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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. The national committee is made up of eight members--two each from each of the four regional "advisory" committees. If we assume for the sake of argument that the northwest committee voted 5-2 to have UND at number 2; and that the national committee voted 8-0 to switch UND and UNO around, it would appear that Kevin Buisman (Mankato a.d.) and Butch Raymond (NSIC commish) have some explaining to do, since they're the two national committee members from the northwest. It seems to me that either they were the two "no" votes from the regional committee vote and did an "end around" to get their own way, or else they're rather easily influenced.

    very interesting for sure

  2. I have a question, I believe that the sioux shop used to have back issues of Sioux Illustrated. Are they not doing that anymore or what is going on? Which, come to think of it, I haven't seen a new issue yet this year. Has there been one or did something happen to that?

    It has been cancelled. I got a letter a couple weeks ago, along with a check that refunded a portion of my subscription. It will now be an online magazine.

  3. I'm talking about the Sioux/Gopher third place game two years ago where he mentioned something about "pride" and also the Spirko goal in that game where he was certainly complimentary of the play that had just been made.

    Sorry MM, but because you can point out a couple instances where he was complimentary to the Sioux doesn't change my mind on Woog one bit. Every year, he makes jabs at North Dakota in games where the Gophers aren't even playing the Sioux. Whether it is the phantom assists thing he is stuck on or this new instance, he has some sort of complex about the Sioux program.

  4. I don't know why I feel this way about our best chance in being Gregoire, but I just have a hunch that Nash is going to join his brother in Cornell and Bruneteau is going to go to UW (I can't even tell you why I think that!).

    I don't know what will happen, but my gut has never been right before! (My gut last told me that Kessel was going to Michigan).

    thanks for the insight

  5. I do think it's strange that some rabid college hockey fans insist that fighting "is part of the game."

    I don't think it is strange that college hockey fans also believe that fighting "is part of the game."

    Do I watch the NHL hoping there is a fight? Absolutely not, but I'm a fan of both games (pro and college) and appreciate the different aspects of all levels.

    Just my thoughts.....

  6. Yea, I know of one:



    I typed in that address and it doesn't come up........................ ;)

  7. These polls are bull$hit. Bottom line is win and everything takes care of itself. No matter who is in goal, who is scoring goals, and if it is an ugly win, just win.

    Exactly...............you won't find many who will disagree with you on this.

  8. Jim Antes asked about funding from student fees? Tom Buning said there has been no movement on student fees to date. He did state that if students paid an additional $46 per semester in student fees, it would generate over $1,000,000 in revenue for Athletics.

    The one problem I have is you know people will say that an additional $46 per student is not that big of a deal and it obviously isn't a whole lot of money, but after it is raised that much, a year or so down the road they might say the same thing and look at raising it that much more.

  9. Grand Forks pre-flood is a city that was well situated to look at its glorious past, and slide away into oblivion.

    Grand Forks post-flood is a city that finally realized what it can accomplish when challenged, and is finally believing in itself and reaching for more.

    The city lost some irreplacable things; the city didn't have an easy experience; which city is better?

    Grand Forks post flood.

    Great assessment Sic.......

  10. I went to UND from 2001-2005 and I have the Ralph opening night puck as well as the 2002-2003 puck, the 2003-2004 puck and the 2004-2005 puck, but was wondering if they had a 2001-2002 puck other than the opening night puck and if so, does anyone have an extra one of these they would be willing to sell?

    Also, I was wondering if anyone has an extra 2005-2006 hockey puck that they would be willing to sell, assuming they sold one?

    Also, do they have a 2006-2007 puck yet at the Sioux Shop? I looked online but did not see on on their website.

    Thanks a bunch for your help!

    I was at the siouxshop over the weekend and did not see the 2006-2007 puck and yes they did sell a 2005-2006 puck.

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