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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Kinda described him there didn't I? Didn't try to, but yes...what would his vote be, and should he get to vote?
  2. What great read, Rocco is a stand up guy forsure...thanks for sharing.
  3. Im kind of torn on this part, not sure I agree with a 70 year old alumnus living in California who hasn't been to ND since graduation gets a vote on the name and a ND citizen does not? Dont know if I agree with that, hard to say if some citizens even know anything about UND either
  4. In that voting process, How can someone be a season ticket holder but NOT be a champions club member? Or is this an option with other sports other than hockey?
  5. Well my #1 choice is gone! #2- #3 are still there... Guess what HAYDUKE?!! I have a voice in the vote! I get to vote.....just like you!! Hahahahahahaha.... I think the storm is on its way since Kelly removed ND as an option. At least he made a decision!
  6. I heard or read today that the shooter use to work with the victims or at the same place as the victims. I think more is coming out on this pathetic person!
  7. STOP!! Where does he say to "keep fighting Sioux"? I know, if we want no nickname we are ALL wanting the old logo back....WRONG!
  8. Just copied this, did you chew him out? Because I agree with what he is saying
  9. Looks like it to me...as the court hears the slamming of the judges gavel while his honor shouts "case closed, stop wasting our time with this nonsense, have you people not heard of the 1st amendment"!! As sioux83 yells " you can't handle the truth"!
  10. These changes literally just happened...I think we all understand the point he was making with his commentcomment, and I agree with...
  11. One is as stupid as the other, but you know what, you and your 3 buddies on here started all of it with your scare tactics that will NEVER happen! Now people are using the bs tactic towards your side and you are having a fit! Classic!
  12. Ok, I will try. Hey clown, stop writing this 100% false fear mongering crap. To think you write this shyt on an internet website, over and over and over and over! Just try to understand how stupid your scare tactic is!
  13. Funny, the opposite of what Kelly actually said. Pres Kelly, are you going to allow ND back on the ballot? "Im still listening to stakeholders , stay tuned"
  14. Sundogs it is.....wow!
  15. What a shyt comment, fits the person that wrote it to a T!
  16. Count our sides of the conversation, I guarantee you and the other 2 are 6-10 to 1 of mine! You guys might hide your comments better, but you all are as much name calling and verbally abusing as anyone on here! You just use words like uneducated, or all of you, etc....
  17. How can you guys be shocked by that response? You want to protect the school but people with other views want to harm UND! You constantly tell us ND namers aren't as smart as you, group us as Sioux only people! I can't believe the harsh comments didn't start sooner. On top of that we have to read your same shyt over and over every other page. Every other page you guys give your condescending speeches to someone different! Why don't you give it a rest? If we want to refresh on your doom and gloom all we have to do is flip back a page and read 12 paragraphs of it!
  18. Everyone that doesn't share your view needs to educate themselves! I do know how government works, I don't act like a council is all tribal people's opinions on something like you do, just because you voted for a president does that mean you agree with everything he does? Try and have a debate once without belittling people! Tribal people apparently don't care to go out and vote in a statewide vote, they did sign a petition in the res though? How is that hard to understand? You ever think this one book might know more about the whole thing than you? I'm sure that's impossible in your superior mind! I tthink you are wrong on your stance, I hope ND becomes the name, I don't believe any of you and the three others doom and gloom bs!
  19. I did this on my phone, hope you understand what I was trying to say above in your quote.
  20. The first time they took ideas from the public it had been written the most over any other name I believe. The times you speak of had to do with people that had an agenda. It lost 7-4, that's 3 more votes only you know? If its on the final vote from the people, how do you think it will end? I believe I know that answer, ND by a landslide! I've been wrong before, but I'm ok with being wrong if that choice is voted down, unlike the opposition being afraid of it..
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