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  1. "Tell me how to live !" ...the late Chris Cornell
  2. It's the voice: harshly vivid, effusive, annoying tonal quality, et al East Coast bias is baked in for anyone originating west of the Mississippi, so that is less stark to me
  3. Mankato 15 took a draw against Boisvert and the beginning of that shift - Boisvert took exception to 15 being a bit too frisky on the draw setup and pushed 15 back gently, glove to helmet. They reset, puck was dropped, hit occurred, then a bit later #3 was ‘scored’.
  4. Anyone know of the date that ASU will offer single-game tickets?
  5. Moderators, is this an appropriate time to extricate this user from this forum?
  6. Uh oh, MacDonald has been talking to Blake?... Will he wear No. 7 at UND like Jandric and Pyke? "I'm not too sure yet," said MacDonald, who wore No. 9 at Alaska. "I'll have to talk to the coaches and see what's available."
  7. Per Buccigross on selection show yesterday; for certain, Ben Clymer is doing color, which is unfortunate. As for PxP, think I heard Clay Matvick is the guy, but am not certain on him. If so, he does a fine job in my opinion. Hopefully we will hear more of him than Clymer.
  8. So much for best laid plans and simple logic, we are now stuck behind Persson or Hedquist for two periods. Grr !!!
  9. Please explain what you mean by 'vertical part of their game seems light'? Related to team speed?
  10. As #1 seed, UND will be in the Wild’s locker room & bench on semi-final Friday, correct?
  11. '...champion fan' = fair weather fan
  12. IMO... 1. Hedquist has sufficiently proven himself for this team. 2. Keep the train on the tracks - start Persson.
  13. Fixed your post. + That likely will never happen - at least one regional tournament will likely NOT have a NCHC rep, so as to prevent what happened in 2005 (all WCHA teams in Frozen Four) Although, at some point IF the NCHC has a down year, only two teams qualify
  14. First; no more ‘checkbox’ marking, natty babble or other fan/critic b.s. Second; funnel your fan ‘karma energy’ to the TEAM so they win the first shift tomorrow night. Third; rinse and repeat step 2 P.S. Cease demanding line personnel change(s), ad infinitum. Coaches coach, players play, fans are happy or sad - these are the finite roles in this drama.
  15. ring-ala-ding; 2020-2021 team on line 1...
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