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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. I see the biggest elephant in the room.

    Collective for UND athletics as whole... or sport specific.

    IMO it seems sports specific could be much more nimble and effective.

    Not an NIL expert at all, other than understanding its importance in the landscape, but I'm generally interested in learning.

  2. So... Where are we here?

    Seems like it's all well past the time we needed to be on the train.

    So from an analytical standpoint I see some basic questions/issues?

    Athletic dept: Wants it? Doesn't want it?.. Sees it as competition?

    Are there any groups working on this right now?

  3. 2 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Port is pretty plugged with the happening in the halls of 600 E Boulevard Ave in Bismarck. There were those there that got wind of this. My tinfoil hat theory could speculate Port was tipped off by someone from that address who wasn't getting any response when it was brought to UND's attention.

    Nobody drove him down to 600 Boulevard to sniff this story out on his own.

    Crumpled up trash of a story bounced out of many other wastebaskets before the dumpster diver "found it."


  4. 5 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    Over 2 years to clean it up before it hand any chance of being public. Don't complain about "timing" when they absolutely could have prevented this from being a problem. 

    And if even some of what I was told within the last week is close to accurate, and I have no reason to doubt it, you're just straight out gaslighting the situation. It doesn't come close to painting BB in a bad light, yet here you are, continuing on. 

    Foolish to keep thinking the timing had anything to do with the BB/UND sede of things..

    Timing was when it was decided to try use the info... but I suspect you know that too....

    Just distracting enough... 


    It all depends on I guess who you're listening to.. if they're  on this thread.. you've met Mr. Tip but sailed right past the iceberg.

    I told them that from the beginning of trying to form up a posse.


    And boy are they pissed it all didn't work.

    I see trying to hide it now.

    WITHOUT going into politics...

    Lots of parallels to the Twitter situation here.

  5. 9 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Hennessy’s done UND Hockey radio what … six decades? I think he did games in 1979. 

    Looker is being groomed as the heir apparent. I’m sure it’s why he’s doing road color this year (to see the rinks and press boxes). 

    Alright even mentioning that is just blasphemy.

    Few things in life are as reliable as TH on my radio....

    ... but I thought that about reading Virg, and listening to Pat get overly excited by a big hit too.

  6. 1 hour ago, YAWNSON said:

    Where would Gaber go?  AHL player at best

    Never say never. Cole Smith played NHL... Kristo didn't....   Gersich has played in the NHL... Kawaguchi hasnt....  there's reasons and opportunities in some odd places sometimes. 

    Gaber is well positioned to be able to find a most favorable fit. He may have more of a chance to play in the National than the 3rd rounders in the program.

    But I don't  disagree with your premise... he seems to be at present an AHL player... but some decent money there and in Europe.. who knows.

  7. 3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Singular? No. At least three different parts of UND were quietly informed. 

    Quietly???. ... wooof.

    Dictionary. Use it.


    Singular was the target of the plot, you known that.

    We all know it was taken to multiple multiple people, depts... and "Quietly" to whatever press would listen to the conspiracy theory.

  8. 1 hour ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Would a group that admittedly tipped off UND be:

    a) out to get UND and its employees, or
    b) looking to warn and protect UND and its employees. 

    Revisionist at best, now that it didn't work.

    1) not UND... or employees.. just singular,  but you know that.

    2) A group wasn't looking to protect anything by farming the story out, after more reputable channels said...nah... nothing here... to a college athletic hating muck-racker? (acceptable?)

  9. 15 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Finding a public record is no feat.
    Realizing how it will look to the public is. 



    ... and doing everything that was done in order to paint it publicly in a bad light, to make it look sinister to the public... and timing it in such a way .....  is... 

    Well it didnt "Get Him"... but that's kinda the gotcha, isn't it?

    Seems that's what's got the seething dander up around here.

    Definitely can tell who's on the defensive now on all this.

    Sure doesn't seem like that's coming from anyone in the vineyard.

  10. 18 minutes ago, siouxkid12 said:

    I don't really care who "found" this information and who "gave" it to Port. The fact of the matter is, it's out there for the public to see and it needs to be addressed. Also, what is this theory you have of people out to get "him"? Berry could have 4 Natty's to his name and I would still believe most people would want answers. I don't believe (I could be wrong) that people are out there trying to get him fired.

    Thise taking credit for "Finding" this info was kinda like Columbus taking credit for North America.

    What they did with their "Discovery" and why is.....


