a sioux player to get a 5 out of it. Id have to see the clip again, maybe I'm wrong

  8. I am going to go out on a limb and say in at least one game we will lose a player to a bogus/questionable CFB penalty and on that pk we will have another questionable penalty call against us to go down 5 on 3. the gophs will have at least 12 pp's this weekend and we will have less than 5.

    I'm hoping for a fair refed game just like everyone else I'm sure but I'm not going to hold my breath on it. Lets just hope the goofer players don't turn their backs and put there heads into the boards, how about the sioux players don't even check a guy if he standing facing the boards cuz they could get a 5 that way too from what I saw in another game were a team was playing the goofs.

  9. it might not be as bad as we think but there is a difference in penalties called and pp's at the mooch. over the last 10 years there have been 14 games played in minneapolis and in those UND has had 64 pp's and the goophs 92 for an average of plus 2 pp's for the goophs per game. however those stats are inflated by three games in which minny had 10, 11 and 12 powerplays. the biggest discrepancy was ironically in 2007 when we swept them down there and minny had 23 pp's to UND's 8 for the weekend.

    I wasn't gonna bring it up but I remember that wewkend well. Campion was the ref, can't remember the other refs but every time the sioux got up by 2 goals there just happened to be a penalty called on them, and I think that was the series Bina scored that 180ft goal. If penaltys are called fairly and the sioux play like crap and loose I'm fine with that but I'll believe it when I see it!

  10. If the Gophers do get more power plays it will be because they are outplaying UND and drawing penalties. It would have nothing to do with the refs favoring the Gophers.

    Yes I bet we will have a very gentlemanly game that's going to be called completely fair and I bet anderson adams or either of the shepherds will even reff it:) and after the game the gopher and sioux players wil go have tea and scrumpets together and have a jolly good time. absolutely no sarcasm in that analysis what so ever.

  11. I will have video up on the blog soon, be fore warned I am more upset now than I was at the game. Shepherd and Anderson were down right brutal tonight.

    They're always brutal and on their knees to the other team. I'm just really happy they're not going to the NCHC hopefully!!

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