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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Still in Fargo, does anyone know if the game is on TV in Fargo? Direct TV? Thanks...
  2. Agreed, its considered poison in our house with my athletes.
  3. Cam said he was just dehydrated, said he would "drink more Gatorade tonight" . No problems just cramping.
  4. Great post! Cam was a stud! Duluth absolutely looked like a Sioux team of the past. A team you can beat now, but hopefully avoid later. I know these guys fear no team, but you know what I mean...
  5. Talk about paying attention, you give Hak a little credit but "with Blais's recruits" who's recruits are being used now?! This coaching change is seamless, a guy from the original staff, helped recruit, sound familiar? You say never a " championship game"? You do realize the one THEY lose in is the 2nd to last game you can play in the entire season right? Sheesh!
  6. The funny thing, I think Cratter is GFhockey or GFhockey is Cratter. Always defending each other, asking for each other and they don't post much at the same time????Hmmmmm? They put crap on here to start shyt!
  7. So you are saying this team is this good because Hak is gone? not because the remaining players are a year more mature and the many new ones are absolute studs? Your funny, how's my comprehension? Wonder who recruited these players? You have been fishing for a fight about Hak, here you go...
  8. Watch this one, seems like Ben was way under paid and he looks like he regrets it.
  9. Where is everyone? Is there a new way to talk hockey during the game?
  10. Good announcers, not too much homerism. Having a hard time figuring out who they are talking about though with the UND-UMD talk...
  11. Ahh, its part of the game, hopefully they used all that (the "I" word) up last season, and no matter what I say, it doesn't change a thing...Exciting hockey! Keep it rolling boys!
  12. So glad I'm on the charter list for the Frozen Four!! Tampa, here we come! This team is explosive! No injuries the rest of the way, this could be a great thing to witness!
  13. The Sioux/Hawk following, sounds HUGE at Amsoil... Great job you studly Sioux/Hawk following fans!
  14. Anyone can say someone said something, it don't mean squat... Either way, I think this movie is cool, and I helped fund it.
  15. I can't get this video to work, does it show Ralph saying this or someone else telling u Ralph said this? Just curious. Cant help but to see the word "possible" in the title. Everything is always the hockey fans fault...
  16. Feel the same way, dhg is a piece of work. They follow all Sioux players and attack their every word, call em racists if they endorse the Sioux name etc... Both are anonymous, big talking scumbags! When I go back and forth with them its on twitter, my real name is my screen name! No idea rwd is a chick, her dad must be proud?
  17. Not quite, but they dont want the coaches head if they don't win the last two games of the year. Big difference.... And to blame that loss on the head coach is even more ridiculous.... IMO of coarse.
  18. Right, you got me... Maybe you never said in this thread.
  19. Well...where were the Sioux ranked at the beginning or prior to the season and ranked since? I believe the difference is very minimal. The rebuilding fear came from here, obviously not the USCHO, or USA today?
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