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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. 29 minutes ago, siouxkid12 said:

    Why is that being ignorant? Of course they made money off of it. Look at all the merchandise that has flown off the shelf with this. Nobody trademarks something like this and gives it away for free, use your head…

    What has UND paid to any license holder?


    Who has paid anything to any license holder?





    As stated by sleezeball....

    ... buried in his attempts at character assassination...

    It's also a problem, from the perspective of the state of North Dakota, that UND began using a trademark and selling significant amounts of merchandise emblazoned with that trademark without first settling the question of ownership or licensing.


    16 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    What percentage do you think she was able to negotiate with apparel companies that would make NODAK merchandise?


    How much Nodak branded apparel has been produced and sold? Who is selling it beside The Ralph? Who is producing it?

    What does 0% of 0 equal ?


    Go to Scheels and look at the tag for a NODAK sweater.

    Start there.


    • Upvote 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, SiouxHawkGuy said:

    UND hockey has to be one of the only schools with completely blank helmets. Looks ridiculously dumb

    It does look stupid.... I hate it.

    The Fighting Hawks logo should be on both sides.


    After the redesign I hope it will be.

  3. 1 minute ago, Blackheart said:

    Must be on the inside.

    What's in the heart is a hell of alot more important thats what's on the back... or front... or sides...

         -  Herb Brooks

                         - Micheal Scott

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  4. 4 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Well, according to @Frozen4sioux there's a grand master 'strategery' in play. He'll explain. 

    Maybe explain yourself... or the behind the scenes moves you described trying to "expose" this....


    Which is kinda like leaking nudes of a playmate... hut you sure seemed like you where well"in the know" of who this was being "taken to"..


    you know.... before it had to be farmed out the The sleezeball Port.

  5. 25 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

    Nice try.  How many NFL and college football jerseys have the school primary logo front and center on the chest of the jersey?  The short answer is “none,” because there’s a number there.  It’s on the UND helmet because that’s where the primarily logo is typically placed for a football team.  

    Well partially.....

    It's on half the helmet...

    If football would actually buy into the logo it'd be on both sides. 

    Hockey puts it on both shoulders.

    • Downvote 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

    Be careful in posting this  - I believe NODAK cards are covered as “merchandise” under the trademark.  

    Fair Use Doctrine.. Educational purposes.  Ya'll been edumacated.

    8 minutes ago, siouxfaninseattle said:

    I see lots of carts in front of lots of horses. We will know more in a few days. Maybe withhold judgement until the facts are.......nah, never mind.

    That's not very internet forum of you.

  7. 18 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    What I said isn't wrong.  UND has two contracts, one with Adidas for apparel and shoes/cleats, and a second with CCM for hard goods, where UND wears exclusively CCM helmets, masks, gloves, and shin/elbow/shoulder pads.  UND also gets a a deal on skates and sticks from CCM, but CCM doesn't have exclusivity with those two items (e.g. players can use Bauer sticks or skates if they prefer).  Both contracts expire after the 2024-2025 season, but UND has two options to renew the contract for an additional year (two total years) with the existing terms, so the CCM deal could run until the end of the 2026-27 season.

    Not sure if you mentioned it or someone else, but I don't really see how the NHL jersey supplier is relevant or has any impact on who UND selects for the school-wide apparel deal, because other than for a different corporate patch on their jersey,  it doesn't really affect hockey players since jerseys are all pretty much the same quality no matter who is manufacturing it.  

    Was not referencing your post.

    You are 100% absolutely correct.

    The NHL jersey info was to point out a different corporate labeling and licensing to him.


    CCM.. Adidas.... just owned branding on aparel.. (i.e. hockey jersey)

    CCM equipment is a brand now owned by a Canadian holding company

    CCM aparel branding which was retained and relabeled Adidas ... as you correctly point out, has nothing to do with who manufacturers the sweater.

    That's likely sourced out to  a Canadian manufacturing company.

  8. 1 minute ago, dden3 said:

    What if BB fully disclosed this to his boss at the time it was done and they all agreed this would just be considered a perq and part of his deal. 

