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Posts posted by TBR

  1. If Cavalry gets any further consideration the committee members have no qualifications for what they've been tasked to do. Not saying its an intrinsically bad name, but in context its asking for more NA related controversy. I can't believe it made it as far as it has. Likewise Green Hawks would not be such a terrible choice id Miami was not a hockey rival.


    I can live with no name, Roughriders, or Nodaks.

  2. C'mon, you know what that "casual slogan" would be. That's why I still say "no nickname" is just a ruse to keep using the retired name.

    No, I responded to a suggestion that a slogan like "Force of the North" could be used. That suggestion addressed what the University might choose as a slogan. What the fans privately continue to wear at games and around town is not determined by University policy or decree, or for that matter by the ncaa..

  3. Well I guess we cannot let facts get in the way.  Please look at the number of recommendations to the committee that had North Dakota, or some form thereof as the lead option (other than remaining Fighting Sioux).  There is fact #1 regarding a majority view.  Also, look at the Forum poll which has remaining North Dakota as the majority opinion.  Facts are on my side.  As far as the NCAA goes, there is legal jargon involved, but officially making it North Dakota would satisfy the requirement.  I stated that we could trademark a slogan such as "Force of the North" to be used.  It does not have to be a nickname.  I stated it already had been used on a couple of occasions already by the University.

    This suggestion is very reasonable. Many such as me do not want to assume an identity with which UND has no tradition. NDSU and USD are unofficially the thundering herd and the howling pack. There is something for everyone staying North Dakota and adopting a casual slogan.

  4. Flickertails is a good nickname in theory.  It's one of the three nicknames of the State, it's unique, it sounds good.  While not ferocious, it has decent logo and mascot potential.  I think it would be a good nickname......IF the University of Minnesota was not the Gophers.  But since they are, I don't think Flickertails will work.  That's just the way it is.

    I agree.

  5. Nodaks is the way to go. Dusting off this old moniker precludes having to assume an identity we have no tradition with and the name is unique and distinctive. It also is inclusive of the tribal members at Spirit Lake that supported retention of the old name

  6. Ermines, ear mites. I'm not tracking why we should be another animal that scurries close to the ground. Half our rivals do that...Jacks, Badgers, Gophers. This name is not gaining traction with anyone. Just let it go.

    • Upvote 2
  7. If differentiation is what you're after, not having a nickname would differentiate UND just fine.  UND could even be a trend setter in that regard.  The latter part of your sentence is the real reason for the clarion call for a new nickname - any nickname.  As far as the school itself is concerned, brand awareness is developed and sustained by the strength of the programs it offers.  The brand is also based upon the perceived trustworthiness and credibility of those who run the place.  The aviation school, law school, medical school, etc. are still top notch regardless of whether the school has a nickname.  For athletics, trying to market a new nickname selected via some rash attempt to squelch and simply move past the former nickname would be wasted energy and could be counterproductive.  There would be marketing value in not selecting a nickname because of the message that the school had the very best nickname and logo in all of college athletics (and professional athletics, in my opinion) and held it and the Sioux people in such high reverence and esteem (exactly what the school used to say) that no other nickname would do.  Now, that is both a principled and powerful message that would sell and sell and sell.  And, it's consistent with what the school stated throughout.  And, it's not prohibited by the surrender agreement.  

    Very well stated. We don't have to assume identity with which we have no tradition. NCAA has already tacitly accepted no name by looking the other way during the three year "cool off" period. If need be just extend the cooling off period indefinately.

    • Downvote 1
  8. I agree withe the sentiment expressed above that we just not play the ncaa's game andrefrain from assuming an identity that we have no tradition with. I have "voted" and my preferences so stated were 1. Nodaks and 2. no name at all.

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