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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. Toews is a very special player who is a lot of fun to watch. I hope he comes back to the Sioux with the same fire in his belly that he played with the 2nd half of the year last season.

  2. I've lived in Grand Forks for 15 years and worked for UND almost the entire time. I am proud of UND. I am proud of my community. And I am sickened that the NCAA Executive Committee, without even setting foot on campus, can slap the label of racism on my employer and the town in which my children were raised.

    The idea that all of us who live here and work day in and day out to make UND what it is and Grand Forks what it is are "hostile and abusive" to American Indians is patently absurd. It's wrong. It's not just a lie, it's damn hateful, dispicable lie.

    I apologize profusely for not being willing to bend over and take it in the rear so some of you can bask in glory of losing to Minnesota in football and basketball. And I'm terribly sorry that you're inconvenieced when I don't work myself into the same tizzy that you do by worrying about whether NDSU has played a freaking game against some DI school that UND hasn't played.

    Apparently my values are warped. Apparently I'm the one who lacks perspective and doesn't know what's important. I mean, what the hell is more important than a game? What the hell is more important than being entertained on a Saturday afternoon for a few hours?

    Just go ahead and cave into the hypersenstive, literal-minded, race-baiting, forever-offended people of the world because, after all, when this is over and UND is playing pretend DI football, they'll be the ones you can count on to support your next leap to athletic glory. You will be their heroes.

    Great post PCM, I couldn't agree more. I would have liked to written these same thoughts, but I'm not as good at doing it as you are.

  3. I would love to see Winnipeg and Hartford get hockey teams back. I guess the MTS Centre is too small for NHL? I don't understand that, but it's a possibility.

    The MTS Centre website lists the seating for a hockey game at 15,015. That is pretty small for an NHL venue.

  4. Though it is "interesting" (but not surprising) to see certain Sioux "fans" taking potshots at their own team like that. Oh well.

    Pointing out that Tech swept UND at home is taking a "potshot"? How is that?

    I guess I along with many others aren't Sioux "fans" because we might say something negative about a sweep at home by Tech.

  5. Don't forget it's final exam time and he may have found that academics and D1 hockey in combination is a little more challenging than what he was expecting.

    I'm sure he was thinking of doing this before finals.

  6. . Test, I've heard the players have morning classes, but this is finals time and maybe one caused him to miss a practice. Specifically if he was making a test up from a previous road trip.

    I highly doubt this would cause him to be scratched for the whole weekend.

  7. Could part of the Bucky goalie success be attributed to the defensive/conservative style that they play?

    Also, doesn't there seem to be a disproportionate amount of odd-man rushes being given up by the Sioux this season. In years past it seemed that there would be 4 or 5 per game by each team. This year the opponents are still getting their 4-5 but UND is averaging maybe half that. Let me add that I haven

  8. Hey, why didn't all of you get on the chat yesterday and really put the screws to him, be real men and tell him how it is? Cause you're a bunch of chickenshit's that's why.


  9. Does Commodore play more then 3 times a period? No

    Commodore is 2nd on the team in total ice time.

    This pretty much sums up your credibility on this issue.

  10. Lee still needs work and time to develop his game, but he is going to be a very solid player at the next level and the Senators saw that in him.

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