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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. your not crazy...they are for doing that and letting the bucknell !@#!$! spin it a certain way. journalism is dead
  2. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PG53bwd_jSULLtEU2LO0sU09Dd54coY1S1asvrPuvk0/edit?usp=sharing i've posted this before...this solves everything FBS/FCS your welcome
  3. se la gonna beat idaho we should've beat weber montana will hopefully lose to semo f'n big sky sucks
  4. agreed..just disagree about the route...i think se la went to a wr running down the seam..easy throw for their qb
  5. numbers sometimes lie...gifted a bogus td and scoring against a prevent d is easy to score agaist..where was the offense in first half.... but name danny's signature win as OC?
  6. se la just did the same play on fourth down and hit a guy wide open down the middle of the field..easy pitch and catch....next play td
  7. count me as not one that thinks danny is bubba's heir apparent....name one "good" team we've beaten with danny at oc minus the covid spring season?
  8. still wondering what kk was thinking on that 4th down...he literally was just staring and not moving or reacting...just literally pulled yanked on the guy....easy call..first down
  9. yeah kinda seems like we couldn't decide if we just wanted the first down or the home run hitter....even if he catches that throw he's probably tackled with a ten or 15 yard gain...
  10. it was more the angle of the route AND hoos.....weird angle running to the sideline...q had a ton of time.....easier to has hoos turn it hard to the sideline and pickup the first down or cut to the middle of the field and go for the big hitter AND may use red or isaiah who i'm assuming have more catches than hoos has this year...it's the down the chimney throw your asking a cold qb to make that aint that easy.
  11. journalism is dead...........
  12. true....and danny has those damn brain farts...3nd and 2 and really really need a first down..trickish play where you run q out and have him drop a touchy pass down the chinmeny to a rb that has how many catches this year? so weird and odd...and we punted.
  13. haha...yep...time is not an issue down 3 scores to a team we can't stop....take your damn time getting that yard.........
  14. do we punt down 21 if we face 4th down here around midfield...asking for a nicholls state fan
  15. more fg's please..............
  16. someone tell bubba you aint winningthis game kicking fg's......
  17. 5 years of coaching and that's what you do?????????????????????????????????????????????
  18. omg kk....just can't make this up
  19. one play...midfield nice
  20. kostitch is gonna kostitch
  21. need a td there.....
  22. jfc run the ball tommy...........he is so scared to run sometimes...it should be 3rd and five or so
  23. weather might slow them down
  24. will be funny if we win this and this is why....
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