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Posts posted by SiouxTupa

  1. They like the elaborate celebrations, don't they. There was a lot of standing around by the opposing teams in those clips. That won't be the case this weekend. Sioux defensemen move and pressure like demons.

  2. That takes cohones.

    I don't think they have the speed and skill to keep up with Miami.

    I think it will be close for the first period and then Miami will run away with it.

    If I really broke it down, I don't know if I could pick UAH. But there are always upsets, so why not them this year? Lets see some heart and hard work. It's no fun to pick it straight. No prize on the line anyway. :p

  3. I'm going with UAH shocking Miami to extend their program's life a bit. Who knows how long they can/will survive without a conference. They're playing for pride and to show all of college hockey that they are worthy.

    Then they lose to Michigan in front of a homer crowd.

    Going to be hard to beat Michigan in front of Detroit fans... but my bracket says someone does. :p

  4. You are right, it was the turning point of the game. Now if the Gophers put in 2 or 3 during that major and won the game, I think many would have a different view of things. We can be some fickle mo-fos for sure.

    Even if that happened, I'd still consider it the turning point. But you're right that our fans wouldn't be so forgiving of Frattin in that instance.

  5. WOW, if thats accurate then it just goes to show how thin-skinned this Gopher program has become. I could possibly see him not shaking hands with Frattin as upset as Lucia was but why Hextall? I know he's good at talking smack but geez. Pretty unprofessional on Dons part as well......if it indeed did happen.

    I find it hard to believe, myself. As intense as the rivalry is, Don is a classy guy. When the game is over he does the interviews and shakes hands. Sure, he gets heated and yells, but he understands that these are 18-21 year old kids not professionals.

    That being said, I don't doubt he was/is talking to the league about certain plays, as I'm sure Hak was with the diving.

  6. direct tv 658 it says on my program list.

    gophers are my team, (i was hoping for 6-0 both nights and get this season over with, because if the gophers lose tonight, all they did was get our hopes up!)

    but im not an idiot, und should win. The home ice in a deciding game is key. dont' ya think?

    stupid question #3, can they sell beer on a sunday? or is that just a stupid minnesota law.

    I think home ice should be an advantage, absolutely. The crowd will show up and be loud. If the team does too, UND should win. But maybe the Gophers will show more desire than they have all season. That's why we play the games.

    I'm thinking the beer will be flowing at the arena, as far as I know you can sell liquor in ND on Sundays. Maybe I just haven't needed any on a Sunday in awhile, but I think it's available.

  7. This is why we worked so hard for home-ice advantage. The last line change/match-ups/crowd/rink/etc.

    If we can't win 2 out of 3 in our own building, we don't deserve to be in St. Paul next week.

    Agreed. Take nothing away from the Gophers. If they win, it's because they overcame several obstacles and they deserve it.

    They'll bring it, UND better bring it. Should be a highly entertaining game...the way playoff hockey should be. Lay it all on the line.

  8. You can't blame the loss on the goaltender, he did a pretty good job last night. I blame players on the ice. They have to get pucks deep and stop coughing up the puck. I also think they need to get to the net with a purpose. Kangas is a head case and it won't take much to rattle him. Make him remember why he hates North Dakota so much.

    Yes, the key is hustle on every play. At times last night guys were missing on passes, but not hustling to get it back. When that happens it's an automatic turnover. The guys need to work for every loose puck, and protect it when they have it.

  9. The game reminded me of our last loss in St. Cloud - we win territorialy, but we do not get the big save from our goalie and theirs stands on his head.

    If Eideness is in position - out of the paint - on goals 2 and 3, the puck hits him (even if he doesn't see it) and we still win.

    The team that will win Sunday will be the one with the best goaltending play - I hope we see the Eids that we saw during our win streak.

    And stop looking for excuses (diving, refs) - just beat them like we did Friday.

    I have to disagree with this. Eids made some HUGE saves, including a breakaway stop on Cepis. The two goals in the 3rd were deflections and screens. They could have been stopped, but I'm not faulting Eids. He's been great lately.

