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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. So if we put Dakota on the football jerseys like the Carolina's do we would be in bad terms with the NCAA ....that would be interesting.

    As is Minnesota....

    In fact their football team uses Ski-u-mah.....an Indian saying


    So in essence the once great and mighty UMtc is in violation of not only NCAA policy but by the rules of the university are forbidden to play with themselves....er is it play themselves, or itself..

    I'm confused.

    • Upvote 1
  2. As April is coming to an end, I really think Austin Matthews is going to go the Major Junior route. With him scoring a goal in the Worlds (even though it was an exhibition game) I think he is headed MJ.

    If he does decide to go the college hockey route, I don't see UND landing him. I foresee some Boston school getting him for some odd reason. He will be better than Eichel as he is more of a power forward and really is a special player.

    If Hak could land him, UND's team next year would be something special. N. Schmaltz, Bossers, Gerish, Drake + Matthews? That would be incredible. However, wishing on limb...

    Yes I think it MJ route.....but

    He is still pushing forward with his education so...maybe....

    Just think if Eichel came back a year and Mathews went to BU...

    The Neverending blaring Bostongasms would be intense from the media, but a win for college hockey...I guess.

  3. I don't mind talking about Eichel a lot, but it's the absolute raging hard-on for Eichel when he does nothing. Buccigross literally yelled when Eichel got passed the puck the 1st time "EICHEL WITH SPACE!"... there were 3 UND players surrounding him.

    Buccigross is fine for promoting the game but I don't want my cheerleaders announcing, it cheapens the sport. Excitement is one thing, but when Buccigross freaks out everytime a player shoots the puck from literally anywhere on the ice it gets old. I'd rather have nothing than Buccigross, which is why I had to mute the game at times.

    You've hit the nail on the head here.

    No sense for the game....cliches and excitement for mundane moments.

    Brutal to listen to.

  4. How can anyone complain about Pierre M? He promotes college hockey in general and gives props to a named player and states the college he went to! I think that is huge for college hockey! All while broadcasting on national TV during an NHL game!

    Easily. He does give good props but his interview skills are awefull.

  5. A couple of things I noted last night. The Sioux came out fast and sharp. Their passes for the most part were stick to stick. They aggressively brought the puck out of our zone and certainly played with BU the whole game except for the second have of first, the second and the parts of third when we dominated the play. Our kids busted the asses all night. Even after the fans quit, the team didn't. That is one of the key things in evaluating a coach. These kids never quit. When Zane wasn't having his best game, no one on the team did anything but play harder. The penalty on Poolman where he barely hit the BU guy was bogus. It led to a power play goal. These kids were well prepared. Dumped the puck when they needed to, tried to bring I across blue line when they could. I realize some of you experts who played 4th line on your Bantam B team when you were 10th graders think a coaching change should be made but if so, it isn't cuz we were out coached or not ready.

    A number of you geniuses whine when anyone sticks up for this coach or staff. The only reply is that anyone who disagrees with you or dares criticize is a Hak lover or doesn't want a "natty". One of you even suggested he isn't flexible or he is too business like or he should tell the guys to just have fun. You know what goes on cuz your friend had a beer with someone who knows .

    "I want to win one". This " fan base settles" for less than a title cuz they won't fire the coach. "I will never accept it". One insinuates Hak needs more time to figure it out.

    Listen Sparkies, none of you geniuses have ever once explained how your esteemed opinions of a subject you have demonstrated you know little about cuz you have never been in the locker room means more than the opinions of all the players present and former who have played for Hak, and Dean, guys in the NHL and minors, guys coaching in college and the pros. Every single one of those guys to a person understand what it takes to get to the college level and play for championships and they have nothing but respect for Hakstol. They think you guys are douchebags. I believe if I read correctly one of you were smart enough to inadvertently admit it in a previous post.

    I doubt that other than your game for 4th place in your PeeWee B tourney that you have had to buckle up and lay it on the line. If you did you might have some insight on the leadership and coaching talent it took to keep this team from giving up when we were down 4-1. Our self proclaimed best fans in the world quit on this team but the coaches and players didn't quit. That's what you look for in a coach. He and is staff recruit the mentor, they teach and they win. The National Title will come. I've been watching them for 45 years. Wg have the staff in place to get this done.

    This isn't about you and your life should be no different today than yesterday. It would have been great to see the guys and their coaches rewarded for their hard work and effort. What we get is to say we support the team that played and they are the ones who won or lost. You guys didn't lose squat and you wouldn't have won squat. The coaches and players win and lose.

    Lastly I'll comment about a couple of fans. One couple with their baby girl drove to MSP to fly out of their when the flights out of Fargo were delayed and canceled. Another chartered a private jet and then let other Sioux fans ride along in the other seats. They would not take any money to help pay. Another despite a traumatic brain injury that kept him hospitalized for months flew in by himself cuz he couldn't make last years when he lay comatose for 11 days fighting for his life. These folks and the majority are Sioux fans who appreciated the effort and excellent play and coaching of this team. We expect to win National titles. If the team and coaches stop putting forth their best effort and can't be competitive then the former coaches,former players and fans who have an understanding of the pride and effort these kids and staff have put forth on behalf or all of us fans, our University, the state of North Dakota will affect the necessary changes. You geniuses that have never had to "knock on wood", or face a bullet or make a save or shot in front of 20,000 people can then take credit and say you knew it all along. You don't need to be a Hak lover to see, this was a well coached team and they had a great year. We has fans had the opportunity to come along for the ride. Go Sioux.

