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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. I say this every year and no one adds to it....but my God St Clouds tv chick is sooooooo hot!!
  2. Must have had a bad week of practice.... ..you don't earn playing time in the games. Haha, I have no idea but that could be the reason...?
  3. I feel 4 points this weekend for the Sioux...and 3 of them are fought hard for tonight!!
  4. Underdogs right? I would think they would be close to each other at chance of winning.
  5. Ah, thanks..
  6. Did I miss something here? What happened?
  7. Swept em last season! My first time there, it was fun! That will be tough to do this season..... Here's to a split!
  8. Yes, but only during a review of offsides and a goal. The Sioux game in Fargo last season shows how cut and dry this rule is and how it was needed....IMO
  9. Dam!! That still makes me sick! What if? What if? That Sioux team was clickin!
  10. Your hockey knowledge is oozing out right now... Cap problems is the big factor. No D, iffy goal tending! Last year was outstanding what he did with that team, the same team he still has! Next season the players Hextall has lined up will be what they (Hak and Hextall) have been waiting for. This time next season let's here your opinion on the Flyers.
  11. They should've called a penalty on WMU on taking his own teammate out of the play!
  12. Making excuses....? What do you think is the problem in Philly?
  13. Did anyone see Bafia's mug shot on tv? Lmao..... he needs to lay off the meth!
  14. My prediction still goes on tonight...
  15. Someone figured those two out last season, they (screen names) are the same person.
  16. Absolutely a dive!
  17. 10-4 hopefully Jones gets some fluids tonight! And Wooly scores tonight!
  18. Ahhhh...thank you captain obvious.....?!
  19. How do you do this without picking TOMORROW's game? You are allowed to post "if I make it" picks for a weekend series. For example: Sioux play Fri/Sat. You can make your picks for both games, please post these in the same post.
  20. My Saturday is changed to Mismash
  21. Table setting for the remainder of the season starts tonight! Everything clicks from here out...
  22. Friday - Wolanin Saturday - Jones
  23. If "we" were on the road against "you" guys I'd be happy with a split..
  24. For you to think that a statement that says, millennials do..... whatever ......means all millennials do it is kind of crazy. I'm not responsible for any millennials by the way. I am a gen x I believe, (thank God for Google) and my children are gen z. I also think gen z should share in a lot of the blame for this, anonymous, mean spirited bashing stuff that happens on social media all the time. But I can tell you my kids do not do any of it and yes I am responsible for how they act! I am proud of them for not being like so many others their age...
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