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Everything posted by Goon

  1. Goon

    Forwards 2002-03

  2. Here is my final four Denver UNH BU MSU
  3. I was listening to Rush Limbaugh on thursday and I guess the shirts are a big hit, according to Rush there is a huge demand for them and I guess a lot of people want to get a shirt like that. I want one. I like fighting white guys better though. On the back page of one of the pages in the Grand Forks Hearld is the same old tired full page ad asking UND to drop the name.
  4. Goon

    Tourney Seeds

    Yep your are correct sir. SCSU has peaked already and I can't see Dahl motivating his team to win. I'd be surprised if they did get drubbed...
  5. Denver is a great defensive team. They are a lot like Michigan state but I feel beter...
  6. I think Wooger for the most part is real fair but Frank Macco is joke, the guy is a clown. I'd like to know what his back ground is, I am sure Frank is some broad cast genius that never played a organized sport in his life. Macco just bugs me when he says shot and a goal. He needs to take a class from Harry Neal on CBC Sakic shooting Scores... I miss Tom Reid in the booth. I love his bar also, but thats not the point Reid was invited to do NCAA hockey Frank is not, I think that is a huge statement on Franks quality... While Wooger is and can be critical of the UofM when their players make a bad play, Frank is not objective at all. I realize that they are paid by the UofM and I am fine with that. I would love to get a FSN North Dakota, but it is never going to happen. I am also sure that Doug is friends with a lot of the coaches around the league so I am sure he has to watch what he says.
  7. Goon

    Tourney Seeds

    I don't like the fact that there is no East team coming West and no West team going East. SCCC is going to be hard pressed to win. Possible MSU and UofMinnesota match up. I hope all the games are going to be on TV...
  8. The Field is set. The committe has spoken. Now is the time. UNH is probably the favorite. Sorry I could only include 10 teams I give Quinnipiac no chance of winning as well as Harvard...
  9. Wait till next year the CHA is going to get an Auto bid too...
  10. Hey, question I might not be on the wave lenght but your talking 8 NCAA titles right after say 8 leaves right, or maybe I am way off base? According to Blaiser he said on the radio the other morning that give UND 2 to 3 years and he will have another NCAA title...
  11. Goon

    New Recruits

    Is Erik Fabian joining the team next year and does anyone have any informaton on him.
  12. The issue of face shields that was discussed quite a bit a in the last couple of years and there two points to that argument. The players union will not allow the NHL to make half shields mandatory, players want to have the choice to make that decision or not themselves and don't want it mandated by the NHL. Some players don't like them because when they recieve a check to the face sometimes the shield will cut their bridge of their nose causing more an injury to the player. Shields are also hard to see in sometimes because they get fogged up. Full Face shield are hard to breath in and the first thing a player gets rid of when they make the jump from college to the pros is the mask/shield. The player from what I heard don't like them and would love to option of not wearing a full shield. There is also an unwritten rule that players that ussually dont' fight wear a shield are tougher than ones that do, wether you like that line of Don Cherry thinking is up to each person. There is also the percieved toughness as far as the shield go. I has been argued in the NHL that some of the players that wear shields turtle behind them and are more careless than players that don't. As mentioned earlier the full shield is blamed by many for reckless abandon on the ice and cause players to play with their stick up. The full shield/face mask has been said to cause more concussions to players that use them. As far as the Great one not liking goon/enforcers. Gretzky when he was winning Stanley Cups in Edmonton had Marty Mcsorely and Dave Semenko on his wing to protect him and there was an understanding if you got out of line with Wayne you would have to contend with Dave or Marrty. So Gretzky benifited by having these players on his team.
  13. You what I hate? I hate trying to defend hockey to someone that does not know what he is talking about, or do they understand the traditions or the way hockey is. Ok, let me make this simple in the NHL, fighting Majors in the NHL are way down, have been for quite some time. However, other incidents are up (Stick Swinging, kneeing etc). You want to know why this is. It is because of the so called more skill Europeans that are not flooding the NHL game. In the Olympics Keth TKachuck was kneed by a Russian player. Boy that is a great alturnative to fighting. Just like Don Cherry says on Hockey night in Canada says by God the Fighting Majors go down in the playoffs because of the instigator rule but stick fouls go up. Think about by saying your against fighting means your going to get stick work... Can't have it both ways... Actually lately I can't remember seeing two games in a row for a long time where there was actually a fight. Maybe you should switch to another sport like basketball, the point is Fighting is a part of the game it used as a tactic to police the game. Hockey is a game of intimidation a contact sport, if you think other wise your wrong. Unforuanately the NCA$$ stepped in and made some rules to outlaw it. I personally think the NCAA is an organization that time passed by. Until they losen the laws on the Full shield and the time a person has to serve in the box/press box for a fight will determine how much stick work there is in College hockey. I like how you determine that if a player dropps his gloves he is an idiot. Stu Grimson writes childrens book... The NHL Players unions will not allow the NHL to make face shield mandatory. Again, I am not sure where you get your ideas but your using reversed logic when it comes to hockey. If you want finese you might want to stick to golf and figure skating...
  14. Sprig, I thought Swoons were reserved for the Huskies of SCSU.
  15. scott your so right when Commie was on the ice people feared him and were watching for him at all times. I loved the presence this guy had. First he is going to check you and if your still around he finish you off. Normally Commie wasn't dirty or cheap...
  16. I would imagine that if you called the coaches show coach Blais would probably be able to answer questions on players that have signed just not on players that haven't signed LOI. Very rarely do people call but, they do welcome them. Blais is a stand up guy I am sure he would love to answer the questions. Also if you call in the morning on KKXL Tim and Swig answer questions reguarding the hockey season, Ryan Bakken comes on the air on Monday mornings at about 9:00a.m.
  17. I am not sure. I bet we could get some clarificaition from someone about this. I sure if you called Tim in the morning on KKXL 1440 he could answer the question.
  18. Actually I heard that David Hales Kidneys are in bad shape after being sick last summer. I heard Tim Hennesy talk about Siedieve might not be here till the year after next, does anyone know about this?
  19. I haven't heard anything about New Hampshire?
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