    Winner. Of the the Internet 2015.

    Yes. This.

  6. Maybe you people that have such an issue with the team should stop going, that way I can get tickets easier.

    Maybe some of the games in the past were Hak's fault, and he could have done things differently. Maybe 2011 was his fault when they couldn't buy a goal against a team they easily outplayed, hell maybe if he'd have played goalie tonight the soft ones wouldn't have gone in.

    I think the adjustments were clear tonight. We were outplayed the first ten minutes. The team controlled the next ten. Our power play has been terrible all season, tonight it looked like one of the best in the country. We controlled the second and third periods. I don't know, but all of that looked a lot like in game coaching adjustments that were made that allowed the team to get back into the game.

    Yes, spot on. Also Blais played a great game on Eichels line as well and was instrumental in assisting on that empty net goal.

    Kinda getting fairly certain these people are all the same people or person with multiple names, no way this much stupidity exists without them burning their own trailer courts down. (FYI ...I was born in a trailer, I can joke...see "The Tim Whatley rule")

  7. With the Sioux once again in the national spotlight, a few human wastes are again posting counterfeit Sioux memorabilia on ebay.

    I can't post the pics from my phone but a few to watch out for are:

    the guy selling Fake Reebok sioux jerseys, mostly all have #9 and Toews on them. In all the pics the "Reebok" logo is covered by a "random" card. But rest assured it's a counterfeit jersey not just a replica but a true fake.

    Also many of us collect pucks, and there are some neat old pucks from the 80s and early 90's but another guy on ebay is selling pucks just like those bit they are just regular pucks with sticker graphics adhered to the pucks, again just faked counterfeit merchandise.

    Just don't like to see someone making $$ on fake stuff or any Sioux fans getting screwed out of their money.

    There has been other stuff lately too so be carefull.

    GO Sioux.

  8. So you determine when it's just a difference of opinion and when it is flat out-wrong & insane? LOL. How is my interpretation of the sunset any different than or more wrong than my interpretation of a head coach? Oops, I forgot, my bad, you're the arbiter of such. Of course I'm not schizophrenic or psychotic & don't see or experience any hallucinations, that's completely irrelevant & equating someone's opinion to be so just demonstrates how rigid & intolerant you are in your thinking.

    Like I said, you seem incapable of tolerating any opinion which deviates from your standards. You couch your reasons with different analogies, but it all boils down to you not respecting what someone else thinks on as basic & inane level as that of a hockey coach. To compare my interpretation on how long a coach's leash should be with a schizophrenic who thinks the sun being warm cheese is just too weird. :bigsmile:

    If you want to continue digging a hole, a backhoe is more efficient than a shovel.

    Wow....Do you have any idea that everyone is laughing at you?

    Not with you, at you, from the vast vast majority here to the national media to the players themselves. Yes the players laugh, at the absurdity of your "opinion".

    I just hope that when the day comes when Hak wins a "natty"..that you know that you can't be included with all of us that celebrate and revel in the fun.

    You've lost that right, you've tied yourself to the sadisticly pleasing outcome of a loss to "prove" your blaring theory "plausible".

    Seriously with all due respect, sometime you need to realize that there is a distinct difference in " having a differing opinion" and "Being Wrong"

    Have all the opinions you want, myself and the other 99.9% of the world will be over here, laughing pointing and having a great day;)

  9. You're funny in a "1984" kind of way.

    I didn't imply that screaming fire in a movie theater qualified as diversity of thought, but to label others' opinions as "destructive stupidity" (when it comes to simple differences in how coaches are perceived) is comical on your part. Seriously, man, you would rather shut people up who don't agree with your opinion on a head coach? If the opinion differs from yours & the masses about a hockey coach, people need to be shamed. Wow, thanks for your input, comrade.

    Your version of reason is the correct version, you seem unable to respect or appreciate anything that deviates from your standard.

    No, having differing opinions is ok, but there us a difference between having a different opinion.....and just flat out being wrong.

    People disagreeing on the color of sunset being purplish vs. Lavenderish....is a difference of opinion.

    Thinking that the sun is warm cheese and spins out grape fruit snacks is just wrong and insane...

    what I'm saying is that it can't be acceptable to hold that "opinion" against rational thought and "respect the point of view"...

    To these folk who blather again and again about "nattys" Hak is your warm cheese, I don't respect that opinion, and it's not funny.

    Now or in 1984.

  10. Diversity of people is held in higher regard than diversity of thought.

    If people have a thought that differs from the herd, it's usually bop them over the head with a mallet like you see at those arcades where something pops out of a hole & you have to hit it, then something else pops its head out & you have to beat that over the head also. It's like "fightingsioux4life" & I keep popping our heads out of holes & keep gettin' our melons banged. :D

    Diversity of thought may be desirable in society to a degree but only when the opinions that differ are in the realm of reason.

    But when people constantly spew forth idiocraty, yes the society as a whole has a responsibility to "bop the heads" of destructive stupidity.

    That's what we have lost in this country, is it ability to stand up and say; No you're just wrong and deserve to learn through the shame of it.

    The dunce cap worked, and it's needed again, here more than ever.

  11. So, with 4 games remaining I believe is the Wild guaranteed a spot in the play-offs or mathematically is there still a chance (albeit, remote?) they could miss out? I know they have their last 3 games on the road vs good teams so should there be any anxiety?

    Mathematically not a lock yet.....

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