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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Roseau is a class A school in every sense. They just choose to play AA.
  2. What irks me is the private schools playing single A. Ahem, talking to you St. Thomas Academy. Personally, the privates should either all be in the same section or have their own tourney.
  3. Weren't all the Mankato players laying on the ice by the end of that?
  4. You're probably right, but hopefully voters will realize that Chicago has a much better record with Toews in the lineup.
  5. What a nerve racking game! Great job by Walski getting the shut-out!!!
  6. PP coming up. Time to get one!
  7. The longer this game stays tied, the better it is for BSU.
  8. So I get home a bit late tonight and turn on the tube to CSTV counting on some college hockey. It was on. But why THE F*** HAS MICHIGAN BEEN ON FOR THE LAST 3 or 4 WEEKS? I guess I did miss last week, so maybe it just seems that way, but I swear they always have the CCHA on and it always is michigan. Thank goodness they lost! I couldn't find a good email address to bitch like the devoted Sioux fan that I am.
  9. My cousin in Cali has rented a room and plans on going for the first time. I'm waiting to see my finalized tennis coaching schedule. Have gone every year the Sioux go since 2000, but maybe it's better I don't go.
  10. Same one that Vs. had one after their game on Monday night. Sounded like a different voice over, but said all the same words.
  11. Not really when you know the demorgraphics of the area. It's now a very high minority area and I'm assuming school and as we all have seen, hockey doesn't tend to have a lot of minorities playing.
  12. I believe it still is, but I thought I saw that they got rid of the 3rd and done. I think you just keep getting DQ'd for the corresponding amount of game. 3rd fight, 3 games.
  13. I actually don't have a problem with Radke getting two games. He was already serving a penalty and was almost in the locker room before re-entering the ice to fight. BTW, I'm glad he did it and if we play UMTC for the first round and they start getting cheap, look for Radke to be the one to take care of business. Again.
  14. Toews going to be profiled by Vs. as part of there\\ir post game show that is just starting.
  15. Malone was very fiesty in this game and after Minnesota, he also seems itchy to fight. Finley didn't seem that fired up to do much. It seems that he is saving his brawl for Wheeler for whatever reason.
  16. This is our first sweep of Denver at home since 1999. or maybe it was 1998.
  17. Watched the replay, and I agree with Redwing that Radke could very well get an extra game, because he was already enterring the locker room and then raced back onto the ice to fight.
  18. did a quick glance and didn't see if it was posted (and haven't read the whole thread yet). On the post game show Hennesey was talking about a Denver player requiring stitches. I'm guessing that's who Radke fought? Was that the same player he tried fighting before when the linesman broke it up?
  19. I have to admit to turning the channel to the UW-MSU game. Then my cousin in AZ started texted that we were scoring. Figured I was the bad luck charm, so only listnened to the end. Did tape it though.
  20. I have to disagree. I thought we really controlled the play in the first and could've had a goal or two more.
  21. Is that enough to get him rookie of the year? Seems like he's more important to the team than Kane.
  22. I should clarify, that they don't agitate like FSN-N, but I don't care for the way the guy calls the game and I believe their analyst has been different in the past and not very good. The analyst guy Friday did a good objectionable job.
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