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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. If the Top-6 d-men are Thompson, Mattson, LaDue, Schmaltz, Ausmus, and Simpson, once again, UND will be dressing 6 draft picks on the blue line.

    Okay I'm not bashing any of this season's players but there doesn't seem to be a solid leader on the team as far as I can see. I mean last season you knew McWilliam was going to be the captain, but this year I guess everyone thinks Simpson will be, he just doesn't seem to stand out that much to me as a leader IMO

  2. I'm a hawks fan and I thought the game was called pretty good unless I missed something. I actually thought the first interference call on boston was weak, Im glad chicago didn't score on on that pp that got turned into a 5 on 3. I think this is going to be an exciting series watch!

  3. If we absolutely have to have a nick name I guess Rough Riders works for me, I just can't think of a really cool looking logo, a guys on a horse isn't really intimidating. It would be cool if there was a cooler name for musketeer, "all for one and one for all," but it wouldnt make sense geographically, just a thought. It would fit in with the stick salute lol.

    • Upvote 1
  4. It is likely that sooner or later (likely sooner) the base will close since the base lost out on the newest plans. Speaking as a retired Airforce brat and a student at UND I personally think the base has done alot for the town and I think we should honor them by having the mascot of Warriors of the North.

    I'm sure Warriors would offend somebody because god forbid we dont want to offend somebody with a name they don't have to look at or read.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Great game tonight. A goaltenders duel, my favorite kind of hockey game to watch. Too bad the cheap-shot artists won, but gotta give Rask a lot of credit. He's been amazing in this series. McQuaid boarded Cooke but you won't see me whining about it. Unlike Bruins fans, I don't whine about these things. All's fair as long as the clock is running with the puck in play and everybody has their gloves on. This series is pretty much over now, so I can only wish the winner of the Kings/Blackhawks series the best of luck in delivering the karma that the Bruins have coming to them.

    Actually the cheap shot artists didn't win, the Bruins won. I'm actually surprised Crosby didn't keel over and act like he got stabbed at any point of the game lol

    • Upvote 3
  6. HAHAHA...Dave, you are such a dumba$s. How about just giving the Bruins their due? And in no way do I think this series is over - Pittsburgh can certainly come back. But what the hell are you talking about - crime pays? Have you even watched the series?

    Seems like DaveK posts these comments just to get rise out of people from what I see which is pretty immature considering his age. Kane is a guttless puke for knocking THE SH*T out of Cook? But its ok for Cook to do all these checks from

    behind. Seems like when Daves player or team gets the crap kicked out of them its because the other team or player is playing dirty but if that's the case its damn fun to watch!!!!

    • Upvote 2
  7. You're entitled to your opinion, but your opinion in this particular case makes you come across as some sort of knuckle-dragging neanderthal. Anybody who thinks it is justified to physically assault another person over mere words has a severely twisted set of morals. While there are penalties imposed for attacking another individual there are no penalties for talking trash, so yes Goon you do have the right to say what you want on the ice without consequences. Remember that old saying about sticks and stones. No rational human being with any amount of self control should get all worked up over anything that is said by another individual. If you attack somebody because you didn't like something that they said it shows that you lack composure and it also shows that they have gotten into your head which was what they intended in the first place.

    Your making Goon sound likea goon which he's not in my opinion, what I'm saying and I'm pretty sure goon feels the same way, I don't mind

    fighting in hockey sometimes people need to be taught a lesson. If your going to run your mouth make sure you can back it up or your gonna be considered a chicken sh*t and I'm sure players will be gunning for you IMO

  8. That is a horrible attitude to have assuming that by "back it up" you mean drop the gloves. The only way I have a problem with a player running his mouth is if he follows it up by dropping the gloves. Avoiding a fight is taking the high road and showing that you are better than lowering yourself to such despicable conduct. If Rau gets the crap beat out of him I want to see somebody beat the crap out of whoever beats up Rau.

    I'm guessing you were one of those kids in school that ran their mouth and then went and hid behind the teacher. Dropping the gloves has nothing to do with being the bigger man in that situation. Perfect example, Brett Hextall, got under other players skin and WAS NOT afraid to back it up, didn't run away from them and I have no problem with that. You run your mouth and get beat up for it I don't feel sorry for you because you were asking for it

    • Upvote 1
  9. Stop crying about players running their mouths. It's part of the game, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Players on every team do it... yes, Goon, even the teams that you cheer for. It isn't exclusive to hockey either, it happens in every sport. You try to get in your opponent's head and get him off his game. Only an irrational person such as yourself would think there is anything wrong with it.

    There isn't anything wrong with running your mouth if you can back it up and not go running behind the referee or your teammates like a little b**ch. I can't wait to see the day rau gets the crap beat out of him!!!!

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  10. Not saying that at all - I love it when the Sioux are gritty - I just meant that I am really tired of our endless cycle

    I was being sarcastic but I'm sure you caught that lol. I like when they're gritty too but we need players(Rocco, possibly parks, maybe Tambollini) who can't skate up the ice with the puck instead of dumping it or playing the boards all the time.

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