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Everything posted by bison73

  1. He made thousands of off the wall predictions. Lakes does this a lot also. When he finally hits one after 10 years its like---looky looky I predicted it.
  2. Vern was a great guy ! I will miss him and his dry sense of humor. Every time he would visit our tailgate you would have to check your car or trailer because he would always leave a UND sticker stuck to it.
  3. Yes
  4. Bingo
  5. How do you equate too much caffine and sexual assault????? Not even in the same ball park. Oh FYI too much caffine guy didnt play anymore. Sexual assault guy did and had numerous other infractions. Just saying.
  6. He never said that. Youre stretching.
  7. You going to show up on time? Or are you actually going to show up?
  8. One must remember that when NDSU was in the Great West I believe they were not playoff eligible. Plus that conference was put together for the purpose of having a conference for those who were in limbo.
  9. That very well may happen considering the pussification of the NCAA..
  10. According to NCAA rules you cannot take multiple FCS school to make a conference to join FBS. Only conferences who were or are can take in teams to move to FBS.
  11. So once we are FBS I think we do well against those guys. Why because they cant offer every kid out there. NDSU has a pretty good name so with going FBS we win some of those battles. All??? Nope.
  12. Weve done pretty well while not having the same scholarship levels. When we have 85 that will give us more depth and better able to compete every week. It will take some time but I would think we will start getting more high profile recruits. Just think if we would have listened to you the last time we made a move up we wouldnt have won the last 9 National Championships and created one of the greatest dynasties in football history.
  13. You guys said that before. Thats has really aged well hasnt it. LOL
  14. I didnt say anything about markets and I never said anything about all sports. I think youre talking to somebody else. But I will ask you a question---why do you people here have such a hard on about NDSU moving up?
  15. Most importantly you would need to get approval from the NCAA as they dont allow whole conferences to move up or teams to create a conference to move up.
  16. Yes there are a couple of businesses in Frisco that are Team Maker members They love us down there.
  17. The only way this happens is if the politicians get involved---again. Its the only reason we moved on from the original formats.
  18. Not the point.
  19. Did you let management know of the issues with your meal? If you dont bring issues to their attention they cant fix it.
  20. As I posted a few years back. Bubba will not take you to the promised land. \ His body of work more than shows that fact.
  21. At least get the tag line correct---- where the ag college is--- where the men are men , the women are too and the sheep are nervous.
  22. Does UND teach reading comprehension? Ive read this article and no where does it state RED potatoes. It mentions RRV potatoes. There is a reason you NEED a law school.
  23. Some potatoes are good for frying and some arent. I dont think Reds fall in to the frying category.
  24. I find this attitude very interesting. Before the rivalry was resumed the constant theme here about the game was how important the game was for ND. WE were rivals. It was the game everyone waited for. ETC ETC ETC. Now that the game is being played again and ND has been getting their butts pounded the game isnt a big deal.
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