    The Gophers are going to test him tonight by throwing everything on net looking for the same stuff. I do agree that the team with the best goaltending will take it, though. So tonight he'll have to be razor sharp. I don't care how we win tonight, as long as it happens.

  10. Tonight's game is going to be brutally hard-fought. A major key will be how UND responds after scoring a goal. That's usually a big enough key, but last night it seemed like they didn't understand how a team reacts to being down with their season on the line. If UND gets ahead late, they need to keep up the pressure. Drop the D back, but keep moving the feet and forechecking. The Gophers will come with serious heat and throw everything at the net looking for garbage (which they got last night.)

  11. As much as the loss stings...especially after taking a late lead...I have to say that in the big picture this could be a good thing. They obviously want to win today, and it would be important for their confidence. But to win 15, possibly 16, games in a row is a ridiculous winning streak. Most NC winning teams take one around this time. There's nothing saying they can't go out and win another 7/8 in a row. It starts tonight! Play hard through every whistle and get it done.

  12. In my opinion, though, I didn't think the refs missed calling any penalties on the gophers last night for the most part. I thought they did a pretty good job. The fact that the gophers didn't commit any penalties was just more evidence that they just weren't trying all that hard.

    I thought the Sioux got away with at least a couple non-calls. For instance they should have got Blood for holding the stick in his own zone at one point.

    I agree. When the refs actually call a straight game, sometimes you get lop-sided calls for one team. That doesn't necessarily mean the refs are out to get the other team. When a game is called perfectly even (same amount for each team) that's when the marble theory comes into play. Sometimes the refs probably feel "damned if you do/don't."

    When the calls don't go your way, you can do one of two things to work against it:

    1. Kill the penalties and keep working

    2. Stop taking penalties :D

    The Sioux were tenacious on the kill last night. It was beautiful hyper-aggressive pressure. Sometimes that can get a team into trouble, but not usually when the other team just stops skating.

  13. We have a few extra seats because I do not have many friends.

    Two in Section 114, Row E. $35 each.

    One in Section 110, Row F. $30.

    One in Section 106, Row B. $30.

    Tickets are in Grand Forks.

    I PM'd you in case they're still available. I'd be willing to meet or pick them up at will-call and can pay you however is most convenient.

  14. Good for Brian.

    I am surprised, frankly, that they re-signed him. The Sens added a d-man at the trade deadline iirc; I expected that to signal Lee's release.

    Actually, they traded Alexandre Picard to Carolina for Matt Cullen, picks and others were possibly also involved. Picard was also a young blossoming D-man, so I figured Lee would get more time with the big club as a result.

    Although it looks like they also traded a pick for Andy Sutton, so maybe that's the trade you were referring to. Either way, good for Brian.

  15. If UND ends up playing the Gophers in the playoffs, I'll be at least a bit glad that they beat UND so bad last time. A little added revenge factor. The Sioux are playing much better these days though. It would be great entertainment. :sad:

  16. Will the games be on at any bars in moorhead or fargo? I don't know anybody with cableone anymore

    If only CableOne could get this game...

    I hear Three Lions Pub in WF will have the game. They must have Midco.

  17. IMO, major juniors is for players who won't play in college very long b/c they are closer to NHL-ready. Physically, they might have the strength to play in the NHL, but need more game action to develop their game. College is for players who maybe need more time in the weight room to develop physically and more practice time to refine their skills. It really does depend on where a player is at if you ask me. FOr some major junior is better, for others college is better. And then there are those special players that would make it to the nhl no matter where they chose to play.

    Don't Canadian MJ players also receive a paycheck/stipend of some kind? I think some people (Canadians) believe there's a level of play advantage across the board vs American college hockey.

  18. It's time to say enough is enough. If the guys think they deserved better last night, they have a chance to go get it tonight. I think they will. I bought the webcast, and will be watching.

    Lets put a 6-1 thumping on the table. Make a statement! Not that I really expect that, but if they start hitting their marks it could be fun to watch.

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