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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. Ah, I missed that detail. I notice someone posted that on another message board, should have done a better job on my home work. That said, I think if we added Western Michigan it would make a lot more sense for Notre Dame to join up.
  2. I'm wondering if the lack of women's hockey programs in the new super conference may be a huge deciding factor in Notre Dame choosing to go Hockey East?
  3. BlackHeart, Petey23, and SiouxScore, why are you attacking me?
  4. I'm sick of these editorials about how UND has forever ruined college hockey but it's okay for the Big 10 to start up a super conference that is supposedly in the best interest of the sport. UND has invested over $100 million into their hockey program and have a responsibility to protect that investment. I honestly haven't seen any bad publicity on Denver, CC, Duluth, or Miami for leaving the WCHA, seems that UND is everybody's favorite target. Seems like everybody who's not in this new super conference is crossing their fingers that Notre Dame joins Hockey East.
  5. So you have never noticed the protests at your barn when UND comes to town? You never noticed that SCSU never refers to UND as the Sioux during their broadcasts? You guys have a long history of trying to damage UND over the Fighting Sioux nickname, and although I am sure there are SCSU fans who have no problem with the Sioux name I haven't seen pressure by the fans to encourage the SCSU administration to stay out of it.
  6. Thanks to you and BlackHeart (assuming you're not the same person) I no longer have a good rating. Much appreciated, I thought this was Sioux Sports not Bisonville. I'm so sorry that I don't like St. Cloud State for what they helped do to UND and for some reason I'm not allowed to express that on a message board for UND fans without being attacked. Real nice guys.
  7. You're the definition of the pot calling the kettle black. If you didn't agree with what I said you could have engaged me in conversation instead of sullying my rep.
  8. So do you and Riverman (thanks for the negative mark you !@#$%!) deny that St. Cloud has gone well out of it's way to force UND to retire the Sioux nickname and at the same time drag our institution's name through the mud? Seriously uncool! I don't hate your fans but I have no love for your administration.
  9. I love the headline "SCSU won't join new conference" a more accurate headline would have read "SCSU can't join new conference". I will never forgive St Cloud for what they did to UND, I hope their program goes under.
  10. I wonder if when Faison was referring to "new media opportunities" that he was also referring to the possibility of UND games being broadcast in HD? Hockey is definitely a sport that benefits from 1080p. We almost need a free ESPN 3 like service that broadcasts all the games. IMHO
  11. I wonder what tactics the new conference will employ to garner new media opportunities. Surely Faison and the other ADs have been in contact with some networks.
  12. Will the women's team remain in the WCHA?
  13. I like the idea. I almost wish they had the space and money to build a new main arena with a 15,000-20,000 seating capacity. I know this will never happen but it would be sweet if it did! We need to focus on building an indoor practice facility and on-campus stadium. MSU's new stadium is looking real good we should be thinking about building something comparable http://www.msubobcats.com/photo_gallery.aspx?gallery=58
  14. I'm glad no one was hurt during the fire and that $1.5 million isn't going to have any effect on our facility. This sounds messed up but I hope the main score board got damaged so that we might get a new state of the art one.
  15. I agree, the right Spirit Lake representation would hold a lot of weight at a meeting like this.
  16. I would agree, only if the WAC would offer UND membership for all sports. FBS play would alleviate NCAA sanctions.
  17. Just out of curiosity, if a guy Grimaldi's size went in the second round, why wouldn't more NHL teams be looking harder at someone like Ryan Duncan?
  18. I know it's popular to hate on Kelley at the moment, but I really don't believe we will revert back to the Flicker Tails. I love the Sioux nickname and traditions, it kills me to retire them but it would appear that we have no choice. The only people who can save us is Standing Rock and smart money says they have no intentions of doing so. I am clueless as to what nickname could even come close to replacing the Fighting Sioux moniker, it seems blasphemous to me to even suggest an alternative. I would be more at peace with the retirement if we would not choose another name and be referred to as the University of North Dakota or just North Dakota.
  19. Unfortunately, you are absolutely right. I'm not Kelley's biggest fan and I hate to lose our traditions, but if we don't let go we will lose everything. I for one will always wear my Fighting Sioux jerseys to all sporting events and still refer to UND as the Sioux but I absolutely do not want UND to lose BSC membership. I love UND and always will no matter what we are called but I'm starting to think that this fight is over and it's time to soldier on.
  20. We all love the Fighting Sioux hockey traditions, and no one here wants to see them retired. But the simple truth is that the fate of the Fighting Sioux nickname does not lay in the hands of the UND administration or the North Dakota legislatures, it is up to Standing Rock to save the name, it is the only thing that can save it now. Our only other option is to keep it and jeopardize admission into the BSC, if we are denied admission into the BSC, NDSU will ultimately become the premier athletic program in the state of North Dakota and that s something I cannot stomach happening. I am not only a fan of UND athletics I am also a future alumni and it is in my best interest that UND have a strong athletic reputation to compliment it's strong academic reputation. I hate that this is happening, but it is, time to move toward the future and be good shepherds of our school.
  21. Looks like NDSU supporters are making there rounds to all the BSC member's message boards to make the case of why UND should be denied membership. Of course they fail to mention that it was an NDSU graduate who put UND in this position. I honestly cannot fathom why supporters of a school we do not play would be so malicious towards UND. Of course everybody's favorite troll LakeBison is leading the charge, does anybody have a link to the story about him sending a threatening letter to a legislator. I think it's high time we start a campaign to make his life a living hell! http://www.bobcatnation.com/bobcatbb/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=24441&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20
  22. Why did his terrible idea have the support of the people on this board? Because we love our school's history and tradition and wanted to preserve it. We were under the impression that the NCAA would make new concessions if faced with state political pressure. For a while it looked like the legislature was going to take the charge on this and actually make some progress. This turned out not to be true. On a separate note, I honestly can't understand the hostility that Bison fans have for a team that is no longer their rival? Surely there is something news worthy going on over on the SDSU or USD boards.
  23. What is Al Carlson your boyfriend or something? The difference between Al Carlson and the 95% of the people on this board is that Al had a bad idea and the means to carry it out without thinking it out first. He put the other legislators with ties to UND in a spot where if they didn't vote for the bill it would look like they didn't support UND or the wishes of their constituents. I personally don't blame Al, he is merely the product of a terrible education.
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