    I don't think the understanding of a perk is in line with something his contract allows....


    but the part of it being fully disclosed ... that seems quite important... pertinent, even.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Maybe the disconnect is that I don't feel threatened by a word so much as the HAWKZIs are.....

    I see the NODAK sweater more like the fun NBA city nickname jerseys or MLB Fauxbacks.

    Not as a replacement of a nickname such as NODAKS... of which the University should have absolutely held onto the trademark for.


    • Upvote 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, siouxkid12 said:

    I'll stand up to my comments any day of the week and take your money while I am at it. I can't help it that you get offended by words so easily.

    No you won't.

    You'll just sit there quietly.. irrelevant behind your keyboard.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Just now, N of GF said:

    I don't know about trademarks, but starting an LLC is fairly easy. There are even volunteer staffed organizations (SCORE) that will help you do it for free. Now a days they even teach Entrepreneurism classes in school where they learn these things.

    Let's plug SCORE a bit more, spectacular resource!!

  12. Just now, The Sicatoka said:

    There's a word for that. 

    Your still missing the point... 

    I'll admit I'm having a blast trying to point you in the right direction

    ... but im bored so, its cheap entertainment.

    Kinda like watching the prisoners take the iq test in the 2006 classic  "Idiocracy"

  13. 1 minute ago, Godsmack said:

    In my twenties, I was just trying to figure out how to pay melt rent, have some leftover beer money, and chase girls (and not particularly in that order) and I typically failed miserably with at least 2 of these 3 things. Impressed a twenty-something knows how to create LLC’s and obtain trademarks all on her own. Very impressive. 

    Well today's kids ain't them kids....

    ... its almost as if there might have been some help in preparing and processing these complex things to ensure legal and proper. .. .....


  14. 4 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    The intent, if what you're claiming is true, is attempting to create a hockey-only identity. 

    That is no better of a look. 

    Dare I say it's akin to insubordination. 

    And there's the HAWKZI mantra coming out.... just the seething jealousy of years of being the second fiddle lashing out..

    "It's all hockey's fault"

    • Downvote 2
  15. 14 minutes ago, siouxkid12 said:

    I don't think his daughter is smart enough to do this and then bring it to her dad to be used on merchandise.  

    Calling man's daughter dumb is something one should answer to behind the rink.


    I'd doubt you'd be man enough to stand up to your comments, but also doubt Berry would stoop down to your level to teach you.

    Either way I'd pay to watch that.

    • Upvote 3
  16. 1 minute ago, Walsh Hall said:

    I'll throw my guess as to what happened...

    UND's attorney was of the opinion that NODAK, as presented on the jersey, did not need to be trademarked.  Jersey's made.  Berry's daughter obtained trademark and has received nothing from the University.  The motivation behind obtaining it, I have no idea.

    I see no way that Berry would facilitate payment to his daughter for this.  That is so clearly a conflict, and I just don't believe it's in his nature at all to do something so stupid.

    More correct than most I've seen.

    The timelines are a bit off but the just is there.

    The Intent is whats is being bastardized.

    1 minute ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Part of this dilemma is due to UND acquiescing to and attempting to placate the fan base segment that is hanging onto the retired name or looking for something other than the new name to use.


    ..is due to UND acquiescing to and attempting to placate the extreamly small minority of people that where satisfied with the process or resulting abomination that the process produced.

    i.e. the consumer.

    Consumers just love being told what they have to purchase, that works so well in a a free economy. (palm to the forehead emoji)

  17. 2 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    I was responding to the post below.  I don't think Berry is all about money.  I think his daughter saw an opportunity and took it.  For his sake, I hope he was unaware.


    I wonder if there's any other ventures this or similar corporate entities have undertaken?

  18. 10 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Again, please educate us. 

    I'll let you stew on these little tidbits...


    Where was the company UND pays (paid) to mange all this? 



    All this stuff sounds complicated, seems like a lot of legaleeze is neede to navigate these waters.

    I wonder if they had guidance that made sure it was done proper at the time?

    1 minute ago, Blackheart said:

    Do we know for certain whether or not NODAK LLC was paid for use of their trademarked word?

    B. I. N. G. O.

    what does he win Bob?...

    a coupon for a free Nothingburger

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