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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. and maybe herbst can hire jerome beasley as director of operations (california connection) and myron allen as recruiting coordinator (texas connection)
  2. i'm in the herbst camp also...all u hear are good things about him.
  3. too lazy to do all the math involved but was hoping somone better at maths could figure it out for all of us!!
  4. u mean...here's some free land to build a golf course (that was still profitable) and then decide years later to build condos?...
  5. if heidi becomes pres and she doesn't get along with KEM can two women technically get into a pissing match?
  6. take the assistant to the und presidents job...she got 125k plus travel expenses to be a personal assistant...i know 10 people that could do that and they would do it for 65k (including myself) and the job would get done...maybe better or maybe worse (can't be that hard of a job).. talk about moving money from hockey to the "other sports"....if erik fabian was offerend the hc of the hockey team and they offered 200k...would he take it...YES...would he do better than hak or bubba...maybe better or maybe worse but the basketball progam could be much better off by around 200k?
  7. after reading the article on the heraldo...sounds like chaves already has his man...very specific qualifcations...
  8. shouldn't our video boards, cantina, and liquor sales offset the extra 500 fans they get more than us....
  9. wondered this for years...would love to hear it from the horses mouth (und pres or chaves) !!!!!!!!! instead of just guessing....how does a city like vermillion (usd) compared to und pay more...waaaaay more.
  10. as long as people with the right last names have their way brown will serve for another 24 years.
  11. free everything appeals to a lot of people nowadays.
  12. would we be in this position if the voters would have voted terry bjerke as mayor?
  13. didnt the hc and jones almost fight a couple years ago
  14. he's leaving to be head basketball coach at harding-baylor college in texas with coach pryor?
  16. like steve sarkisian...being an alcoholic is maybe a protected class now...maybe he should never even been fired...bring him back and let hardee finish what he started here...
  17. according to siouxperfan7 the athletic dept has the final say...you say it's brad berry? i say it's kristy mcgarry englestad
  18. u serious....jones, chaves, brew, kennedy, and pryor all wanted a hawk at mid court of the betty...guess who didn't want one? We didn't get a hawk at midcourt.
  19. zero chance the hockey team has a hawk on their chest as long as mcgarry is paying the bills...she wouldn't even allow it on the floor of the betty much less the men's hockey sweater...zeroooo chance
  20. seriously...i remember when they had 3 indoor blimps...great way of "no in your face advertising" between periods...plus dropping free coupons on your head was always fun....
  21. just wondering..i think i heard mooney (or Moody?) for texas tech transfered away from air force after one year...how does one transfer away from the military?
  22. not saying every year...maybe 1 in 4 so every freshman gets to see a little of rural america and visit the old main street cafes. and maybe sell a few season tix packages along the way.
  23. not sure...if they are it shows that no one knows that they are even doing it.
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