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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. Does anyone have any information on this game, I am going down to Grand Forks for it, Is anything special happeneing?

    What would anything special mean?

    It is homecoming weekend so there will be a lot of activities that go along with that (homecoming parade, banquets, etc) and the football game on saturday afternoon.

  2. What's comical about this whole situation is that the Bison fans like the author of the editorial piece act like they care about UND's financial situation when it's readily apparent that their underlying motive is that they don't want to see UND join them in DI. That's fine. But don't couch it like you're a concerned citizen looking out for UND's finances. The stated "concern" rings hollow and that's why nobody takes it seriously.

    Well said mksioux. I love it when an argument is prefaced with "I'm just concerned" or "I'm not talking smack". When I see those phrases, it generally means there is going to be smack talked from someone who is not concerned about UND's well being at all.

  3. Obviously, none of us could possibly know what's going on with those deliberations as we speak. But if I were a betting man, I'd say that there are one or two jurors that don't have the stomach to impose a death sentence. I hope I'm wrong.

    I agree with your assessment. It definitely is looking that way with the time they are taking, however a man's life is at stake so maybe they are being very diligent and are thoroughly examining all the evidence.

  4. Media: FSSN is a great resource; I'm not disputing that. Question though: Other than hockey and football, what else is televised? I honestly don't know. I do know that since the Fargodome's production capabilites were upgraded, NDSU now webcasts and archives almost all of its home contests in most sports. There's still work to do, but with the archiving, I'd take GoBison.com over FSSN. Your mileage may vary, though.

    Talk to any objective Bison fan/alumnus and they would love something like FSSN.

    GoBison.com's webcasts and archives is definitely a great feature and an area that UND needs to greatly improve in.

  5. Every day in the Mpls. Tribune they bring out more on this guy. Today they reported the prosecution's closing argument where he stated that Dru was forced to walk to that ravine, naked from the waist down, already sexually assaulted, hands tied behind her back, a knife wound already in her side, freezing cold, and a cloth hood over her head.

    That is readily available information that is printed in the Fargo Forum, Grand Forks Herald, Bismarck Tribune, etc, on a daily basis. We do have newspapers here in Nodak if you can believe it.

  6. The Muslim groups may have had a few years head start, but the Christian groups are doing their best to catch up. Hey, if it works for them...

    I see that PCM posted about this already, but this statement is outrageous.

    Thankfully our government punishes religious extremists in this country when they break the law, the same cannot be said for many in the Middle East.

    I'm not sure where you are getting the majority of your news from, but Al-Jazeera might not be the most objective source.

  7. Quite frankly, if Genoway is turning heads so far in practice, then we may have more depth at D than I first thought.

    Chorney, Lee, Jones, Finley isn't depth? Throw Bina in there and we are not talking about 6 brand new D-men.

  8. They moved it? When I saw SSM play a few years back it was on the main rink.

    Almost all the games in the past tourney are played on the Olympic ice, with the exception of some of the other games being played on the main ice, but I'm sure it depends on several factors, including who needs the ice.

  9. OMG! If his orbital socket is fractured, this can be a potentially life threatening injury. I would file charges against the A$$Hole!

    I would like to hear a little more about what his going on and what happened before we start talking about filing charges.

  10. It's true that right now Muslim extremists are probably more dangerous. But you know there are some extremist Christian groups out there too. Blowing up abortion clinics has happened in our fair land.

    I keep hearing this comparison being made, but can someone give me a number of how many abortion clinics have been blown up over the last 5 years?

    Compare that number to the number of instances Muslim extremists have used car bombs, strapped bombs to themselves, and detonated the bombs in open markets and various places throughout the world.

  11. Of Oshie's 45 points, Zajac was involved in 14 of them, Toews 7 and Stafford 3. It only makes sense that Zajac had the most points of the three because he played on the same line as T.J. for a large part of the season. But it also means Oshie had 21 points in which neither Zajac, Stafford nor Toews were involved.

    It is as if the people who put that list together, just assumed Oshie was playing on the same line with those guys every game. These lists are fun to read and talk about, informative, and most of the time are pretty accurate, but do not necessarily accurately portray each player.

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