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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. And oxB up votes it...
  2. No you own that name.. You two should get a room....I'm sure that would be cute..
  3. When people ask or mention things about the beautiful Sioux name they are NOT asking for you to set them straight... We all know you are a football only fan who worships the fhawk name. That is great for you, maybe not for some others on here...?
  4. "Vague"....? In context we are talking about tickets so.... But like I said above, I don't care maybe it was another guy in your pack...? "Show Ox respect"....omg that's hilarious! You mean like the respect he shows these highly paid college kids who owe him a perfect season....yeah okay!
  5. Maybe not regionals, but something. I don't care...at least your buddie got to vote you up 1 replying back to me...Im happy for ox, anything to feed the misery machine...
  6. Been busy with family funerals and a 6 month ago planned snowmobile trip to the mountains for the last week. You keep your misery going ox, I'll wait till the boys make it and you can tell me "I got lucky saying they'd make it", just like last season. You just make sure you think of every excuse you can to say you wanted to sell them and I didn't follow through! Lol, I told you weeks ago I'd buy them, I think 3 yrs in a row now. Big doom and gloom babies till you sit in your seats at the NCHC or the regional. Pitch forks out Fridays and the bus door opens on Saturday, some pathetic "fans" this team has
  7. I rest my case.. Exactly what I'm saying, funny how D76 gives you an up vote right after he says that above.. Can't make this s#@t up!
  8. Like the idiots that said "hanging onto the Sioux name was a curse and that's why they didn't win one"? Hey pot....meet kettle!
  9. Yep... You win, I can only stoop to your level for so long. Enjoy the ride of life...
  10. Keep up that misery ox...it fits you. Make sure you spot me and come see me Friday or Saturday, I'll be there. I would love that...
  11. You're such a coward! Collar bone!!
  12. What has been proven? You said one and done like other QB's. Your example was seasons, so again what has been proven? Nice try...
  13. I will right now, face value. I'm sure you are all talk....some of you just love to be miserable. No wonder this site is dieing with followers! I'll wait for your reply to sell me your tickets......
  14. He jumped Teddy because of this seasons experience, like training camp and a couple weeks worth of the season. Starting the season over in the fall....Sam is gone, I wouldn't doubt he is done with football because of the bad knee(s).
  15. Anyone find the new, through these doors?
  16. Lol, I see... Being a Vikings fan I fully understand your pain with the Dolphins.
  17. You are acting just like the people on here you argue with that get all negative and dramatic when the Sioux split with.....or lose to....or tie... I'm gonna use one of your lines... If the Vikings lose in triple overtime in an absolute barn burner you can come back and say, see I told you they would piss it away! I can't quite figure you out on this one, either you're a die hard Vikings fan with no trust (I understand) or one of those packer fans....ish (I just threw up a little) SKOL!!
  18. And there's thousands of guys that say this before every teams first Superbowl victory! It's so easy to be on the negative side of this and also be right with your prediction. Enjoy your......fun......misery.....whatever it is I don't really care. Go Vikings! SKOOOOOOLLLL!!!
  19. One is like a Rodgers or Brady, they do not need an outstanding offense to win, that's Wentz. And their offense has not looked even close to explosive like it did with Wentz. The other is a good QB not causing problems and has an outstanding offense around him. Both have Superbowl defenses and that will make it a stressful exciting game to watch! It helps for one coming in week 2 and the other not till week 14? 15?.... I think this game can go either way but I take the guy that has 11+ more games under his belt with his offense and the #1 defense on his side, and because they are my Vikings!! SKOOOOOOLLLL!!
  20. I hope he stays, but I think he follows Shurmur. Either way he gets paid and my opinion he will do just fine.
  21. Just wanted to quote this so I can find it later....you know...just to reminisce a bit.
  22. I watched the game again last night, still a little nervous watching it. Nothing like the nerves I experienced on Sunday which this time let me really see the game, WOW, what a great game of football that was! Two teams in the trenches battling it out, gotta be one of the greatest games ever! Still loved that finish! SKOOOOOOLLLL!
  23. Excuse for everything.....
  24. Hahaha...you do know it was 17-0 into the 3rd quarter and it was 23-24 with 14 seconds left in the game right? If my team kicked your team's ass for 2+ quarters and your team kicks my team's ass for the last 1+ quarters that makes your team the better team? If they scored back and forth instead would that make a hard fought game? That last play happened so the D didn't get called for PI, the Vikes get one more play because it was on the defense, field goal, game over. The defender panicked but with good reason. You can whine all you want about it but if there is any team out there that deserves this to finally go their way.....FINALLY GO THEIR WAY, it's the Vikings! I still remember the Cinderella story NO did for their last Superbowl. Lucky, absolutely, but that's part of winning it all and the stars are lining up for my Vikings! SKOOOOOOLLLL LOLL!!!
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