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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. You folks are way way too wound up over some fish wrap column filler's mindless musings.


    All this person did is take the statements from the "expert" (that schools to tend to use a color and a bird) and come up with something they thought to be cute.


    The writer could have just as easily come up with something just as < gag > original like "Black Hawks" or "White Owls" or "Green Falcons".  

    There are 4 types of owls in ND which are year round residents. Thanks for the rabbit hole

  2. Rough Riders.   End of Discussion.  I dont understand how these ridiculous nicknames ever see the light of day...  Green meadowlarks???  i thought flickertails was lame but good god that ones attrocious... 



    The nickname "Rough Riders" works, and will catch on without a doubt.  It has hometown roots, the alliteration sounds great, would be easy to make an amazing logo.. repeat after me "Heeeere's your university of north dakota rough riders SCOOOOOORING!!!"    yea that felt good didnt it



    Also coming out to DMX's Ruff Ryders anthem would bring the F@$#^ING house down.  Everyone under the age of 30 is familiar with the song, it could be edited/mashed up to remove anything explicit.  

    ***Dead quiet arena, lights off, green LEDs on...  song intro comes on   "Stop, Drop, Shut em down open up shop!"

    I actually never thought of that for some reason

  3. The opening paragraph of the article was written to evoke, but not to live in reality. 


    The answers to the Q&A are pretty much dead on: 







    Except for this epic fail : 



    With Minnesota basically a creature that is indistinguishable to the average citizen, it's unmarketable. And, Dr. Kelley has done one right thing and said we're not going back there. 



    Closing thought: I knew Stanford had done Indians Cardinal. I did not know UMass had been the Redmen before the Minutemen.

    That surprised me as well. Minutemen is a way better nickname, I think. That's the first time, I've really thought it was an improvement by name change.


    I go back and forth between some cool animals, Wolves/Elk, but I really think a military angle is the way to do it. Warbirds was an air division which had ND service men/women in it. 

  4. Looks like I got seven out of ten correct again, with all three of the players I missed on (Ciampini, McIntyre, and Wydo) listed among my six honorable mention spots. Can't feel too badly about that.

    I'm not surprised that McIntyre is in. Just can't believe he's the only goalie among the top ten. Has to make him a lock for the Mike Richter Award.


    The jinx is in!!!

  5. North Dakota Wapiti??

    yeah I just saw that. Is it pronounced "wah-pee-tee"? I'm worried that the possibility of that not being clear demerits it as a nickname, though I can't do much better.

    "Buckhorns"? I'm not sure that refers to deer antlers or if it could refer to elk as well.

    Or "buglers" due to the distinctive cry.

  6. Thought for the day (and I imagine this idea will be burned for being bland) I was reading an article today talking about the bighorn sheep population took a hit due to some pneumonia this winter, and my takeaway was " Bighorns" would be a cool nickname. The problem I had was, I just have trouble identifying North Dakota with a bighorn sheep, not sure why, I guess I've never seen a sheep in the badlands could be part of it. 


    I kept reading on, and it said moose and elk and all them fair'ed pretty well this winter. Which is cool, but then I thought an elk would make a pretty sweet logo with the big antlers and stuff (think all the cool statues of elk around), but Elk doesn't roll off the tongue. Maybe it doesn't identify any better than bighorn sheep, but I would say they are as representative as a bison (both only exist anymore on  ranches / parks. I think an elk looks cooler too. Teddy Roosevelt described their appearance as "lordly." But it's still kinda weird to say with the hard k ending if you ask me. I thought I would check here if anyone knew a nickname for elk, similar to how "Bighorns" would be cooler than Bighorn Sheep?

  7. I agree with this, that logo is a big part of this. Big reason why we all loved the Fighting Sioux name was the awesome logo we had. A nickname means little without a sweet logo to put on merchandise. For that reason I think i am also on the Roughriders bandwagon. A quick google search shows some pretty cool ways you could go with that logo.


    My favorite being this one, used by Cedar Rapids USHL team. 




    If UND ends up being the Roughriders with a logo somewhere along those lines I'll be extremely happy with that. Roll Riders!!! 

    That's acutally probably as close as you could get to the Sioux logo with a mustachio'ed New Yorker

  8. No, that's not what I said or was referring to.  People are trying to come up with a nickname that relates to the history or heritage of North Dakota.   Rough Riders doesn't. 


    In a different but related vein, I can't imagine spending countless hours and mucho bucks to get all these committees together with distinguished alumni and marketing professionals, and then end up with the local high school's nickname.      

    I fully understand and appreciate your argument against Roughriders based on historical evidence. I think for a lot of people it's kinda 'close enough', and the best option they have heard. Teddy Roosevelt is a large source of pride here, and probably will continue to be despite only spending a couple years here nearly bankrupting himself due to a cow-killing blizzard. 


    However, I really can't stand the whole, 'we can't use it because it's Red River's' argument. It just seems so small time to me, and I can't imagine they are many people outside of the Greater Grand Cities area who could care one iota about sharing a nickname with high school.

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