  11. 4 hours ago, Big Lubowski said:

    Are you Heidi Heitkamp's sister? 



    And the same with your veiled physical threats against anyone who questions what happened here. Cave man "logic" doesn't usually carry the day. 

    Two things that have to be "circled back on here.

    1. I hold Rob Port in a significantly higher opinion than I do the Hiedi or Joel crime family.

    2. "veiled physical threats"....

    You can disagree with facts but it's a stretch beyond stretch to say anything in any of these pages can be anything close to construed as "physical" threats.

    We disagree on this matter but never in a trillion years is this something anyone.. on this end at least thinks is worthy of throwing down over.

    Again you can disagree and be mad about being wrong or the plot not working out ... but don't make things up.

    That's just sad.

  12. 3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    I'll go one better:
    Most of the half-dozen or so who knew were working "backchannels" or "contacts" into UND to give them a heads-up to clean it up so there'd no issue to find. 

    My gawd as I told you BEFORE you pulled all this.

    Your little group of people, who thought, who where giddy, who thought had some little kernel of knowledge others didnt... and you were hunna "Get him"

    It's like you gave a lecture to Newton on gravity.... and they nodded and smiled and led you to believe you were "involved". 

    That's a shame, they should have been upfront, naive, a bit, a lot, gullible on yall, but its what happened, your after action reflection should show this clearly.

    I hate to say I told you so but...

    I told you so.


    2 hours ago, Big Lubowski said:

    Are you Heidi Heitkamp's sister? I think we are all very aware now of your disgust for Port--give it a rest. And I think many of us are quite tired of your suggestions that you know the "true story." Me thinks if you did you'd have spilled by now. And the same with your veiled physical threats against anyone who questions what happened here. Cave man "logic" doesn't usually carry the day. 

    Just because some hockey program die hards say there is nothing here doesn't mean it's so. 



    Well nothing could be further from that disgusting reality.

    But ... kinda almost like everything I've said has come...  to fruition.

    I get your pissed all this plot didn't work to "get him" ... I hate to say I told you so but....



    2 hours ago, siouxkid12 said:

    Show me on the doll where Rob Port hurt you?


    Oooof....... wow, talk about out of touch.

    What do they say about the company that you keep.?

  13. 8 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Make your point without the profanity. Thanks. 

    And what do you think I "hope" is true? That UND gets a black eye from a situation that just looks horrible? Well, that's what it got without my help and against my hopes. NODAK LLC took care of that. Even it's all 100% innocence and good-intentions, "oops, forgot to donate", I'd still like to hear that directly from the parties. 

    One more thought: Port keeps being accused of giving an incomplete story. Well then scoop him. Someone please complete the story*. 


    *Rather than some grand illustrious plan Port failed to report, I'd be more subscribed to a notion that a GenZer got "too clever by half" as the Brits would say. 

    When it comes to Port profanity is an upgrade to the type of person he is ... to the core.

    You should have investigated more of that before this got farmed to him.

    His story was Incomplete yes but worse it was selectively incomplete.

    and that's not journalism is sleezeballism... and for the record as a person he is a massive pathetic piece of...

    wouldn't want to hurt your ears.




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  14. 4 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Is Port taking the criticism because he wrote about it when his peers are (pick your word: eerily, predictably, disappointingly) silent. 

    Hes taking justified criticism because he's a ... who will write anything for clicks whether he has all thw facts or not... even if he does and DID have the facts  he will write anything he can if he can try to stick it to anything college athletics.

    Journalist and Port are not compatible words.

    Journalists passed on the story because it was and still is.... 


    Every authority you've cried to has now publicly told you this.

    3 hours ago, Blackheart said:

    Maybe Port scooped them all?:wink:

    bahahahhahahaa... .....


    3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    I have nothing but supposition to base this on but ... 
    I strongly suspect the first ForumComm writer aware of the concern is not the first one to go to press with it. 

    Correct but not for the reasons you think and hope are true.

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  15. 36 minutes ago, cowboys5xsbs said:

    All the people who were mad with Hakstol and said they would take 1 title and year of mediocrity got what they wanted.   

    Oh how I remember these people spouting this!!!!  

    19 minutes ago, ChrisUND1 said:

    Are we at the point where even the puck bunnies are getting a little restless with this team?  

    No, Draft picks get touched d,,&*ks.

    What other options do they have?

    Not like they're gunna be seen with undersized footballers who lost their jv playoff game.

    Pilots? May be their time to shine...

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