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Everything posted by legend334

  1. not having more opinions than 3- bad- even if as the AD you do not agree with them, more input is always good...which may be why Rob B is gone??
  2. so Craig Smith making, 28,000 dollars a year would not consider this job...finances are not a conern there!!! all these excuses are making me thirsty!!! It would be interesting to produce a email from the Fort Hayes State coach to see if he was really contacted....now wouldnt it!!!
  3. 92 96...do not point out the obvious....it offends some people on this board whom do not choose to see the light....shades are pulled!!!
  4. Be careful...Sicatoka will be offended by these comments. Be warned that saying anything that resembles the truth of what is REALLY going on will lend you to be a trouble maker, or poor sport.
  5. That was a waste of 3 mins to read, wait, 5 to reread, because it made no sense.
  6. Since our own GF Herald wont ask the tough questions....I am asking Mr. McFeely to ask the questions....the LTC is new enough he does not know who you are, I know you read this forum and so do our own GF Herald.....which is where some get their information....let the fans know what REALLY went on thru this process....future coaches and UND fans deserve to know the truth!!!!
  7. I am guessing that is exactly what he meant...wow....he has been a Sioux for ten months....and he knows better than past players....coaches....fans.....or anyone who has a opinion....wow...I would like to call out Wayne Nelson and tell him to ask the tough questions....ask him if he offered Randall the job...and what his reasoning was....and IMO there is no excuse!!! The only way this will get addressed is if McFeely asks the tuff questions!!!!!
  8. I have stated before how I felt about a three person search committe, with one person being the AD....it makes no sense, unless the decision had already been made and you did not want any other opinions of who would make a good canidate. Even when Terry Wanless was here back when, we had search committees of at least 7 to 9 people, for a volleyball coach, football coach etc....Even when Dalen Lennon was hired, RT had a search committee...and he had input, he was not a member of the committee!!! Only very small schools do not have a search committee. I also find it amazing that within one day, the 3 person committee sifted through 56 resumes, even if all those were not sent over to him, lets say half, thats how many references to call, three per resume....80....that is a lot of phone calls to make in a day....unless the committee....already had their person....and by connecting the dots of not inviting anymore applications even before the other two have interviewed....it would appear the E. Illinois man will get the job!!! The only thing that has changed is that people seem to be expendable, and from what i am feeling within the dept, that seems to be the attitude, never good when this happens!!!!! The red ink will not change until the issue of playing and paying to play in all of these buildings is addressed.
  9. I cant help but think how Tom Clifford would have handled that email...a lot differently i bet!!!!
  10. Do you think that would actually make a difference?? I think the executive secretary is too busy scheduling the boys' summer schedule....swimming, tee ball, hockey camp....come on...she doesnt have time to answer a concerned alum or fans phone call!!!!!
  11. I really do wish Randall the best of luck!!!! I also wish he would come out and say what really went on through this process...
  12. How about putting Dave Vonesh on the committee??? or like I stated earlier, Steve Brekke, a alum, ex basketball player....or Coach Lennon.....
  13. He did stay loyal to UND, but sometimes loyal to a fault, can be a fault, I now understand that too!!!! I really wish he would publicly come out and say what happened, from beginning to end, because future coaches, and our fans need to know!!!!!!!
  14. Well....for starters....from the person who was the interim AD...and stated publicly that the situation was going to be cleaned up before the new AD got on board.... I would think this person, whom reports directly to the President would take a more pro active approach rather than saying he would forward the email!!!!! Be accountable for the hire, look into, if one alum or fan is concerned, as a administrator you should be concerned...not pass the BUCK!!!!
  15. Or Florida Southern wanted a answer sooner rather than later....either way...best of luck in Florida RH!!!
  16. i just cant wait until the alums are asked to pony up some money after this total disrepect!!!!!! Rico Bukertt, Mike Fitzner.plus other alums who didnt play basketball at UND but went to school here....total disrespect!!! Also why would this Weener guy put down Ralston as a reference....when she is on the hiring committee???
  17. for the record Craig Smith has his masters....and last i knew as of this year...RH was still completing his masters...unless he finished it after Oct.
  18. I guess having Bobby Knight as a reference wont get you a interview either....Bobby flippin Knight for gods sake!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. So the high school coach gets a interview because Betty Ralston said he has a good work eithic??? what is that......also good luck going D1 and going back and asking these alums for any sort of future help to the athletic program....brilliant!!!
  20. The four candidates interviewing on campus next week include: - Monday, May 15 -- Steve Weemer, former assistant coach at Eastern Illinois University - Tuesday, May 16 -- Randall Herbst, associate head coach at UND - Wednesday, May 17 -- Brian Jones, director of basketball operations at the University of Iowa - Thursday, May 18 -- Tom Brown, assistant coach at Winona State University Steve Weemer........she is formerly from E. Illimois...NICE
  21. I wonder which one of those is Betty Ralston's friend whom she asked to apply....this is a joke and a tragedy!!!! UND alums should be up in arms....no UND alums on this list at all??? wow......D1 is the way to go BOYZ!!!!!!!
  22. I recently watched a movie and found something that was said to a Russian leader very interesting. Here were his words of wisdom to his successor. I have left you two envelopes. Open the first envelope when you get into a bind and it will take care of whatever situation has arose. When you get into a second bind, open the second envelope and it will help you out as well. The Russian leader gets into a bind, he opens the envelope and it says to blame everything on me, the previous leader for everything being messed up. Sure enough the Russian leader gets into another bind, opens the second letter and it says, begin by writing two letters. Very intersting analogy and one that could apply to many situations!!!
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