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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. Maybe they need to have a G rated practice every week for Midco.
  2. Sometimes you get speed-bagged.
  3. Definitely. We've looked worse against far worse teams.
  4. What a snipe.
  5. Agreed. But as you said, what should happen and what does happen don't always align.
  6. 2 quick pp moves and 2 goals. Perhaps the pp is turning the corner! With that said, Miami is #40+ in PK.
  7. I think if we weren't already on the power play there, they give him 5 and the game.
  8. Sounds like I missed a good opening minute.
  9. And we're live
  10. I've got the same
  11. Well, we pay our fb coach $180k and our bb coach $150k, so aren't we standing for it?
  12. That's about 5 days every 2 years.
  13. Plenty of teams out there with far less talent and a much more effective power play.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.sctimes.com/amp/4127311002
  15. Gooooooch!
  16. There is nothing quick about our power play. Pass, hold, think, pass, hold, think, pass, hold, think, shoot into defenseman.
  17. 6' 170# WR/DB out of Winnipeg.
  18. Ah that makes sense, I had actually not put together his Kennedy dig. Wynne would be solid IMO, I just don't know how they handle the financial aspect.
  19. https://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/editorials/4746639-Our-view-Help-wanted-More-fans-at-Alerus-Center
  20. https://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/columns/4746654-Jacobs-Bewilderment-in-UND-circles This firm should be blacklisted.
  21. Nah, I don't think that would work.
  22. Why were the rest added to the list?
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